Class ImagePreviewSurfaceTarget


public class ImagePreviewSurfaceTarget extends Object
A special kind of preview which is not an Android View. The application should supply an Android Surface through setSurface(Surface, int, int) and clear through clearSurface(). Don't forget to call release() when done.
  • Method Details

    • setMirrored

      public void setMirrored(boolean isMirrored)
      Flips the preview horizontally. This will be true by default for the front facing camera, and false for everything else.
      isMirrored - Whether this view should be mirrored horizontally.
      IllegalStateException - If the preview has already been released.
    • setSurface

      public void setSurface(@NonNull android.view.Surface surface, int width, int height)
      Specifies a new surface for rendering the preview
      surface - An Android Surface to render to
      width - Surface width
      height - Surface height
      IllegalStateException - If the preview has already been released.
    • clearSurface

      public void clearSurface()
      Clears the surface, previews will not be rendered until {setSurface(Surface, int, int)} is called again
      IllegalStateException - If the preview has already been released.
    • release

      public void release()
      Release this preview, after calling this method the preview is not valid anymore and you will need a new one