IotSPIHandle_t | iot_spi_open (int32_t lSPIInstance) |
| Initializes SPI peripheral with default configuration. More...
void | iot_spi_set_callback (IotSPIHandle_t const pxSPIPeripheral, IotSPICallback_t xCallback, void *pvUserContext) |
| Sets the application callback to be called on completion of an operation. More...
int32_t | iot_spi_ioctl (IotSPIHandle_t const pxSPIPeripheral, IotSPIIoctlRequest_t xSPIRequest, void *const pvBuffer) |
| Configures the SPI port with user configuration. More...
int32_t | iot_spi_read_sync (IotSPIHandle_t const pxSPIPeripheral, uint8_t *const pvBuffer, size_t xBytes) |
| The SPI master starts reading from the slave synchronously. More...
int32_t | iot_spi_read_async (IotSPIHandle_t const pxSPIPeripheral, uint8_t *const pvBuffer, size_t xBytes) |
| The SPI master starts reading from the slave asynchronously. More...
int32_t | iot_spi_write_sync (IotSPIHandle_t const pxSPIPeripheral, uint8_t *const pvBuffer, size_t xBytes) |
| The SPI master starts transmission of data to the slave synchronously. More...
int32_t | iot_spi_write_async (IotSPIHandle_t const pxSPIPeripheral, uint8_t *const pvBuffer, size_t xBytes) |
| The SPI master starts transmission of data to the slave asynchronously. More...
int32_t | iot_spi_transfer_sync (IotSPIHandle_t const pxSPIPeripheral, uint8_t *const pvTxBuffer, uint8_t *const pvRxBuffer, size_t xBytes) |
| The SPI master starts a synchronous transfer between master and the slave. More...
int32_t | iot_spi_transfer_async (IotSPIHandle_t const pxSPIPeripheral, uint8_t *const pvTxBuffer, uint8_t *const pvRxBuffer, size_t xBytes) |
| The SPI master starts a asynchronous transfer between master and the slave. More...
int32_t | iot_spi_close (IotSPIHandle_t const pxSPIPeripheral) |
| Stops the ongoing operation on SPI bus and de-initializes the SPI peripheral. More...
int32_t | iot_spi_cancel (IotSPIHandle_t const pxSPIPeripheral) |
| This function is used to cancel the current operation in progress, if the underlying driver allows the cancellation. More...
int32_t | iot_spi_select_slave (int32_t lSPIInstance, int32_t lSPISlave) |
| This function is used to select spi slave. More...
File for the APIs of SPI called by application layer.