47#define CONST_STRLEN( s ) ( ( ( uint32_t ) sizeof( s ) ) - 1UL )
109 OtaAgentStateNoTransition = -1,
110 OtaAgentStateInit = 0,
112 OtaAgentStateRequestingJob,
113 OtaAgentStateWaitingForJob,
114 OtaAgentStateCreatingFile,
115 OtaAgentStateRequestingFileBlock,
116 OtaAgentStateWaitingForFileBlock,
117 OtaAgentStateClosingFile,
118 OtaAgentStateSuspended,
119 OtaAgentStateShuttingDown,
120 OtaAgentStateStopped,
128typedef enum OtaJobParseErr
130 OtaJobParseErrUnknown = -1,
131 OtaJobParseErrNone = 0,
132 OtaJobParseErrNullJob,
133 OtaJobParseErrUpdateCurrentJob,
134 OtaJobParseErrZeroFileSize,
135 OtaJobParseErrNonConformingJobDoc,
136 OtaJobParseErrBadModelInitParams,
137 OtaJobParseErrNoContextAvailable,
138 OtaJobParseErrNoActiveJobs
158typedef enum OtaJobEvent
178 JobStatusInProgress = 0,
182 JobStatusFailedWithVal,
194typedef struct OtaJobDocument
240 const void * pData );
252typedef struct OtaInterface
266typedef struct OtaAppBuffer
289typedef struct OtaAgentContext
393 const uint8_t * pThingName,
436 uint8_t unsubscribeFlag );
void(* OtaAppCallback_t)(OtaJobEvent_t eEvent, const void *pData)
OTA update complete callback function typedef.
Definition: ota.h:239
OTA Agent states.
Definition: ota.h:108
The OTA API return status. OTA agent error codes are in the upper 8 bits of the 32 bit OTA error word...
Definition: ota.h:73
The OTA platform interface main status.
Definition: ota_platform_interface.h:73
OTA Job callback events.
Definition: ota.h:159
OTA job document parser error codes.
Definition: ota.h:129
Gives the status of the job operation.
Definition: ota.h:177
OTA Image states.
Definition: ota_private.h:312
The OTA OS interface return status.
Definition: ota_os_interface.h:93
@ OtaErrInvalidDataProtocol
Job does not have a valid protocol for data transfer.
Definition: ota.h:87
@ OtaErrPanic
Unrecoverable Firmware error. Probably should log error and reboot.
Definition: ota.h:76
@ OtaErrUninitialized
The error code has not yet been set by a logic path.
Definition: ota.h:75
@ OtaErrNone
No error occurred during the operation.
Definition: ota.h:74
@ OtaErrDowngradeNotAllowed
Firmware version is older than the previous version.
Definition: ota.h:89
@ OtaErrAgentStopped
Returned when operations are performed that requires OTA Agent running & its stopped.
Definition: ota.h:78
@ OtaErrImageStateMismatch
The OTA job was in Self Test but the platform image state was not. Possible tampering.
Definition: ota.h:91
@ OtaErrMomentumAbort
Too many OTA stream requests without any response.
Definition: ota.h:88
@ OtaErrRequestJobFailed
Failed to request the job document.
Definition: ota.h:80
@ OtaErrJobParserError
An error occurred during job document parsing. See reason sub-code.
Definition: ota.h:86
@ OtaErrRequestFileBlockFailed
Failed to request file block.
Definition: ota.h:82
@ OtaErrInitFileTransferFailed
Failed to update the OTA job status.
Definition: ota.h:81
@ OtaErrNoActiveJob
Attempt to set final image state without an active job.
Definition: ota.h:92
@ OtaErrFailedToDecodeCbor
Failed to decode CBOR object from streaming service response.
Definition: ota.h:95
@ OtaErrSignalEventFailed
Failed to send event to OTA state machine.
Definition: ota.h:79
@ OtaErrCleanupControlFailed
Failed to clean up the control plane.
Definition: ota.h:83
@ OtaErrUpdateJobStatusFailed
Failed to update the OTA job status.
Definition: ota.h:85
@ OtaErrFailedToEncodeCbor
Failed to encode CBOR object for requesting data block from streaming service.
