1 - agc


🧬 Launch and manage genomics workloads on AWS.

agc [flags]


  Displays the help menu for the specified sub-command.
  /code $ agc account --help


      --format string   Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
  -h, --help            help for agc
      --silent          Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose         Display verbose diagnostic information.
      --version         version for agc


  • agc account - Commands for AWS account setup. Install or remove AGC from your account.
  • agc completion - generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  • agc configure - Commands for configuration. Configuration is stored per user.
  • agc context - Commands for contexts. Contexts specify workflow engines and computational fleets to use when running a workflow.
  • agc logs - Commands for various logs.
  • agc project - Commands to interact with projects.
  • agc workflow - Commands for workflows. Workflows are potentially-dynamic graphs of computational tasks to execute.

2 - agc account

agc account

Commands for AWS account setup. Install or remove AGC from your account.


Commands for AWS account setup. AGC requires core infrastructure to be running in an account to function. These commands should be used to install or remove AGC from your AWS account.


  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
  -h, --help                help for account

Options inherited from parent commands

      --format string   Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent          Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose         Display verbose diagnostic information.


3 - agc account activate

agc account activate

Activate AGC in an AWS account.


Activate AGC in an AWS account. AGC will use your default AWS credentials to deploy all AWS resources it needs to that account and region.

agc account activate [flags]


Activate AGC in your AWS account with a custom S3 bucket and VPC.
/code $ agc account activate --bucket my-custom-bucket --vpc my-vpc-id


      --ami string            The AMI that will be used by all workflow compute environments deployed in all contexts.
      --bucket string         The name of an S3 bucket that AGC will use to store its data.
                              An autogenerated name will be used if not specified. A new bucket will be created if the bucket does not exist.
  -h, --help                  help for activate
      --subnets strings       The list of private subnet IDs to use when specifying a VPC to run in. May only be used with the 
                              '--vpc' flag. If not supplied then all private subnets of a VPC will be used as possible targets of compute infrastructure.
                              Each subnet must have access to AWS service endpoints e.g. using VPC Gateway Endpoints or via a route to the public internet.
                              Subnet names may be a comma separated list or supplied as repeated flags. (e.g. '--subnets subnet-1234 --subnets subnet-2345, subnet-3456')
      --tags stringToString   A list of comma separated tags to be applied to all AGC resources in this account
                              (e.g. --tags "k1=v1","k2=v2"). Each key-value pair must be quoted as shown in the example,
                              otherwise the parsing will fail. (default [])
      --usePublicSubnets      Do not create a NAT gateway or VPC endpoints, to lower operating costs. 
                              You must enable the usePublicSubnets option in your project context if you use this flag.
      --vpc string            The ID of a VPC that AGC will run in. 
                              A new VPC will be created if not specified.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc account - Commands for AWS account setup. Install or remove AGC from your account.

4 - agc account deactivate

agc account deactivate

Deactivate AGC in an AWS account.


Deactivate AGC in an AWS account. AGC will use your default AWS credentials to remove all core AWS resources it has created in that account and region. Deactivation may take up to 5 minutes to complete and return. Buckets and logs will be preserved.

agc account deactivate [flags]


Deactivate AGC in your AWS account.
/code $ agc account deactivate


  -f, --force   Force account deactivation by removing all resources associated with AGC.
                This includes project and context resources, even if they are running workflows.
                If not specified, only the core resources will be deleted if possible.
  -h, --help    help for deactivate

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc account - Commands for AWS account setup. Install or remove AGC from your account.

5 - agc completion

agc completion

generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell


Generate the autocompletion script for agc for the specified shell. See each sub-command’s help for details on how to use the generated script.


  -h, --help   help for completion

Options inherited from parent commands

      --format string   Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent          Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose         Display verbose diagnostic information.


6 - agc completion bash

agc completion bash

generate the autocompletion script for bash


Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell.

This script depends on the ‘bash-completion’ package. If it is not installed already, you can install it via your OS’s package manager.

