FreeRTOS: Platform
Platform portability layer
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[detail level 123]
 ConfigurationConfiguration settings of the platform layer.
Configuration settings are C pre-processor constants. They can be set with a #define in the iot_config.h or by using a compiler option such as -D in gcc. If a configuration setting is not defined, the library will use a "sensible" default value (unless otherwise noted). Because they are compile-time constants, a library must be rebuilt if a configuration setting is changed
 ClockTime-related functions used by libraries in this SDK.
 Thread ManagementThreading and synchronization functions used by libraries in this SDK.
 NetworkingAbstraction of network functions used by libraries in this SDK.
 MetricsFunctions for retrieving Device Defender metrics.
 AtomicsAtomic operations: small inlined functions used for atomically manipulating memory
 FunctionsFunctions of the platform layer library.

The platform layer library consists of the following functions
 ClockFunctions of the platform clock component library.

The platform clock component library consists of the following functions
 IotClock_GetTimestringGenerates a human-readable timestring, such as "01 Jan 2018 12:00".
 IotClock_GetTimeMsReturns a nonzero, monotonically-increasing system time in milliseconds.
 IotClock_SleepMsDelay for the given number of milliseconds.
 IotClock_TimerCreateCreate a new timer.
 IotClock_TimerDestroyFree resources used by a timer.
 IotClock_TimerArmArm a timer to expire at the given relative timeout.
 NetworkingFunctions of the network abstraction component
 IotNetworkInterface_t::createCreate a new network connection.
 IotNetworkInterface_t::setReceiveCallbackRegister an IotNetworkReceiveCallback_t.
 IotNetworkInterface_t::sendSend data over a return connection.
 IotNetworkInterface_t::receiveBlock and wait for incoming network data.
 IotNetworkInterface_t::receiveUptoRead incoming data available in the network buffers.
 IotNetworkInterface_t::closeClose a network connection.
 IotNetworkInterface_t::destroyFree resources used by a network connection.
 IotNetworkReceiveCallback_tProvide an asynchronous notification of incoming network data.
 Thread ManagementFunctions of the platform thread management library.

The platform thread management library consists of the following functions
 Iot_CreateDetachedThreadCreate a new detached thread, i.e. a thread that cleans up after itself.
 IotMutex_CreateCreate a new mutex.
 IotMutex_DestroyFree resources used by a mutex.
 IotMutex_LockLock a mutex. This function should only return when the mutex is locked; it is not expected to fail.
 IotMutex_TryLockAttempt to lock a mutex. Return immediately if the mutex is not available.
 IotMutex_UnlockUnlock a mutex. This function should only return when the mutex is unlocked; it is not expected to fail.
 IotSemaphore_CreateCreate a new counting semaphore.
 IotSemaphore_DestroyFree resources used by a semaphore.
 IotSemaphore_GetCountQuery the current count of the semaphore.
 IotSemaphore_WaitWait on (lock) a semaphore. This function should only return when the semaphore wait succeeds; it is not expected to fail.
 IotSemaphore_TryWaitAttempt to wait on (lock) a semaphore. Return immediately if the semaphore is not available.
 IotSemaphore_TimedWaitAttempt to wait on (lock) a semaphore with a timeout.
 IotSemaphore_PostPost to (unlock) a semaphore. This function should only return when the semaphore post succeeds; it is not expected to fail.
 MetricsFunctions of the platform metrics component library.

The platform metrics component library consists of the following functions
 IotMetrics_InitOne-time initialization function for the platform metrics component.
 IotMetrics_CleanupOne-time deinitialization function for the platform metrics component.
 IotMetrics_GetTcpConnectionsRetrieve a list of active TCP connections from the system.