AWS IoT Device SDK C: Static Memory
Statically-allocated buffer pools
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Static Memory Documentation

Common functions for managing static buffers. Only used when IOT_STATIC_MEMORY_ONLY is 1.

The static memory component manages statically-allocated buffers for other libraries that are used instead of dynamic memory allocation when IOT_STATIC_MEMORY_ONLY is 1. Using static memory only does not guarantee that memory allocation will always succeed; it's possible for all statically-allocated buffers to be in-use. However, static memory only can guarantee the availability of at least a certain amount of resources. Because space must be reserved for statically-allocated buffers, binaries compiled with static memory only will be larger.

This component primarily provides functions for libraries to manage static buffers, IotStaticMemory_FindFree and IotStaticMemory_ReturnInUse. By itself it provides "message buffers", intended to hold strings, such as log messages or bytes transmitted over a network.


Dependencies of the static memory component.

Static memory direct dependencies