Definition: ota.h:94
@ OtaErrSameFirmwareVersion
Firmware version is the same as previous. New firmware could have failed to commit.
Definition: ota.h:90
@ OtaErrCleanupDataFailed
Failed to clean up the data plane.
Definition: ota.h:84
@ OtaErrInvalidArg
API called with invalid argument.
Definition: ota.h:77
@ OtaErrActivateFailed
Failed to activate the new image.
Definition: ota.h:96
@ OtaErrUserAbort
User aborted the active OTA.
Definition: ota.h:93
@ OtaJobEventStartTest
OTA job is now in self test, perform user tests.
Definition: ota.h:162
@ OtaJobEventSelfTestFailed
OTA self-test failed for current job.
Definition: ota.h:164
@ OtaJobEventUpdateComplete
OTA event when the update is completed.
Definition: ota.h:167
@ OtaJobEventFail
OTA receive failed. Unable to use this update.
Definition: ota.h:161
@ OtaJobEventReceivedJob
OTA event when a new valid AFT-OTA job is received.
Definition: ota.h:166
@ OtaJobEventParseCustomJob
OTA event for parsing custom job document.
Definition: ota.h:165
@ OtaJobEventActivate
OTA receive is authenticated and ready to activate.
Definition: ota.h:160
@ OtaJobEventProcessed
OTA event queued by OTA_SignalEvent is processed.
Definition: ota.h:163
OtaErr_t OTA_CheckForUpdate(void)
Request for the next available OTA job from the job service.
Definition: ota.c:3237
const char * OTA_JobParse_strerror(OtaJobParseErr_t err)
Error code to string conversion for OTA Job Parsing errors.
Definition: ota.c:3534
bool OTA_SignalEvent(const OtaEventMsg_t *const pEventMsg)
Signal event to the OTA Agent task.
Definition: ota.c:2922
const char OTA_JsonFileSignatureKey[OTA_FILE_SIG_KEY_STR_MAX_LENGTH]
The OTA signature algorithm string is specified by the PAL.
OtaErr_t OTA_ActivateNewImage(void)
Activate the newest MCU image received via OTA.
Definition: ota.c:3265
OtaErr_t OTA_GetStatistics(OtaAgentStatistics_t *pStatistics)
Get the statistics of OTA message packets.
Definition: ota.c:3224
OtaErr_t OTA_Suspend(void)
Suspend OTA agent operations .
Definition: ota.c:3366
OtaState_t OTA_GetState(void)
Get the current state of the OTA agent.
Definition: ota.c:3216
const char * OTA_Err_strerror(OtaErr_t err)
Error code to string conversion for OTA errors.
Definition: ota.c:3428
Definition: ota.h:50
OtaImageState_t OTA_GetImageState(void)
Get the state of the currently running MCU image.
Definition: ota.c:3355
void OTA_EventProcessingTask(void *pUnused)
OTA agent event processing loop.
Definition: ota.c:2907
const char * OTA_OsStatus_strerror(OtaOsStatus_t status)
Status code to string conversion for OTA OS status.
Definition: ota.c:3584
OtaErr_t OTA_SetImageState(OtaImageState_t state)
Set the state of the current MCU image.
Definition: ota.c:3301
OtaState_t OTA_Shutdown(uint32_t ticksToWait, uint8_t unsubscribeFlag)
Signal to the OTA Agent to shut down.
Definition: ota.c:3157
const char * OTA_PalStatus_strerror(OtaPalMainStatus_t status)
Status code to string conversion for OTA PAL status.
Definition: ota.c:3638
OtaErr_t OTA_Init(OtaAppBuffer_t *pOtaBuffer, OtaInterfaces_t *pOtaInterfaces, const uint8_t *pThingName, OtaAppCallback_t OtaAppCallback)
OTA Agent initialization function.
Definition: ota.c:3063
OtaErr_t OTA_Resume(void)
Resume OTA agent operations .
Definition: ota.c:3399
#define otaconfigMAX_THINGNAME_LEN
The maximum allowed length of the thing name used by the OTA agent.
Definition: ota_config_defaults.h:132
Contains OTA HTTP Statuses, function type definitions and http interface structure.
Contains OTA MQTT Statuses, function type definitions and mqtt interface structure.
