Namespace Amazon.Extensions.S3.Encryption
- AmazonCryptoException
Exception thrown by the SDK for errors that occur within the SDK for crypto operations.
- AmazonS3CryptoConfiguration
AmazonS3CryptoConfiguration allows customers to configure AmazonS3EncryptionClient
- AmazonS3CryptoConfigurationBase
Base class for AmazonS3CryptoConfiguration configs Encapsulates common properties and methods of the AmazonS3CryptoConfiguration configurations
- AmazonS3CryptoConfigurationV2
AmazonS3CryptoConfigurationV2 allows customers to set storage mode for encryption credentials for AmazonS3EncryptionClientV2
- AmazonS3EncryptionClient
This class extends the AmazonS3Client and provides client side encryption when reading or writing S3 objects.
- AmazonS3EncryptionClientBase
Base class for AmazonS3Encryption clients Encapsulates common properties and methods of the encryption clients
- AmazonS3EncryptionClientV2
This class extends the AmazonS3Client and implements IAmazonS3Encryption Provides client side encryption when reading or writing S3 objects. Supported content ciphers: AES/GCM - Encryption and decryption (Encrypted block size can be bigger than the input block size) AES/CBC - Decryption only
- EncryptionInstructions
Encryption Instructions store the encryption credentials
- EncryptionMaterials
The "key encrypting key" materials used in encrypt/decryption. These materials may be an asymmetric key, a symmetric key, or a KMS key ID.
- EncryptionMaterialsBase
Base class for EncryptionMaterials materials Encapsulates common properties and methods of the encryption materials
- EncryptionMaterialsV2
The "key encrypting key" materials used in encrypt/decryption. These materials may be an asymmetric key, a symmetric key, or a KMS key ID. Every material has its unique type such as RsaOaepSha1, AesGcm or KmsContext respectively.
- CryptoStorageMode
Mode for string the encryption information for an object.
- SecurityProfile
SecurityProfile enables AmazonS3EncryptionClientV2 downgrading to AmazonS3EncryptionClient (V1) content encryption and key wrap schemas V2AndLegacy enables AmazonS3EncryptionClientV2 to read objects encrypted by AmazonS3EncryptionClient (V1)