Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CGGD_HostAddressData_tGreen Grass Core connection parameters
 CHostParameters_tInput from user to locate GGC inside JSON file
 CMQTTAgentCallbackParamsPassed by the library in the callback to inform the user of various events
 CMQTTAgentConnectParamsParameters passed to the MQTT_AGENT_Connect API
 CMQTTAgentPublishParamsParameters passed to the MQTT_AGENT_Publish API
 CMQTTAgentSubscribeParamsParameters passed to the MQTT_AGENT_Subscribe API
 CMQTTAgentUnsubscribeParamsParameters passed to the MQTT_AGENT_Unsubscribe API
 CMQTTBufferPoolInterfaceRepresents a subscription entry in the subscription manager
 CMQTTCallbackParamsThe parameters sent by the MQTT library in the user supplied callback
 CMQTTConnACKDataThe data sent by the MQTT library in the user supplied callback when a CONNACK message is received
 CMQTTConnectParamsMQTT Connect Parameters
 CMQTTContextRepresents one connection to an MQTT broker
 CMQTTDisconnectDataThe data sent by the MQTT library in the user supplied callback when the client is disconnected
 CMQTTInitParamsMQTT Init Parameters
 CMQTTPubACKDataThe data sent by the MQTT library in the user supplied callback when a PUBACK message is received
 CMQTTPublishDataThe data sent by the MQTT library in the user supplied callback when a publish message from the broker is received
 CMQTTPublishParamsMQTT Publish Parameters
 CMQTTRxMessageStateRepresents the state of the message currently being received
 CMQTTSubACKDataThe data sent by the MQTT library in the user supplied callback when a SUBACK message is received
 CMQTTSubscribeParamsMQTT Subscribe Parameters
 CMQTTTimeoutDataThe data sent by the MQTT library in the user supplied callback when an operation times out
 CMQTTUnSubACKDataThe data sent by the MQTT library in the user supplied callback when an UNSUBACK message is received
 CMQTTUnsubscribeParamsMQTT Unsubscribe Parameters
 CShadowCallbackParamsParameters to SHADOW_RegisterCallbacks
 CShadowCreateParamsParameters to pass into SHADOW_ClientCreate
 CShadowOperationParamsParameters for a Shadow API operation
 CSocketsSockaddrSocket address
 CWIFINetworkParams_tParameters passed to the WIFI_ConnectAP API for connection
 CWIFINetworkProfile_tWi-Fi network parameters passed to the WIFI_NetworkAdd API
 CWIFIScanResult_tWi-Fi scan results