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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


addListener(Player.Listener) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Adds a playback listener that receives information about this player instance.
APPLICATION_MPEG_URL - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.MediaType


BUFFERING - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.State
Indicates that the Player is buffering content.


com.amazonaws.ivs.player - package com.amazonaws.ivs.player
create(Context) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.Factory
Creates a new Player instance using the specified Context
Cue - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Superclass for all Cue types
Cue(long, long) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Cue


data - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.UserDataUnregisteredSeiMessage
Data payload of the message
DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.LogLevel
description - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextMetadataCue


END - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextCue.TextAlignment
ENDED - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.State
Indicates that the Player reached the end of the stream.
endTime - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Cue
The time when the cue should be cleared, in milliseconds.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Cue
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Quality
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextCue
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextMetadataCue
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ErrorType
Generic error occurred
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.LogLevel
ERROR_AUTHORIZATION - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ErrorType
Error indicating a network resource is not authorized
ERROR_INVALID_DATA - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ErrorType
Data or input is invalid for the operation
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ErrorType
Method parameter is invalid
ERROR_INVALID_STATE - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ErrorType
Class or object is an invalid state
ERROR_NETWORK - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ErrorType
Unspecified Network error
ERROR_NETWORK_IO - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ErrorType
Error indicating a network I/O failure
ERROR_NO_SOURCE - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ErrorType
No source present for the operation
ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ErrorType
The stream is not available.
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ErrorType
Method or feature not supported
ERROR_TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ErrorType
Method or operation timed out
ERROR_TYPE_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ErrorType
Unknown error
ErrorType - Enum Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Enumeration of error codes used in Player.Listener.onError(PlayerException).


FILL - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ResizeMode
Preserves the aspect ratio by increasing the width or height.
FIT - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ResizeMode
Preserves the aspect ratio by reducing the width or height.
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ErrorType


getAudioSessionId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Gets session ID of the audio track.
getAverageBitrate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Gets the average source media stream bitrate, in bps.
getBandwidthEstimate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Gets the network bandwidth estimate, in bps.
getBitrate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Quality
getBufferedPosition() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Gets the buffered position, in milliseconds.
getCaptionsEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
getChannelMetadata() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Returns an array of string values that represent channel features or capabilities.
getCode() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerException
getCodecs() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Quality
getControls() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
getControlsEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
getDecodedFrames() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Statistics
getDroppedFrames() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Statistics
getDuration() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Gets the duration of the loaded stream, in milliseconds.
getDurationTextView() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerControlView
getErrorCode() - Method in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ErrorType
getErrorMessage() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerException
getErrorType() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerException
getFramerate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Quality
getFrameRate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Statistics
getHeight() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Quality
getLiveLatency() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Gets the live latency between server and the player, in milliseconds.
getMediaUri() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
getName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Quality
getPath() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Gets the URL of the loaded media, if any.
getPlaybackRate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Gets the playback rate for the player.
getPlayButton() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerControlView
getPlayer() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
getPosition() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Gets the playback position, in milliseconds.
getPositionTextView() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerControlView
getQualities() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Gets the qualities from the loaded source.
getQuality() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Gets the current quality of the stream
getRenderedFrames() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Statistics
getResizeMode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
getSeekBar() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerControlView
getSessionId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Gets a unique identifier for the current playback session.
getSource() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerException
getState() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Gets current player state.
getStatistics() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Gets playback statistics for the current stream.
getSyncTime() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Gets the synchronized time, in milliseconds.
getVersion() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Gets player version.
getVideoBitRate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Statistics
getVolume() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Gets the output gain value for the audio track.
getVolumeControlStream() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
getWidth() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Quality


hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Cue
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Quality
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextCue
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextMetadataCue


IDLE - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.State
Indicates that the Player is idle.
INBAND_METADATA_ID - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextMetadataCue
INFO - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.LogLevel
isAutoQualityMode() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
isLiveLowLatency() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
isMuted() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player


line - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextCue
The line on which the text belongs.
Listener() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.Listener
load(Uri) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Loads the specified stream.
load(Uri, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Loads the specified stream.


