AWS IoT Device SDK C  202009.00
SDK for connecting to AWS IoT from a device using embedded C.

Description of demos used to illustrate various functionalities of MQTT libraries. They demonstrate the use of MQTT APIs to establish an MQTT session, subscribe to a topic filter, publish to a topic, receive incoming publishes, unsubscribe from a topic and disconnect the MQTT session.

The following demos are provided:

  • MQTT Basic TLS Demo
    Demo of an MQTT application that establishes a TLS connection with server-only authentication, and uses QoS 2 level of communication with broker.
  • MQTT Mutual Authentication Demo
    Demo of an MQTT application that establishes a TLS connection with both server and client authentication, and uses QoS 1 level of communication with broker.
  • MQTT Plaintext Demo
    Demo of an MQTT application that establishes a plaintext (no encryption) TCP connection with the server, and uses QoS 0 level of communication with broker.
  • MQTT Serializer Demo
    Demo of an MQTT application using only the MQTT serializer API to communicate at QoS 0 level with broker over a plaintext (no encryption) TCP connection.
  • MQTT Subscription Manager Demo
    Demo of an MQTT application that subscribes to multiple topic filters using a subscription manager to manage multiple subscriptions, register different callbacks for each subscription, and handle wildcard topics. It establishes a TLS connection with server-only authentication, and communicates at QoS 1 level with the broker.
  • AWS IoT Device Shadow Demo
    Demo application that uses the AWS IoT Device Shadow library, MQTT Client library, and JSON library to interact with the AWS IoT Device Shadow service.