Class ImageDevice

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class ImageDevice
    extends Device
    Image and video input sources must conform to this interface
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImageDevice

        public ImageDevice()
    • Method Detail

      • setRotation

        public abstract void setRotation​(float rotation)
        Sets the rotation of the ImageDevice.
        rotation - Rotation in radians
      • setRotation

        public void setRotation​(ImageDevice.Rotation rotation)
        Sets the rotation of the ImageDevice.
        rotation - Rotation enum
      • getPreviewView

        public abstract ImagePreviewView getPreviewView()
        Gets a ImagePreviewView that will display a preview of this device's contents. Warning: Using many ImagePreviewViews at once may result in performance degradation.
        BroadcastException - If unable to get preview view.
      • rotateOnConfigurationChanges

        public abstract void rotateOnConfigurationChanges​(boolean enable)
        Enables/disables rotations of this ImageDevice when the physical device is rotated. When this is enabled, the image source will be rotated to match configuration changes. This is often useful with camera devices, for example. When this is disabled, the image source will not be rotated to match configuration changes. This is often useful for custom image sources or if the camera ought to be locked to a particular orientation to match the application.
        enable - Whether this device should rotate on configuration changes (e.g. when the physical device is rotated).
      • willRotateOnConfigurationChanges

        public abstract boolean willRotateOnConfigurationChanges()
        Whether this ImageDevice will rotate on configuration changes.