To load completions in your current shell session: $ source <(agc completion bash)

To load completions for every new session, execute once: Linux: $ agc completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/agc MacOS: $ agc completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/agc

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.

agc completion bash


  -h, --help              help for bash
      --no-descriptions   disable completion descriptions

Options inherited from parent commands

      --format string   Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent          Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose         Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc completion - generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell

7 - agc completion fish

agc completion fish

generate the autocompletion script for fish


Generate the autocompletion script for the fish shell.

To load completions in your current shell session: $ agc completion fish | source

To load completions for every new session, execute once: $ agc completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/agc.fish

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.

agc completion fish [flags]


  -h, --help              help for fish
      --no-descriptions   disable completion descriptions

Options inherited from parent commands

      --format string   Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent          Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose         Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc completion - generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell

8 - agc completion powershell

agc completion powershell

generate the autocompletion script for powershell


Generate the autocompletion script for powershell.

To load completions in your current shell session: PS C:> agc completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

To load completions for every new session, add the output of the above command to your powershell profile.

agc completion powershell [flags]


  -h, --help              help for powershell
      --no-descriptions   disable completion descriptions

Options inherited from parent commands

      --format string   Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent          Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose         Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc completion - generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell

9 - agc completion zsh

agc completion zsh

generate the autocompletion script for zsh


Generate the autocompletion script for the zsh shell.

If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once:

$ echo “autoload -U compinit; compinit” » ~/.zshrc

To load completions for every new session, execute once:


$ agc completion zsh > “${fpath[1]}/_agc”


$ agc completion zsh > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_agc

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.

agc completion zsh [flags]


  -h, --help              help for zsh
      --no-descriptions   disable completion descriptions

Options inherited from parent commands

      --format string   Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent          Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose         Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc completion - generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell

10 - agc configure

agc configure

Commands for configuration. Configuration is stored per user.


Commands for configuration. Configure local settings and preferences to customize the CLI experience.


  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
  -h, --help                help for configure

Options inherited from parent commands

      --format string   Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent          Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose         Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc - 🧬 Launch and manage genomics workloads on AWS.
  • agc configure describe - Shows current configuration of the AGC setup for current user
  • agc configure email - Sets user email address to be used to tag AGC resources created in the account
  • agc configure format - Sets default format option for output display of AGC commands. Valid format options are ‘text’, ‘table’, or ‘json’

11 - agc configure describe

agc configure describe

Shows current configuration of the AGC setup for current user


Running this command reads current configuration file for AGC and prints out it content Output of the command has following format: CONFIG: FORMAT: Name USER: Email Id

agc configure describe [flags]


  -h, --help   help for describe

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc configure - Commands for configuration. Configuration is stored per user.

12 - agc configure email

agc configure email

Sets user email address to be used to tag AGC resources created in the account

agc configure email user_email_address [flags]


  -h, --help   help for email

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc configure - Commands for configuration. Configuration is stored per user.

13 - agc configure format

agc configure format

Sets default format option for output display of AGC commands. Valid format options are ‘text’, ‘table’, or ‘json’

agc configure format output_format [flags]


  -h, --help   help for format

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc configure - Commands for configuration. Configuration is stored per user.

14 - agc context

agc context

Commands for contexts. Contexts specify workflow engines and computational fleets to use when running a workflow.


Commands for contexts. Contexts specify workflow engines and computational fleets to use when running a workflow. Users can quickly switch between infrastructure configurations by specifying a particular context.


  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
  -h, --help                help for context

Options inherited from parent commands

      --format string   Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent          Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose         Display verbose diagnostic information.


15 - agc context deploy

agc context deploy

Deploy contexts in the current project


deploy is for deploying one or more contexts. It creates AGC resources in AWS.

Output of the command has following format: DETAIL: AccessLogGroupName BucketLocation EngineLogGroupName Status StatusReason WesLogGroupName WesUrl SUMMARY: IsSpot MaxVCpus Name ENGINE: Engine Type FILESYSTEM: FSType FSCONFIG: FSProvisionedThroughput STRING

agc context deploy {context_name ... | --all} [flags]


/code agc context deploy context1 context2


      --all               Deploy all contexts in the project
  -c, --context strings   Names of one or more contexts to deploy
  -h, --help              help for deploy

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc context - Commands for contexts. Contexts specify workflow engines and computational fleets to use when running a workflow.

