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enum | BTScanMode_t { eBTScanModeNone = 0,
eBTScanModeConnectable = 1,
eBTScanModeConnectableDiscoverable = 2
} |
| Bluetooth Adapter Visibility Modes. More...
enum | BTScanParam_t { eBTPageScanInterval220ms = 0,
eBTPageScanInterval1280ms = 1
} |
| Bluetooth scan parameters. More...
enum | BTDiscoveryState_t { eBTDiscoveryStopped = 0,
eBTDiscoveryStarted = 1
} |
| Bluetooth Adapter Discovery state. More...
enum | BTaclState_t { eBTaclStateConnected = 0,
eBTaclStateDisconnected = 1
} |
| Bluetooth ACL connection state. More...
enum | BTScanType_t { eBTScanTypeStandard = 0,
eBTScanTypeInterlaced = 1
} |
| Bluetooth Scan types. More...
enum | BTClassicPropertyType_t {
eBTPropertyBdname = 0x1,
eBTPropertyBdaddr = 0x2,
eBTPropertyTypeOfDevice = 0x3,
eBTPropertyUUIDS = 0x4,
eBTPropertyClassOfDevice = 0x5,
eBTPropertyServiceRecord = 0x6,
eBTPropertyAdapterDiscoveryTimeout = 0x7,
eBTPropertyAdapterScanMode = 0x8,
eBTPropertyEIRManfInfo = 0xFE,
eBTPropertyAdapterScanParam = 0x100,
eBTPropertyConnectability = 0x101,
eBTPropertyScanType = 0x102,
eBTPropertyGadgetEIRManfInfo = 0x103
} |
| Classic Device Property Types. More...