Contains OTA OS Functional Interface statuses, type definitions and structures to store interface rou...
Macros, enums, variables, and definitions internal to the OTA Agent module and shared by other OTA mo...
Maximum size of the Job ID.
Definition: ota_private.h:107
The OTA agent is a singleton today. The structure keeps it nice and organized.
Definition: ota.h:290
OtaInterfaces_t * pOtaInterface
Definition: ota.h:303
uint32_t numOfBlocksToReceive
Definition: ota.h:300
uint8_t * pClientTokenFromJob
Definition: ota.h:297
uint32_t timestampFromJob
Definition: ota.h:298
OtaState_t state
Definition: ota.h:291
OtaAgentStatistics_t statistics
Definition: ota.h:301
OtaImageState_t imageState
Definition: ota.h:299
uint32_t fileIndex
Definition: ota.h:294
uint8_t unsubscribeOnShutdown
Definition: ota.h:305
uint32_t requestMomentum
Definition: ota.h:302
OtaAppCallback_t OtaAppCallback
Definition: ota.h:304
uint32_t serverFileID
Definition: ota.h:295
OtaFileContext_t fileContext
Definition: ota.h:293
This is the OTA statistics structure to hold useful info.
Definition: ota_private.h:289
OTA Application Buffer size information.
Definition: ota.h:267
uint16_t authSchemeSize
Maximum size of the auth scheme.
Definition: ota.h:281
uint8_t * pUpdateFilePath
Path to store the files.
Definition: ota.h:268
uint16_t urlSize
Maximum size of the URL.
Definition: ota.h:279
uint16_t updateFilePathsize
Maximum size of the file path.
Definition: ota.h:269
uint8_t * pAuthScheme
Authentication scheme used to validate download.
Definition: ota.h:280
uint8_t * pUrl
Presigned url to download files from S3.
Definition: ota.h:278
uint32_t decodeMemorySize
Maximum size of the decoded files buffer.
Definition: ota.h:275
uint16_t certFilePathSize
Maximum size of the certificate file path.
Definition: ota.h:271
uint8_t * pCertFilePath
Path to certificate file.
Definition: ota.h:270
uint8_t * pFileBitmap
Bitmap of the parameters received.
Definition: ota.h:276
uint8_t * pStreamName
Name of stream to download the files.
Definition: ota.h:272
uint8_t * pDecodeMemory
Place to store the decoded files.
Definition: ota.h:274
uint16_t fileBitmapSize
Maximum size of the bitmap.
Definition: ota.h:277
uint16_t streamNameSize
Maximum size of the stream name.
Definition: ota.h:273
Stores information about the event message.
Definition: ota_private.h:432
OTA File Context Information.
Definition: ota_private.h:380
OTA Event Interface structure.
Definition: ota_http_interface.h:130
OTA Interface for referencing different components.
Definition: ota.h:253
OtaPalInterface_t pal
OTA PAL callback structure.
Definition: ota.h:257
OtaMqttInterface_t mqtt
MQTT interface that references the publish subscribe methods and callbacks.
Definition: ota.h:255
OtaOSInterface_t os
OS interface to store event, timers and memory operations.
Definition: ota.h:254
OtaHttpInterface_t http
HTTP interface to request data.
Definition: ota.h:256
OTA Job document.
Definition: ota.h:195
size_t jobIdLength
Length of job ID in bytes.
Definition: ota.h:199
int32_t reason
Job status reason.
Definition: ota.h:203
uint32_t fileTypeId
File Type ID from the job document.
Definition: ota.h:200
const uint8_t * pJobDocJson
Job document in JSON format.
Definition: ota.h:196
OtaJobStatus_t status
Job status.
Definition: ota.h:202
int32_t subReason
Job status subreason.
Definition: ota.h:204
const uint8_t * pJobId
Job ID associated with the job document.
Definition: ota.h:198
OtaJobParseErr_t parseErr
Job parsing status.
Definition: ota.h:201
size_t jobDocLength
Job document length in bytes.
Definition: ota.h:197
OTA Event Interface structure.
Definition: ota_mqtt_interface.h:156
OTA OS Interface.
Definition: ota_os_interface.h:295
OTA pal Interface structure.
Definition: ota_platform_interface.h:292