16 - agc context describe

agc context describe

Show the information for a specific context in the current project


describe is for showing information about the specified context.

Output of the command has following format: CONTEXT: MaxVCpus Name RequestSpotInstances Status StatusReason INSTANCETYPE: Value OUTPUTLOCATION: Url WESENDPOINT: Url

agc context describe context_name [flags]


/code agc context describe myCtx


  -c, --context string   Names of one or more contexts to deploy
  -h, --help             help for describe

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc context - Commands for contexts. Contexts specify workflow engines and computational fleets to use when running a workflow.

17 - agc context destroy

agc context destroy

Destroy contexts in the current project.


destroy is for destroying one or more contexts. It destroys AGC resources in AWS.

agc context destroy {context_name ... | --all} [flags]


/code agc context destroy context1 context2


      --all               Destroy all contexts in the project
  -c, --context strings   Names of one or more contexts to destroy
      --force             Destroy context and stop running workflows within context
  -h, --help              help for destroy

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc context - Commands for contexts. Contexts specify workflow engines and computational fleets to use when running a workflow.

18 - agc context list

agc context list

List contexts in the project


list is for showing a combined list of contexts specified in the project specification.

Output of the command has following format: CONTEXTSUMMARY: EngineName Name

agc context list [flags]


  -h, --help   help for list

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc context - Commands for contexts. Contexts specify workflow engines and computational fleets to use when running a workflow.

19 - agc context status

agc context status

Show the status for the deployed contexts in the project


status is for showing the status for the deployed contexts in the project.

Output of the command has following format: INSTANCE: ContextName ContextReason ContextStatus IsDefinedInProjectFile

agc context status [flags]


/code agc context status


  -h, --help   help for status

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc context - Commands for contexts. Contexts specify workflow engines and computational fleets to use when running a workflow.

20 - agc logs

agc logs

Commands for various logs.


Commands for various logs. Logs can currently be listed for workflows, workflow engines, and various AGC infrastructure parts. You can also show the content of any CloudWatch log stream that you have access rights to.


  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
  -h, --help                help for logs

Options inherited from parent commands

      --format string   Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent          Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose         Display verbose diagnostic information.


21 - agc logs access

agc logs access

Show workflow access logs for a given context.


Show workflow access logs for a given context. If no start, end, or look back periods are set, this command will show logs from the last hour.

agc logs access -c context_name [-f filter] [-s start_date] [-e end_date] [-l look_back] [-t] [flags]


/code agc logs access -c myCtx -s 2021/3/31 -e 2021/4/1 -f ERROR


  -c, --context string     Name of context
  -e, --end string         A date to stop displaying logs.
                           Supports most date formats, such as mm/dd/yy or yyyy-mm-dd-07:00.
                           Times respect the system timezone.
  -f, --filter string      Match terms, phrases, or values in the logs.
                           Filters are case sensitive and multiple terms combine with AND logic.
                           Use a question mark for OR, such as "?ERROR ?WARN". Filter out terms with a minus, such as "-INFO".
  -h, --help               help for access
  -l, --look-back string   A period of time to look back from now, such as "2h45m".
                           Valid time units are "s", "m", and "h".
  -s, --start string       A date to begin displaying logs.
                           Supports most date formats, such as 2021/03/31 or 8/8/2021 01:00:01 PM.
                           Times respect the system timezone.
  -t, --tail               Follow the log output.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


22 - agc logs adapter

agc logs adapter

Show workflow adapter logs for a given context.


Show workflow adapter logs for a given context. If no start, end, or look back periods are set, this command will show logs from the last hour.

agc logs adapter -c context_name [-f filter] [-s start_date] [-e end_date] [-l look_back] [-t] [flags]


/code agc logs adapter -c myCtx -s 2021/3/31 -e 2021/4/1 -f ERROR


  -c, --context string     Name of context
  -e, --end string         A date to stop displaying logs.
                           Supports most date formats, such as mm/dd/yy or yyyy-mm-dd-07:00.
                           Times respect the system timezone.
  -f, --filter string      Match terms, phrases, or values in the logs.
                           Filters are case sensitive and multiple terms combine with AND logic.
                           Use a question mark for OR, such as "?ERROR ?WARN". Filter out terms with a minus, such as "-INFO".
  -h, --help               help for adapter
  -l, --look-back string   A period of time to look back from now, such as "2h45m".
                           Valid time units are "s", "m", and "h".
  -s, --start string       A date to begin displaying logs.
                           Supports most date formats, such as 2021/03/31 or 8/8/2021 01:00:01 PM.
                           Times respect the system timezone.
  -t, --tail               Follow the log output.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


23 - agc logs engine

agc logs engine

Show workflow engine logs for a given context.


