Interface Stage.Strategy

Enclosing class:

public static interface Stage.Strategy
The Strategy is the decision engine associated with a Stage. It is how the Stage asks the host application what actions to take. If the host application wants to change their answer to a question, they can call Stage.refreshStrategy().
  • Method Details

    • stageStreamsToPublishForParticipant

      @NonNull List<LocalStageStream> stageStreamsToPublishForParticipant(@NonNull Stage stage, @NonNull ParticipantInfo participantInfo)
      Return an array of media streams to publish with the associated participant. If the return value of this function changes, call Stage.refreshStrategy() to use the new streams.
      stage - The Stage to publish the streams to.
      participantInfo - The ParticipantInfo that will be associated with the returned streams.
      A non-null (empty is okay) list of LocalStageStream objects to publish to the Stage.
    • shouldPublishFromParticipant

      boolean shouldPublishFromParticipant(@NonNull Stage stage, @NonNull ParticipantInfo participantInfo)
      Return `true` to publish the associated participant, or `false` to not publish them. If the return value of this function changes, call Stage.refreshStrategy() update the local publishing state This will only be invoked on participants that have the publish capability.
      stage - The Stage associated with the participant.
      participantInfo - The ParticipantInfo that will be published or unpublished
      Whether or not the participant should publish.
    • shouldSubscribeToParticipant

      Stage.SubscribeType shouldSubscribeToParticipant(@NonNull Stage stage, @NonNull ParticipantInfo participantInfo)
      Return the Stage.SubscribeType corresponding to the type of media streams desired from the associated participant.
      stage - The Stage associated with the participant.
      participantInfo - The ParticipantInfo that will be subscribed to or unsubscbribed from.
      The derised @link SubscribeType} for the associated participant.
    • subscribeConfigrationForParticipant

      default SubscribeConfiguration subscribeConfigrationForParticipant(@NonNull Stage stage, @NonNull ParticipantInfo participantInfo)
      Return the SubscribeConfiguration to subscribe to the associated participant.
      stage - The Stage associated with the participant.
      participantInfo - The ParticipantInfo that will be associated with the returned configuration.
      The @link SubscribeConfiguration} for the associated participant.