Package com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Class RemoteVideoStats
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal long
The total number of bytes received including retransmissionsfinal long
The total number of Full Intra Request(FIR) packets sentfinal long
Represents the height of the last decoded framefinal long
The total number of video frames correctly being decodedfinal long
The total number of video frames dropped prior to decodefinal double
The number of decoded frames during the last secondfinal long
The total number of video frames being receivedfinal long
Represents the width of the last decoded framefinal long
The total number of video freezes experienced by receiverfinal long
The number of RTP header bytes receivedfinal Double
Represents the sum of time in seconds that packets buffered in jitter bufferfinal long
The total number of samples that have come out of the jitter bufferfinal double
Represents the sum of minimum obtainable jitter buffer delay in secondsfinal double
Represents the sum of target jitter buffer delay in secondsfinal long
The total number of video key frames correctly being decodedfinal String
Mime typefinal long
The NACK count sent by SDK for receiving videoThe network quality associates with subscribing remote videofinal long
The number of video RTP packets lostfinal long
The number of video RTP packets receivedfinal long
The total number of video pauses experienced by receiverfinal long
The total number of Picture Loss Indication(PLI) packets sentfinal long
The total number of retransmitted bytes that were receivedfinal long
The total number of retransmitted packets that were receivedfinal Double
The total duration of rendered frames which are considered frozenfinal Double
The total duration of pauses in seconds -
Method Summary
Field Details
The network quality associates with subscribing remote video -
public final long nackCountThe NACK count sent by SDK for receiving video -
public final long packetsReceivedThe number of video RTP packets received -
public final long packetsLostThe number of video RTP packets lost -
public final long bytesReceivedThe total number of bytes received including retransmissions -
public final long headerBytesReceivedThe number of RTP header bytes received -
Represents the sum of time in seconds that packets buffered in jitter buffer -
public final double jitterBufferTargetDelayRepresents the sum of target jitter buffer delay in seconds -
public final double jitterBufferMinimumDelayRepresents the sum of minimum obtainable jitter buffer delay in seconds -
public final long jitterBufferEmittedCountThe total number of samples that have come out of the jitter buffer -
public final long framesReceivedThe total number of video frames being received -
public final long framesDecodedThe total number of video frames correctly being decoded -
public final long keyFramesDecodedThe total number of video key frames correctly being decoded -
public final long framesDroppedThe total number of video frames dropped prior to decode -
public final long firCountThe total number of Full Intra Request(FIR) packets sent -
public final long pliCountThe total number of Picture Loss Indication(PLI) packets sent -
public final long pauseCountThe total number of video pauses experienced by receiver -
The total duration of pauses in seconds -
public final long freezeCountThe total number of video freezes experienced by receiver -
The total duration of rendered frames which are considered frozen -
public final long retransmittedBytesReceivedThe total number of retransmitted bytes that were received -
public final long retransmittedPacketsReceivedThe total number of retransmitted packets that were received -
public final long frameWidthRepresents the width of the last decoded frame -
public final long frameHeightRepresents the height of the last decoded frame -
public final double framesPerSecondThe number of decoded frames during the last second -
Mime type