FreeRTOS: HTTPS Client
HTTPS Client v1.0.0 library
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Configuration settings of the HTTPS Client library.
Configuration settings are C pre-processor constants. They can be set with a #define in the iot_config.h or by using a compiler option such as -D in gcc. If a configuration setting is not defined, the library will use a "sensible" default value (unless otherwise noted). Because they are compile-time constants, a library must be rebuilt if a configuration setting is changed.



Set this to 1 to enable anonymous metrics reporting to AWS IoT.

Metrics allow AWS IoT to prioritize engineering resources based on SDK usage. SDK name and version are reported; no personal or identifying information is reported.

Possible values: 0 (metrics reporting disabled) or 1 (metrics reporting enabled)
Recommended values: 1
Default value (if undefined): 1


The name of the application type, operating system, software vendor, or software version of the requesting software agent.

This configuration will dictate the header value written to required header field "User-Agent". This value is written when the request is initialized with IotHttpsClient_InitializeRequest.

Possible values: Any string.
Default value (if undefined): "amazon-freertos"


Set the log level of the HTTPS Client library.

Log messages from the HTTPS Client library at or below this setting will be printed.

Possible values: One of the logging_constants_levels.
Default value (if undefined): IOT_LOG_LEVEL_GLOBAL; if that is undefined, then IOT_LOG_NONE.


The size of a buffer instantiated in stack to flush the socket of the rest of possible unread response.

Possible values: Any positive integer.
Default value (if undefined): 1024


The time in milliseconds to wait for a response from the network before timing out.

Possible values: Any positive integer.
Default value (if undefined): 1000


The maximum length of the DNS resolvable host name string allowed to be configured in IotHttpsConnectionInfo_t.pAddress.

An array of this length is allocated on stack during IotHttpsClient_Connect.

Possible values: Any positive integer.
Recommended values: It is recommended that this be less or equal to 255. 255 is the maximum host length according to FQDN.
Default value (if undefined): 255


The maximum length of the ALPN protocols names string allowed to be configured in IotHttpsConnectionInfo_t.pAlpnProtocols.

An array of this length is allocated on stack during IotHttpsClient_Connect.

Possible values: Any positive integer.
Default value (if undefined): 255