Prefer onTransmissionStatsChanged instead.
A number between 0 and 1 that represents the quality of the stream based on bitrate minimum and maximum provided
on session configuration. 0 means the stream is at the lowest possible quality, or streaming is not possible at all.
1 means the bitrate is near the maximum allowed.
If the video configuration looks like:
initial bitrate = 1000 kbps
minimum bitrate = 300 kbps
maximum bitrate = 5,000 kbps
It will be expected that a low quality is provided to this callback initially, since the initial bitrate is much closer to the minimum
allowed bitrate than the maximum. If network conditions are good the quality should improve over time towards the allowed maximum.
Prefer onTransmissionStatsChanged instead.
A number between 0 and 1 that represents the current health of the network. 0 means the network is struggling to keep up and the broadcast
may be experiencing latency spikes. The SDK may also reduce the quality of the broadcast on low values in order to keep it stable, depending
on the minimum allowed bitrate in the broadcast configuration. A value of 1 means the network is easily able to keep up with the current demand
and the SDK will be trying to increase the broadcast quality over time, depending on the maximum allowed bitrate.
Lower values like 0.5 are not necessarily bad, it just means the network is being saturated, but it is still able to keep up.