MediaSessionCallback - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Implementation of MediaSession.Callback that adapts to the Player interface.
MediaSessionCallback(Player) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.MediaSessionCallback
Creates a new MediaSessionCallback instance with a Player.
MediaType - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
MediaType constants
METADATA_ID - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextMetadataCue
MIDDLE - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextCue.TextAlignment


NONE - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.NetworkRecoveryMode
Do nothing after recovering from network disconnect.


OK - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ErrorType
onClick(View) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerControlView
onCue(Cue) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.Listener
Indicates that a timed cue event occurred.
onDurationChanged(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.Listener
Indicates that source duration changed.
onError(PlayerException) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.Listener
Indicates that an error occurred.
onKeyDown(int, KeyEvent) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
onNetworkUnavailable() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.Listener
Indicates that the player has lost its network connection.
onPause() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.MediaSessionCallback
onPlay() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.MediaSessionCallback
onPlayFromUri(Uri, Bundle) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.MediaSessionCallback
onPrepareFromUri(Uri, Bundle) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.MediaSessionCallback
onProgressChanged(SeekBar, int, boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerControlView
onQualityChanged(Quality) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.Listener
Indicates that the playing quality changed either from a user action or from an internal adaptive quality switch.
onRebuffering() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.Listener
Indicates that the player is buffering from a previous Player.State.PLAYING state.
onSeekCompleted(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.Listener
Indicates that the player has finished seeking to a given position as requested from Player.seekTo(long).
onSeekTo(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.MediaSessionCallback
onSeiMessage(SeiMessage) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.Listener
Indicates that a Supplemental Enhancement Information (SEI) message event occurred.
onSetPlaybackSpeed(float) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.MediaSessionCallback
onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerControlView
onStateChanged(Player.State) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.Listener
Indicates that the player state changed.
onStop() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.MediaSessionCallback
onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerControlView
onSyncTimeChanged(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.Listener
Indicates that synchronization time has changed.
onTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
onVideoFirstFrame(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.Listener
Indicates that the first video frame has been displayed after the player started playback.
onVideoSizeChanged(int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.Listener
Indicates that the video dimensions changed.
onViewAttachedToWindow(View) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
onViewDetachedFromWindow(View) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
owner - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextMetadataCue


pause() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Pauses playback of the stream.
play() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Starts or resumes playback of the stream.
Player - Interface in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Interface defining a Player.
Player.Factory - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Static class used to instantiate Player instances.
Player.Listener - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Player listener interface.
Player.LogLevel - Enum Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Log level values that can be set on a player.
Player.NetworkRecoveryMode - Enum Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Network recovery modes
Player.State - Enum Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Represents the current state of a player instance.
PlayerControlView - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
View for displaying the controls for a Player instance.
PlayerControlView(Context) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerControlView
Creates a new PlayerControlsView with the given context.
PlayerControlView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerControlView
Creates a new PlayerControlsView with the given context.
PlayerControlView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerControlView
Creates a new PlayerControlsView with the given context.
PlayerException - Exception in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Represents an error that occurred during media playback.
PlayerView - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
View for displaying the content of a Player instance.
PlayerView(Context) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
Creates a new PlayerView with the given context.
PlayerView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
Creates a new PlayerView with the given context.
PlayerView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
Creates a new PlayerView with the given context.
PLAYING - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.State
Indicates that the Player is playing.
position - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextCue
The position of the text.


Quality - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Represents a quality which is a selection of video/audio tracks from the loaded media.


