CGGD_HostAddressData_t | Green Grass Core connection parameters |
CHostParameters_t | Input from user to locate GGC inside JSON file |
CMQTTAgentCallbackParams | Passed by the library in the callback to inform the user of various events |
CMQTTAgentConnectParams | Parameters passed to the MQTT_AGENT_Connect API |
CMQTTAgentPublishParams | Parameters passed to the MQTT_AGENT_Publish API |
CMQTTAgentSubscribeParams | Parameters passed to the MQTT_AGENT_Subscribe API |
CMQTTAgentUnsubscribeParams | Parameters passed to the MQTT_AGENT_Unsubscribe API |
CMQTTBufferPoolInterface | Represents a subscription entry in the subscription manager |
CMQTTCallbackParams | The parameters sent by the MQTT library in the user supplied callback |
CMQTTConnACKData | The data sent by the MQTT library in the user supplied callback when a CONNACK message is received |
CMQTTConnectParams | MQTT Connect Parameters |
CMQTTContext | Represents one connection to an MQTT broker |
CMQTTDisconnectData | The data sent by the MQTT library in the user supplied callback when the client is disconnected |
CMQTTInitParams | MQTT Init Parameters |
CMQTTPubACKData | The data sent by the MQTT library in the user supplied callback when a PUBACK message is received |
CMQTTPublishData | The data sent by the MQTT library in the user supplied callback when a publish message from the broker is received |
CMQTTPublishParams | MQTT Publish Parameters |
CMQTTRxMessageState | Represents the state of the message currently being received |
CMQTTSubACKData | The data sent by the MQTT library in the user supplied callback when a SUBACK message is received |
CMQTTSubscribeParams | MQTT Subscribe Parameters |
CMQTTTimeoutData | The data sent by the MQTT library in the user supplied callback when an operation times out |
CMQTTUnSubACKData | The data sent by the MQTT library in the user supplied callback when an UNSUBACK message is received |
CMQTTUnsubscribeParams | MQTT Unsubscribe Parameters |
CShadowCallbackParams | Parameters to SHADOW_RegisterCallbacks |
CShadowCreateParams | Parameters to pass into SHADOW_ClientCreate |
CShadowOperationParams | Parameters for a Shadow API operation |
CSig256_t | |
CSocketsSockaddr | Socket address |
CWIFINetworkParams_t | Parameters passed to the WIFI_ConnectAP API for connection |
CWIFINetworkProfile_t | Wi-Fi network parameters passed to the WIFI_NetworkAdd API |
CWIFIScanResult_t | Wi-Fi scan results |