Package-level declarations


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data class Attendee(val AttendeeId: String, val ExternalUserId: String, val JoinToken: String)
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data class CreateAttendeeResponse(val Attendee: Attendee)
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data class CreateMeetingResponse(val Meeting: Meeting)
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class DefaultMeetingSession @JvmOverloads constructor(val configuration: MeetingSessionConfiguration, val logger: Logger, context: Context, eglCoreFactory: EglCoreFactory = DefaultEglCoreFactory(), eventReporterFactory: EventReporterFactory = DefaultMeetingEventReporterFactory( context, IngestionConfiguration( MeetingEventClientConfiguration(configuration.credentials.joinToken, configuration.meetingId, configuration.credentials.attendeeId), configuration.urls.ingestionURL ?: "", configuration.urls.ingestionURL.isNullOrEmpty() ), logger )) : MeetingSession
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data class MediaPlacement @JvmOverloads constructor(val AudioFallbackUrl: String, val AudioHostUrl: String, val SignalingUrl: String, val TurnControlUrl: String, val EventIngestionUrl: String? = null)
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data class Meeting(val ExternalMeetingId: String?, val MediaPlacement: MediaPlacement, val MediaRegion: String, val MeetingId: String, val MeetingFeatures: MeetingFeatures)
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data class MeetingFeatures(val videoMaxResolution: VideoResolution = VideoResolution.VideoResolutionHD, val contentMaxResolution: VideoResolution = VideoResolution.VideoResolutionFHD)
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interface MeetingSession

MeetingSession contains everything needed for the attendee to authenticate, reach the meeting service, start audio, and start video

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data class MeetingSessionConfiguration(val meetingId: String, val externalMeetingId: String?, val credentials: MeetingSessionCredentials, val urls: MeetingSessionURLs, val features: MeetingFeatures = MeetingFeatures())

MeetingSessionConfiguration includes information needed to start the meeting session such as attendee credentials and URLs for audio and video

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data class MeetingSessionCredentials(val attendeeId: String, val externalUserId: String, val joinToken: String)

MeetingSessionCredentials includes the credentials used to authenticate the attendee on the meeting

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data class MeetingSessionStatus(val statusCode: MeetingSessionStatusCode?)

MeetingSessionStatus indicates a status received regarding the session.

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MeetingSessionStatusCode provides additional details for the MeetingSessionStatus received for a session.

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data class MeetingSessionURLs @JvmOverloads constructor(_audioFallbackURL: String, _audioHostURL: String, _turnControlURL: String, _signalingURL: String, val urlRewriter: URLRewriter, _ingestionURL: String? = null)

MeetingSessionURLs contains the URLs that will be used to reach the meeting service.

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typealias URLRewriter = (url: String) -> String

URLRewriter Function to transform URLs. Use this to rewrite URLs to traverse proxies.


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The default implementation returns the original URL unchanged.