READY - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.State
Indicates that the Player is ready to play the loaded source.
Releasable - Interface in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Interface for any object which requires an explicit call to free resources it is holding.
release() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Releases and destroys the player instance.
release() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Releasable
removeListener(Player.Listener) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Removes a playback state listener.
ResizeMode - Enum Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Defines different modes for displaying video in a PlayerView.
RESUME - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.NetworkRecoveryMode
Resume previous playback state after recovering from network disconnect.


seekTo(long) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Seeks to a specified position in the stream, in milliseconds.
SeiMessage - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Superclass for all SEI message types
SeiMessage() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.SeiMessage
setAutoInitialBitrate(int) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Sets the initial starting bitrate when using auto quality mode, in bps.
setAutoMaxBitrate(int) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Sets the max bitrate when using auto quality mode, in bps.
setAutoMaxQuality(Quality) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Sets the maximum quality the player is allowed to switch up to in auto quality mode.
setAutoMaxVideoSize(int, int) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Sets the max video display size of the player, in pixels.
setAutoQualityMode(boolean) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Enables automatic quality selection (ABR adaptive bitrate mode).
setCaptionsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
Sets captions display enabled
setControlsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
Enables or disables the media controls overlayed on the video view
setInitialBufferDuration(long) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Sets the initial (minimum) buffer duration required to start playback, in milliseconds.
setLiveLowLatencyEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Enables or disables low-latency playback.
setLogLevel(Player.LogLevel) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Sets the log level for the player.
setLooping(boolean) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Enables the player to loop the source video, for streams that support looping.
setMediaUri(Uri) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
Sets the default video media uri for playback.
setMuted(boolean) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Mutes or unmutes the player audio.
setNetworkRecoveryMode(Player.NetworkRecoveryMode) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Sets network recovery mode for handling network interruptions.
setOrigin(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Sets the HTTP 'Origin' header on all outgoing requests.
setPlaybackRate(float) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Sets the playback rate for the player.
setPlayer(Player) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerControlView
setQuality(Quality) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Sets the quality of the stream.
setQuality(Quality, boolean) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Sets the quality of the stream.
setRebufferToLive(boolean) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Enables or disables skipping to the live edge on a rebuffer.
setResizeMode(ResizeMode) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
Sets the current ResizeMode.
setSurface(Surface) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Sets the Surface to use for rendering video.
setVolume(float) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player
Sets the output gain value for the audio track.
showControls(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerControlView
size - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextCue
The size of the cue as a percentage of the video.
START - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextCue.TextAlignment
startTime - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Cue
The time when the cue should be displayed, in milliseconds.
Statistics - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Contains various playback statistics for a player instance.
Statistics() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Statistics
surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder, int, int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView
surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.PlayerView


text - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextCue
cue text
text - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextMetadataCue
TEXT_JSON - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.MediaType
TEXT_PLAIN - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.MediaType
TEXT_VTT - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.MediaType
textAlign - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextCue
alignment of text
TextCue - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Contains information for the display of subtitles and captions including styling and positioning.
TextCue.TextAlignment - Enum Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Possible text alignment of a TextCue.
TextMetadataCue - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Contains timed text metadata.
TextMetadataCue(long, long, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextMetadataCue
timestamp - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.UserDataUnregisteredSeiMessage
Presentation timestamp in milliseconds
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Quality
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Statistics
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextCue
TYPE_AUDIO - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.MediaType
TYPE_TEXT - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.MediaType
TYPE_VIDEO - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.MediaType


UserDataUnregisteredSeiMessage - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.player
Contains an SEI User Data Unregistered Message
UserDataUnregisteredSeiMessage(String, long, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.UserDataUnregisteredSeiMessage
uuid - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.UserDataUnregisteredSeiMessage
User defined UUID for their message type


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.NetworkRecoveryMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ResizeMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextCue.TextAlignment
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.NetworkRecoveryMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ResizeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.TextCue.TextAlignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VIDEO_MP4 - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.MediaType


WARNING - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.Player.LogLevel


ZOOM - Enum constant in enum class com.amazonaws.ivs.player.ResizeMode
Fits the parent view ignoring the aspect ratio of the video.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form