Class RemoteVideoStats

  • @RequiresApi(api=28)
    public class RemoteVideoStats
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      long bytesReceived
      The total number of bytes received including retransmissions
      long firCount
      The total number of Full Intra Request(FIR) packets sent
      long frameHeight
      Represents the height of the last decoded frame
      long framesDecoded
      The total number of video frames correctly being decoded
      long framesDropped
      The total number of video frames dropped prior to decode
      long framesPerSecond
      The number of decoded frames during the last second
      long framesReceived
      The total number of video frames being received
      long frameWidth
      Represents the width of the last decoded frame
      long freezeCount
      The total number of video freezes experienced by receiver
      long headerBytesReceived
      The number of RTP header bytes received
      java.lang.Double jitterBufferDelay
      Represents the sum of time in seconds that packets buffered in jitter buffer
      long keyFramesDecoded
      The total number of video key frames correctly being decoded
      java.lang.String mime
      Mime type
      long nackCount
      The NACK count sent by SDK for receiving video
      QualityStats.NetworkQuality networkQuality
      The network quality associates with subscribing remote video
      long packetsLost
      The number of video RTP packets lost
      long packetsReceived
      The number of video RTP packets received
      long pauseCount
      The total number of video pauses experienced by receiver
      long pliCount
      The total number of Picture Loss Indication(PLI) packets sent
      java.lang.Double totalFreezesDuration
      The total duration of rendered frames which are considered frozen
      java.lang.Double totalPausesDuration
      The total duration of pauses in seconds
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • nackCount

        public final long nackCount
        The NACK count sent by SDK for receiving video
      • packetsReceived

        public final long packetsReceived
        The number of video RTP packets received
      • packetsLost

        public final long packetsLost
        The number of video RTP packets lost
      • bytesReceived

        public final long bytesReceived
        The total number of bytes received including retransmissions
      • headerBytesReceived

        public final long headerBytesReceived
        The number of RTP header bytes received
      • jitterBufferDelay

        public final java.lang.Double jitterBufferDelay
        Represents the sum of time in seconds that packets buffered in jitter buffer
      • framesReceived

        public final long framesReceived
        The total number of video frames being received
      • framesDecoded

        public final long framesDecoded
        The total number of video frames correctly being decoded
      • keyFramesDecoded

        public final long keyFramesDecoded
        The total number of video key frames correctly being decoded
      • framesDropped

        public final long framesDropped
        The total number of video frames dropped prior to decode
      • firCount

        public final long firCount
        The total number of Full Intra Request(FIR) packets sent
      • pliCount

        public final long pliCount
        The total number of Picture Loss Indication(PLI) packets sent
      • pauseCount

        public final long pauseCount
        The total number of video pauses experienced by receiver
      • totalPausesDuration

        public final java.lang.Double totalPausesDuration
        The total duration of pauses in seconds
      • freezeCount

        public final long freezeCount
        The total number of video freezes experienced by receiver
      • totalFreezesDuration

        public final java.lang.Double totalFreezesDuration
        The total duration of rendered frames which are considered frozen
      • frameWidth

        public final long frameWidth
        Represents the width of the last decoded frame
      • frameHeight

        public final long frameHeight
        Represents the height of the last decoded frame
      • framesPerSecond

        public final long framesPerSecond
        The number of decoded frames during the last second
      • mime

        public final java.lang.String mime
        Mime type