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bt_hal_manager.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include "bt_hal_manager_types.h"

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Data Structures

struct  BTPinCode_t
 Bluetooth PinKey Code, Valid only for BT legacy. More...
struct  BTProperty_t
 Bluetooth Adapter Property data structure. More...
struct  BTOutOfBandData_t
 Bluetooth Out Of Band data for bonding. More...
struct  BTActivityEnergyInfo
 Energy info. More...
struct  BTUidTraffic_t
 UUID traffic info. More...
struct  BTCallbacks_t
 Bluetooth DM callback structure. More...
struct  BTInterface_t
 Represents the standard SAL device management interface. More...


#define btMAJOR_VERSION   5
 Incompatible API changes without backward compatibility.
#define btMINOR_VERSION   1
 Add new functionality with backward compatibility.
#define btPATCH_VERSION   0
 Make changes in the API with backward compatibility.
#define btSTR_HELPER(x, y, z)   # x "." # y "." # z
 Help functions to convert version to string.
#define btSTR(x, y, z)   btSTR_HELPER( x, y, z )
 Stringified version number.
#define btBLE_ADD_BLOB_SERVICE_SUPPORTED_BIT   0x0001 /** Support GATT server database decleration as a blob. */
#define btBLE_ADD_BLE_DYNAMIC_PRIVACY   0x0002 /** Stack can dynamicall enable or disable privacy. */
#define btBLE_BLE_CENTRAL_WHITELISTING   0x0004 /** Provide a mechanism to manage whitelist for Gatt server. */


typedef uint8_t BTSecurityLevel_t
typedef uint8_t BTAuthReq_t
typedef void(* BTDeviceStateChangedCallback_t) (BTState_t xState)
 Bluetooth state change Callback. Invoked on pxEnable/pxDisable. More...
typedef void(* BTDevicePropertiesCallback_t) (BTStatus_t xStatus, uint32_t ulNumProperties, BTProperty_t *pxProperties)
 GET/SET local device Properties callback. More...
typedef void(* BTRemoteDevicePropertiesCallback_t) (BTStatus_t xStatus, BTBdaddr_t *pxBdAddr, uint32_t ulNumProperties, BTProperty_t *pxProperties)
 GET/SET Remote Device Properties callback. Invoked on pxGetRemoteDeviceProperty, pxSetRemoteDeviceProperty, pxGetAllRemoteDeviceProperties. More...
typedef void(* BTPinRequestCallback_t) (BTBdaddr_t *pxRemoteBdAddr, BTBdname_t *pxBdName, uint32_t ulCod, uint8_t ucMin16Digit)
 Callback Invoked on Pin Request. More...
typedef void(* BTSspRequestCallback_t) (BTBdaddr_t *pxRemoteBdAddr, BTBdname_t *pxRemoteBdName, uint32_t ulCod, BTSspVariant_t xPairingVariant, uint32_t ulPassKey)
 Callback Invoked on SSP event. More...
typedef void(* BTPairingStateChangedCallback_t) (BTStatus_t xStatus, BTBdaddr_t *pxRemoteBdAddr, BTBondState_t xState, BTSecurityLevel_t xSecurityLevel, BTAuthFailureReason_t xReason)
 Bluetooth pairing state changed event callback. Invoked in response to create_bond, cancel_bond or remove_bond reason field is valid only in case of xStatus == eBTStatusFail. Invoked on pairing event. More...
typedef void(* BTEnergyInfoCallback_t) (BTActivityEnergyInfo *pxEnergyInfo, BTUidTraffic_t *pxUidData)
 Callback invoked on pxReadEnergyInfo. Invoked on pxReadEnergyInfo. More...
typedef void(* BTDutModeRecvCallback_t) (uint16_t usOpcode, uint8_t *pucBuf, size_t xLen)
 Bluetooth Test Mode Callback. Invoked when remote device uses pxDutModeSend. More...
typedef void(* BTLeTestModeCallback_t) (BTStatus_t xStatus, uint16_t usNumPackets)
 LE Test mode callbacks. Invoked on pxLeTestMode. More...
typedef void(* BTReadRssiCallback_t) (BTBdaddr_t *pxBda, uint32_t ulRssi, BTStatus_t xStatus)
 Read RSSI Callback. Invoked on pxReadRssi. More...
typedef void(* BTSlaveSecurityRequestCallBack_t) (BTBdaddr_t *pxBda, BTSecurityLevel_t xSecurityLevel, bool bBonding)
 Security request callback. Invoked on master from remote slave security request event. More...
typedef void(* BTTxPowerCallback_t) (BTBdaddr_t *pxBda, BTTransport_t xTransport, uint8_t ucTxPowerValue, BTStatus_t xStatus)
 TX power Callback. Invoked on pxGetTxpower. More...
typedef void(* BTBondedCallback_t) (BTStatus_t xStatus, BTBdaddr_t *pxRemoteBdAddr, bool bIsBonded)
typedef void(* BTAclStateChangedCallback_t) (BTStatus_t xStatus, const BTBdaddr_t *pxRemoteBdAddr, BTAclState_t xState, BTTransport_t xTransport, BTAclDisconnectReason_t xReason)
 Callback invoked in response to ACL connection state change. More...