Show workflow engine logs for a given context. If no start, end, or look back periods are set, this command will show logs from the last hour.

agc logs engine -c context_name [-r run_id] [-f filter] [-s start_date] [-e end_date] [-l look_back] [-t] [flags]


/code agc logs engine -c myCtx -r 1234-aed-32db -s 2021/3/31 -e 2021/4/1 -f ERROR


  -c, --context string     Name of context
  -e, --end string         A date to stop displaying logs.
                           Supports most date formats, such as mm/dd/yy or yyyy-mm-dd-07:00.
                           Times respect the system timezone.
  -f, --filter string      Match terms, phrases, or values in the logs.
                           Filters are case sensitive and multiple terms combine with AND logic.
                           Use a question mark for OR, such as "?ERROR ?WARN". Filter out terms with a minus, such as "-INFO".
  -h, --help               help for engine
  -l, --look-back string   A period of time to look back from now, such as "2h45m".
                           Valid time units are "s", "m", and "h".
  -r, --run-id string      filter to engine logs to this workflow run id
  -s, --start string       A date to begin displaying logs.
                           Supports most date formats, such as 2021/03/31 or 8/8/2021 01:00:01 PM.
                           Times respect the system timezone.
  -t, --tail               Follow the log output.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


24 - agc logs workflow

agc logs workflow

Show the task logs of a given workflow


Show the task logs of a given workflow. If the –run flag is omitted then the latest workflow run is used.

agc logs workflow workflow_name [-r run_id] [--failed_tasks] [flags]


      --all-tasks          Show logs of all tasks in the given workflow run
  -e, --end string         A date to stop displaying logs.
                           Supports most date formats, such as mm/dd/yy or yyyy-mm-dd-07:00.
                           Times respect the system timezone.
      --failed-tasks       Only show logs of tasks that have not exited cleanly.
  -f, --filter string      Match terms, phrases, or values in the logs.
                           Filters are case sensitive and multiple terms combine with AND logic.
                           Use a question mark for OR, such as "?ERROR ?WARN". Filter out terms with a minus, such as "-INFO".
  -h, --help               help for workflow
  -l, --look-back string   A period of time to look back from now, such as "2h45m".
                           Valid time units are "s", "m", and "h".
  -r, --run string         The ID of a workflow run to retrieve.
  -s, --start string       A date to begin displaying logs.
                           Supports most date formats, such as 2021/03/31 or 8/8/2021 01:00:01 PM.
                           Times respect the system timezone.
  -t, --tail               Follow the log output.
      --task string        The ID of a single task to retrieve.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


25 - agc project

agc project

Commands to interact with projects.


Commands to interact with projects. A project is a local configuration file that describes the workflows, data, and contexts you are working with.


  -h, --help   help for project

Options inherited from parent commands

      --format string   Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent          Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose         Display verbose diagnostic information.


26 - agc project describe

agc project describe

Describe a project


Describe is for describing the current project specification. The current project specification is determined to be the agc-project.yaml file in the current working directory or a parent of the current directory

Output of the command has following format: PROJECT: Name DATA: Location ReadOnly

agc project describe [flags]


/code agc project describe


  -h, --help   help for describe

Options inherited from parent commands

      --format string   Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent          Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose         Display verbose diagnostic information.


27 - agc project init

agc project init

Initialize current directory with a new empty AGC project for a particular workflow type.


Initialize current directory with a new empty AGC project for a particular workflow type. Project specification file ‘agc-project.yaml’ will be created in the current directory.

agc project init project_name --workflow-type {cwl|nextflow|snakemake|wdl} [flags]


Initialize a new project named "myProject".
/code $ agc project init myProject --workflow-type my_workflow_type


  -h, --help                   help for init
  -w, --workflow-type string   uses the specified workflow type for the default context. Valid values include [cwl nextflow snakemake wdl]

Options inherited from parent commands

      --format string   Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent          Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose         Display verbose diagnostic information.


