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Structured types

Structured types of the BLE library. More...

Data Structures

struct  IotBleAdvertisementParams_t
 Structure containing all advertisement parameters. More...
struct  IotBleConnectionParam_t
 Connection parameters. More...
struct  IotBleConnectionInfoListElement_t
 Contains the connection info. Return when requested by IotBleGetConnectionInfoList. More...
struct  IotBleReadEventParams_t
 Parameters for read event. More...
struct  IotBleWriteEventParams_t
 Parameters for write event. More...
struct  IotBleExecWriteEventParams_t
 Parameters for write executed event. More...
struct  IotBleRespConfirmEventParams_t
 Parameters for confirmation response event. More...
struct  IotBleIndicationSentEventParams_t
 Parameters for indication sent event. More...
struct  IotBleAttributeEvent_t
 BLE Attribute event. More...
struct  IotBleAttributeData_t
 Basic info contained in an attribute. This is common to all attributes. More...
struct  IotBleEventResponse_t
 BLE Event response. More...
union  IotBleEventsCallbacks_t
 BLE events not directly triggered by a function call. Most of them are triggered by a remote device message. More...
struct  IotBleListNetworkRequest_t
 List Network request sent by the GATT client to list saved and scanned networks. More...
struct  IotBleAddNetworkRequest_t
 Sent by the GATT client to provision a new WiFi network. More...
struct  IotBleEditNetworkRequest_t
 Sent by the GATT client to change the saved WiFi networks priority order. More...
struct  IotBleDeleteNetworkRequest_t
 Sent by the GATT client to delete a saved WIFI network from flash. More...
struct  IotBleWifiNetworkInfo_t
 Response type used to send a WIFI network. More...
struct  IotBleWifiProvService_t
 Structure used for WiFi provisioning service. More...

Detailed Description

Structured types of the BLE library.