enum  { eBTSecLevelNoSecurity = 0x01, eBTSecLevelUnauthenticatedPairing = 0x02, eBTSecLevelAuthenticatedPairing = 0x03, eBTSecLevelSecureConnect = 0x04 }
 Security Level. More...
enum  { eBTAuthReqBonding = 0x01, eBTAuthReqMitm = 0x03, eBTAuthReqSecureConnect = 0x04, eBTAuthReqKeyPress = 0x05 }
 Authentication requirement. More...
enum  BTTransport_t { BTTransportAuto = 0, BTTransportBredr = 1, BTTransportLe = 2 }
 Preferred physical Transport for GATT connection . More...
enum  BTState_t { eBTstateOff, eBTstateOn }
 Bluetooth power State. More...
enum  BTAuthFailureReason_t {
  eBTauthSuccess = 0x00, eBTauthFailLmpRespTimeout = 0x01, eBTauthFailKeyMissing = 0x02, eBTauthFailEncrypMode = 0x03,
  eBTauthFailUnitKey = 0x04, eBTauthFailSmpCfrmValue = 0x05, eBTauthFailSmpEnc = 0x06, eBTauthFailSmpTimeout = 0x07,
  eBTauthFailPageTimeout = 0x08, eBTauthFailSmpPasskeyFail = 0x09, eBTauthFailSmpOobFail = 0x0A, eBTauthFailSmpFail = 0x0B,
  eBTauthFailConnTimeout = 0x0C, eBTauthFailSmp = 0x0D, eBTauthFailSmpPairNotSupport = 0x0E, eBTauthFailSmpUnknownIo = 0x0F,
  eBTauthFailSmpUnknown = 0x10, eBTauthFailHostRejectSecurity = 0x11, eBTauthFailInsuffSecurity = 0x12, eBTauthFailPeerUser = 0x13,
  eBTauthFailUnspecified = 0x14, eBTauthFailSmpAuthReqFail = 0x15, eBTauthFailSmpEncKeySize = 0x16, eBTauthFailSmpCmdNotSupport = 0x17,
  eBTauthFailSmpRepeatedAttempt = 0x18, eBTauthFailSmpInvalidParameters = 0x19, eBTauthFailSmpDhkeyCheckFail = 0x1A, eBTauthFailSmpNumericComparFail = 0x1B,
  eBTauthFailSmpBrPairInProg = 0x1C, eBTauthFailSmpXtransDeriveNotAllow = 0x1D, eBTauthFailStackErr = 0x100, eBTauthFailHciErr = 0x200
 Authentication failure reasons. More...
enum  BTPropertyType_t {
  eBTpropertyBdname = 0x1, eBTpropertyBdaddr, eBTpropertyTypeOfDevice, eBTpropertyAdapterBondedDevices,
  eBTpropertyRemoteFriendlyName, eBTpropertyRemoteRssi, eBTpropertyRemoteVersionInfo, eBTpropertyLocalMTUSize,
  eBTpropertyBondable, eBTpropertyIO, eBTpropertyConnectable, eBTpropertySecureConnectionOnly
 Bluetooth local device and Remote Device property types. Properties common to both adapter and remote device. More...
enum  BTDeviceType_t { eBTdeviceDevtypeBredr = 0x1, eBTdeviceDevtypeBle, eBTdeviceDevtypeDual }
 Bluetooth Device Type. More...
enum  BTBondState_t { eBTbondStateNone, eBTbondStateBonding, eBTbondStateBonded }
enum  BTSspVariant_t { eBTsspVariantPasskeyConfirmation, eBTsspVariantPasskeyEntry, eBTsspVariantConsent, eBTsspVariantPasskeyNotification }
