Class Device.Descriptor

Enclosing class:

public static class Device.Descriptor extends Object
Represents an input device's description. This can be used to identify the device without opening or attaching it.
  • Field Details

    • deviceId

      public String deviceId
      System deviceId. These may not be unique as the system may reuse device ids for different types
    • urn

      public String urn
      Unique device locator. this will be unique but it may be generated internally and may not match system addresses.
    • friendlyName

      public String friendlyName
      A human-readable name
    • type

      The device type or family
    • streams

      public Device.Descriptor.StreamType[] streams
      The types of streams supported by the device
    • position

      public Device.Descriptor.Position position
      The physical location of the device, if it can be determined
    • cameraCharacteristics

      public android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics cameraCharacteristics
      Android-specific characteristics for cameras
    • pixelWidth

      public int pixelWidth
      Camera pixel dimensions
    • pixelHeight

      public int pixelHeight
    • rotation

      public float rotation
      Camera rotation
    • sampleRate

      public int sampleRate
      Microphone sample rate
    • channelCount

      public int channelCount
      Microphone channel count
    • audioFormat

      public AudioDevice.Format audioFormat
      Microphone audio format
    • isDefault

      public boolean isDefault
      Default device indicator

      public static final String DEFAULT_ID
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Descriptor

      public Descriptor()
  • Method Details