Platform portability layer
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Configuration | Configuration settings of the platform layer. Configuration settings are C pre-processor constants. They can be set with a # in the iot_config.h or by using a compiler option such as -D in gcc. If a configuration setting is not defined, the library will use a "sensible" default value (unless otherwise noted). Because they are compile-time constants, a library must be rebuilt if a configuration setting is changed |
Clock | Time-related functions used by libraries in this SDK. |
Thread Management | Threading and synchronization functions used by libraries in this SDK. |
Networking | Abstraction of network functions used by libraries in this SDK. |
Metrics | Functions for retrieving Device Defender metrics. |
Atomics | Atomic operations: small inlined functions used for atomically manipulating memory |
▼Functions | Functions of the platform layer library. The platform layer library consists of the following functions |
▼Clock | Functions of the platform clock component library. The platform clock component library consists of the following functions |
IotClock_GetTimestring | Generates a human-readable timestring, such as "01 Jan 2018 12:00". |
IotClock_GetTimeMs | Returns a nonzero, monotonically-increasing system time in milliseconds. |
IotClock_SleepMs | Delay for the given number of milliseconds. |
IotClock_TimerCreate | Create a new timer. |
IotClock_TimerDestroy | Free resources used by a timer. |
IotClock_TimerArm | Arm a timer to expire at the given relative timeout. |
▼Networking | Functions of the network abstraction component |
IotNetworkInterface_t::create | Create a new network connection. |
IotNetworkInterface_t::setReceiveCallback | Register an IotNetworkReceiveCallback_t. |
IotNetworkInterface_t::send | Send data over a return connection. |
IotNetworkInterface_t::receive | Block and wait for incoming network data. |
IotNetworkInterface_t::receiveUpto | Read incoming data available in the network buffers. |
IotNetworkInterface_t::close | Close a network connection. |
IotNetworkInterface_t::destroy | Free resources used by a network connection. |
IotNetworkReceiveCallback_t | Provide an asynchronous notification of incoming network data. |
▼Thread Management | Functions of the platform thread management library. The platform thread management library consists of the following functions |
Iot_CreateDetachedThread | Create a new detached thread, i.e. a thread that cleans up after itself. |
IotMutex_Create | Create a new mutex. |
IotMutex_Destroy | Free resources used by a mutex. |
IotMutex_Lock | Lock a mutex. This function should only return when the mutex is locked; it is not expected to fail. |
IotMutex_TryLock | Attempt to lock a mutex. Return immediately if the mutex is not available. |
IotMutex_Unlock | Unlock a mutex. This function should only return when the mutex is unlocked; it is not expected to fail. |
IotSemaphore_Create | Create a new counting semaphore. |
IotSemaphore_Destroy | Free resources used by a semaphore. |
IotSemaphore_GetCount | Query the current count of the semaphore. |
IotSemaphore_Wait | Wait on (lock) a semaphore. This function should only return when the semaphore wait succeeds; it is not expected to fail. |
IotSemaphore_TryWait | Attempt to wait on (lock) a semaphore. Return immediately if the semaphore is not available. |
IotSemaphore_TimedWait | Attempt to wait on (lock) a semaphore with a timeout. |
IotSemaphore_Post | Post to (unlock) a semaphore. This function should only return when the semaphore post succeeds; it is not expected to fail. |
▼Metrics | Functions of the platform metrics component library. The platform metrics component library consists of the following functions |
IotMetrics_Init | One-time initialization function for the platform metrics component. |
IotMetrics_Cleanup | One-time deinitialization function for the platform metrics component. |
IotMetrics_GetTcpConnections | Retrieve a list of active TCP connections from the system. |