 Bluetooth SSP Bonding Variant. More...
enum  BTAclState_t { eBTaclConnected = 0, eBTaclDisconnected = 1 }
 Bluetooth ACL connection state. More...
enum  BTAclDisconnectReason_t {
  eBTaclSuccess = 0x00, eBTaclIllegalCommand = 0x01, eBTaclNoConnection = 0x02, eBTaclHwFailure = 0x03,
  eBTaclPageTimeout = 0x04, eBTaclAuthFailure = 0x05, eBTaclKeyMissing = 0x06, eBTaclMemFull = 0x07,
  eBTaclConnectionTimeout = 0x08, eBTaclMaxNumOfConnections = 0x09, eBTaclMaxNumOfScos = 0x0A, eBTaclConnectionExists = 0x0B,
  eBTaclCommandDisallowed = 0x0C, eBTaclHostRejectResource = 0x0D, eBTaclHostRejectSecurity = 0x0E, eBTaclHostRejectDevice = 0x0F,
  eBTaclHostTimeout = 0x10, eBTaclUnsupportedValue = 0x11, eBTaclIllegalParameterFmt = 0x12, eBTaclPeerUser = 0x13,
  eBTaclPeerLowResources = 0x14, eBTaclPeerPowerOff = 0x15, eBTaclHostUser = 0x16, eBTaclRepeatedAttempts = 0x17,
  eBTaclPairingNotAllowed = 0x18, eBTaclUnknownLmpPdu = 0x19, eBTaclUnsupportedRemFeature = 0x1A, eBTaclScoOffsetRejected = 0x1B,
  eBTaclScoIntervalRejected = 0x1C, eBTaclScoAirRejected = 0x1D, eBTaclInvalidLmpParam = 0x1E, eBTaclUnspecified = 0x1F,
  eBTaclUnsupportedLmpFeature = 0x20, eBTaclRoleChangeNotAllowed = 0x21, eBTaclLmpResponseTimeout = 0x22, eBTaclLmpErrTransCollision = 0x23,
  eBTaclLmpPduNotAllowed = 0x24, eBTaclEncryModeNotAcceptable = 0x25, eBTaclUnitKeyUsed = 0x26, eBTaclQosNotSupported = 0x27,
  eBTaclInstantPassed = 0x28, eBTaclPairingWithUnitKeyNotSupported = 0x29, eBTaclDiffTransactionCollision = 0x2A, eBTaclQosUnacceptableParam = 0x2C,
  eBTaclQosRejected = 0x2D, eBTaclChanClassifNotSupported = 0x2E, eBTaclInsuffcientSecurity = 0x2F, eBTaclParamOutOfRange = 0x30,
  eBTaclRoleSwitchPending = 0x32, eBTaclReservedSlotViolation = 0x34, eBTaclRoleSwitchFailed = 0x35, eBTaclInqRspDataTooLarge = 0x36,
  eBTaclSimplePairingNotSupported = 0x37, eBTaclHostBusyPairing = 0x38, eBTaclRejNoSuitableChannel = 0x39, eBTaclControllerBusy = 0x3A,
  eBTaclUnacceptConnInterval = 0x3B, eBTaclDirectedAdvertisingTimeout = 0x3C, eBTaclConnToutDueToMicFailure = 0x3D, eBTaclConnFailedEstablishment = 0x3E,
  eBTaclMacConnectionFailed = 0x3F
 Bluetooth ACL Disconnect Reason From Bluetooth Core Spec 5.0 Vol 2, Part D Error Codes Unknown disconnect reason will be treated as eBTaclUnspecified. More...


const BTInterface_tBTGetBluetoothInterface (void)