Class StageAudioConfiguration


public class StageAudioConfiguration extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • StageAudioConfiguration

      public StageAudioConfiguration()
  • Method Details

    • getMaxBitrate

      public int getMaxBitrate()
      The maximum bitrate for the publishing audio stream. By default this is 64k.
    • setMaxBitrate

      public void setMaxBitrate(int maxBitrate)
      Sets the maximum bitrate for the publishing audio stream. This value must be between 12k and 128k. If the provided bitrate falls outside this range, the bitrate will not be set and an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
      maxBitrate - the desired maximum bitrate
      IllegalArgumentException - if bitrate is not valid
    • isStereo

      public boolean isStereo()
      Whether or not stereo audio is desired
    • setStereo

      public void setStereo(boolean stereo)
      This property indicates whether the encoder is asked to encode in stereo or not. By default this is `false`. Depending on the bitrate or the subscriber's capabilities, not all subscribers may hear stereo audio. There are many reasons a subscribe might not be able to play stereo audio. 1. The hardware they are using for audio output doesn't support stereo. 2. Their decoder doesn't support decoding stereo audio. 3. The audio mode they are using doesn't support stereo output. On Android, not all presets provided by `StageAudioManager` can output stereo audio. For best playback quality, IVS recommends using the `studio` or `subscribeOnly` presets. Headsets with a dedicated left and right speaker also make the impact of stereo more pronounced.
    • isNoiseSuppressionEnabled

      public boolean isNoiseSuppressionEnabled()
      Whether noise suppression is enabled.
    • enableNoiseSuppression

      public void enableNoiseSuppression(boolean enable)
      Setting this to true will enable noise suppression. By default this is true.
      enable - whether to enable noise suppression
    • isEchoCancellationEnabled

      public boolean isEchoCancellationEnabled()
      whether echo cancellation is enabled.
    • enableEchoCancellation

      public void enableEchoCancellation(boolean enable)
      Sets whether echo cancellation should be enabled. By default, echo cancellation is enabled.
      enable - whether to enable echo cancellation.