Class LocalVideoStats


@RequiresApi(api=28) public class LocalVideoStats extends Object
  • Field Details

    • networkQuality

      public final QualityStats.NetworkQuality networkQuality
      The network quality associates with publishing local video
    • nackCount

      public final long nackCount
      The NACK count received by SDK for sending video
    • packetsSent

      public final long packetsSent
      The number of video RTP packets sent
    • retransmittedPacketsSent

      public final long retransmittedPacketsSent
      The number of video RTP packets retransmitted
    • bytesSent

      public final long bytesSent
      The total number of video bytes sent, and it includes retransmissions
    • headerBytesSent

      public final long headerBytesSent
      The number of RTP header bytes sent
    • retransmittedBytesSent

      public final long retransmittedBytesSent
      The number of retransmitted bytes
    • totalPacketSendDelay

      public final long totalPacketSendDelay
      The total number of seconds that RTP packets have bufferered locally
    • firCount

      public final long firCount
      The total number of Full Intra Request(FIR) packets received
    • pliCount

      public final long pliCount
      The total number of Picture Loss Indication(PLI) packets received
    • framesEncoded

      public final long framesEncoded
      The number of video frames encoded
    • keyFramesEncoded

      public final long keyFramesEncoded
      The number of video key frames encoded
    • totalEncodeTime

      public final long totalEncodeTime
      The total number of seconds that has been spent encoding video frames
    • totalEncodedBytesTarget

      public final long totalEncodedBytesTarget
      The value is increaed by the target frame size in bytes every time a frame has been encoded
    • framesSent

      public final long framesSent
      Represents the total number of frames sent
    • hugeFramesSent

      public final long hugeFramesSent
      Represents the total number of huge frames sent
    • qualityLimitationReason

      public final String qualityLimitationReason
      The current reason for limiting the resolution and/or framerate
    • qualityLimitationResolutionChanges

      public final long qualityLimitationResolutionChanges
      The total number of seconds that SDK has spent in each quality limitation state
    • active

      public final boolean active
      The indication if SDK is actively sending local video or not
    • frameWidth

      public final long frameWidth
      Represents the width of the last encoded frame
    • frameHeight

      public final long frameHeight
      Represents the height of the last encoded frame
    • framesPerSecond

      public final long framesPerSecond
      The number of encoded frames during the last second
    • rid

      public final String rid
      Represents the layer used by simulcast, and it is not empty only when simulcast is enabled
    • mime

      public final String mime
      Mime type