AWS IoT Device SDK C: Jobs
AWS IoT Jobs library
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Set a callback to be invoked when the next pending Job changes.

const char * pThingName,
size_t thingNameLength,
uint32_t flags,
const AwsIotJobsCallbackInfo_t * pNotifyNextCallback );

The Jobs service publishes a NextJobExecutionChanged message to the jobs/notify-next topic whenever the next Job execution in the list of pending Job executions changes for a Thing. The message sent is useful for being notified of changes to the next Job.

A NOTIFY NEXT callback may be invoked whenever a message is published to jobs/notify-next. Each Thing may have up to AWS_IOT_JOBS_NOTIFY_CALLBACKS NOTIFY NEXT callbacks set. This function modifies the NOTIFY NEXT callback for a specific Thing depending on the pNotifyNextCallback parameter and the presence of any existing NOTIFY NEXT callback.

  • When no existing NOTIFY NEXT callback exists for a specific Thing, a new callback is added.
  • If there is an existing NOTIFY NEXT callback and pNotifyNextCallback is not NULL, then the existing callback function and parameter are replaced with pNotifyNextCallback.
  • If there is an existing NOTIFY NEXT callback and pNotifyNextCallback is NULL, then the callback is removed.

The member AwsIotJobsCallbackInfo_t::oldFunction must be used to select an already-registered callback function for replacement or removal when AWS_IOT_JOBS_NOTIFY_CALLBACKS is greater than 1. When multiple callbacks are set, all of them will be invoked when a message is received.

[in]mqttConnectionThe MQTT connection to use for the subscription to jobs/notify-next.
[in]pThingNameThe subscription to jobs/notify-next will be added for this Thing Name.
[in]thingNameLengthThe length of pThingName.
[in]flagsThis parameter is for future-compatibility. Currently, flags are not supported for this function and this parameter is ignored.
[in]pNotifyNextCallbackCallback function to invoke for incoming messages.
One of the following:
See also
AwsIotJobs_SetNotifyPendingCallback for the function to register callbacks for all pending Job changes.


#define THING_NAME "Test_device"
#define THING_NAME_LENGTH ( sizeof( THING_NAME ) - 1 )
// _jobsCallback will be invoked when any messages are received.
notifyNextCallback.function = _jobsCallback;
// Set the NOTIFY NEXT callback for the Thing "Test_device".
result = AwsIotJobs_SetNotifyNextCallback( mqttConnection,
&notifyNextCallback );
// Check if the callback was successfully set.
if( status == AWS_IOT_JOBS_SUCCESS )
// The callback will now be invoked whenever the next pending Job
// execution changes.
// Once the callback is no longer needed, it may be removed by passing
// NULL as the callback function and specifying the function to remove.
notifyNextCallback.function = NULL;
notifyNextCallback.oldFunction = _jobsCallback;
status = AwsIotJobs_SetNotifyNextCallback( mqttConnection,
&notifyNextCallback );
// The return value from removing a callback should always be success.
assert( status == AWS_IOT_JOBS_SUCCESS );