AWS IoT Device SDK C: Platform
Platform portability layer
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Generates a human-readable timestring, such as "01 Jan 2018 12:00".

bool IotClock_GetTimestring( char * pBuffer,
size_t bufferSize,
size_t * pTimestringLength );

This function uses the system clock to generate a human-readable timestring. This timestring is printed by the logging functions.

[out]pBufferA buffer to store the timestring in.
[in]bufferSizeThe size of pBuffer.
[out]pTimestringLengthThe actual length of the timestring stored in pBuffer.
true if a timestring was successfully generated; false otherwise.
The implementation of this function must not call any logging functions.


char timestring[ 32 ];
size_t timestringLength = 0;
if( IotClock_GetTimestring( timestring, 32, &timestringLength ) == true )
printf( "Timestring: %.*s", timestringLength, timestring );