Class RemoteVideoStats


@RequiresApi(api=28) public class RemoteVideoStats extends Object
  • Field Details

    • networkQuality

      public final QualityStats.NetworkQuality networkQuality
      The network quality associates with subscribing remote video
    • nackCount

      public final long nackCount
      The NACK count sent by SDK for receiving video
    • packetsReceived

      public final long packetsReceived
      The number of video RTP packets received
    • packetsLost

      public final long packetsLost
      The number of video RTP packets lost
    • bytesReceived

      public final long bytesReceived
      The total number of bytes received including retransmissions
    • headerBytesReceived

      public final long headerBytesReceived
      The number of RTP header bytes received
    • jitterBufferDelay

      public final Double jitterBufferDelay
      Represents the sum of time in seconds that packets buffered in jitter buffer
    • framesReceived

      public final long framesReceived
      The total number of video frames being received
    • framesDecoded

      public final long framesDecoded
      The total number of video frames correctly being decoded
    • keyFramesDecoded

      public final long keyFramesDecoded
      The total number of video key frames correctly being decoded
    • framesDropped

      public final long framesDropped
      The total number of video frames dropped prior to decode
    • firCount

      public final long firCount
      The total number of Full Intra Request(FIR) packets sent
    • pliCount

      public final long pliCount
      The total number of Picture Loss Indication(PLI) packets sent
    • pauseCount

      public final long pauseCount
      The total number of video pauses experienced by receiver
    • totalPausesDuration

      public final Double totalPausesDuration
      The total duration of pauses in seconds
    • freezeCount

      public final long freezeCount
      The total number of video freezes experienced by receiver
    • totalFreezesDuration

      public final Double totalFreezesDuration
      The total duration of rendered frames which are considered frozen
    • frameWidth

      public final long frameWidth
      Represents the width of the last decoded frame
    • frameHeight

      public final long frameHeight
      Represents the height of the last decoded frame
    • framesPerSecond

      public final long framesPerSecond
      The number of decoded frames during the last second
    • mime

      public final String mime
      Mime type