28 - agc project validate

agc project validate

Validate an agc-project.yaml file


Determines if the current project specification follows the required format and lists any syntax errors. The current project specification is determined to be the agc-project.yaml file in the current working directory or a parent of the current directory Output of the command has following format: PROJECT: Name DATA: Location ReadOnly

agc project validate [flags]


/code agc project describe


  -h, --help   help for validate

Options inherited from parent commands

      --format string   Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent          Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose         Display verbose diagnostic information.


29 - agc workflow

agc workflow

Commands for workflows. Workflows are potentially-dynamic graphs of computational tasks to execute.


Commands for workflows. Workflows are potentially-dynamic graphs of computational tasks to execute.

Workflow specifications are files whose content specify a workflow to execute given a particular set of input parameters to use. Workflow specifications are typed according to which workflow definition language they use (e.g. WDL).


  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
  -h, --help                help for workflow

Options inherited from parent commands

      --format string   Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent          Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose         Display verbose diagnostic information.


30 - agc workflow describe

agc workflow describe

Show the information for a specific workflow in the current project


describe is for showing details on the specified workflow. It includes workflow specification and list of recent instances of that workflow. An instance is created every time we run a workflow.

Output of the command has following format: WORKFLOW: Name Source TypeLanguage TypeVersion

agc workflow describe workflow_name [--max_instances] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for describe

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc workflow - Commands for workflows. Workflows are potentially-dynamic graphs of computational tasks to execute.

31 - agc workflow list

agc workflow list

Show a list of workflows related to the current project


list is for showing a combined list of workflows defined in the project specification and workflow instances that were run in this AWS account.

Output of the command has following format: WORKFLOWNAME: Name

agc workflow list [flags]


  -h, --help   help for list

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc workflow - Commands for workflows. Workflows are potentially-dynamic graphs of computational tasks to execute.

32 - agc workflow output

agc workflow output

Show the output for a workflow run in the current project.

agc workflow output run_id [flags]


  -h, --help   help for output

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc workflow - Commands for workflows. Workflows are potentially-dynamic graphs of computational tasks to execute.

33 - agc workflow run

agc workflow run

Run a workflow


run is for running the specified workflow in the specified context. This command prints a run Id for the created workflow instance.

agc workflow run workflow_name --context context_name [flags]


Run the workflow named "myworkflow", against the "prod" context,
using input parameters contained in file "/home/ec2-user/myproj/workflows/myworkflow/myworkflow.inputs.json"
/code $ agc workflow run myworkflow --context prod --inputsFile workflows/myworkflow/myworkflow.inputs.json


  -c, --context string       Name of context
  -h, --help                 help for run
  -i, --inputsFile string    Inputs File Path
  -o, --optionsFile string   Options file to use.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc workflow - Commands for workflows. Workflows are potentially-dynamic graphs of computational tasks to execute.

34 - agc workflow status

agc workflow status

Show the status for workflow run(s) in the current project.

agc workflow status [flags]


  -c, --context-name string    show status of workflow runs in a specific context
  -h, --help                   help for status
      --limit int              maximum number of workflow instances to show (default 20)
  -r, --run-id string          show status of specific workflow run
  -n, --workflow-name string   show status of workflow runs for a specific workflow name

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc workflow - Commands for workflows. Workflows are potentially-dynamic graphs of computational tasks to execute.

35 - agc workflow stop

agc workflow stop

Stop the workflow with the specified workflow instance id.


Stop the workflow with the specified workflow instance id. Signals to the workflow engine that all running tasks of the workflow instance should be stopped and any pending tasks should be cancelled.

agc workflow stop workflow_instance_id [flags]


agc workflow stop ae12347654329


  -h, --help   help for stop

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --awsProfile string   Use the provided AWS CLI profile.
      --format string       Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent              Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose             Display verbose diagnostic information.


  • agc workflow - Commands for workflows. Workflows are potentially-dynamic graphs of computational tasks to execute.