All Classes and Interfaces

This is a thin wrapper around the WrappedMaterialsProvider, using the provided encryptionKey for wrapping and unwrapping the record key.
Encrypts all non-key fields prior to storing them in DynamoDB.
This meta-Provider encrypts data with the most recent version of keying materials from a ProviderStore and decrypts using whichever version is appropriate.
Identifies keys which should not be used directly with Cipher but instead contain their own cryptographic logic.
Generates a unique data key for each record in DynamoDB and protects that key using AWSKMS.
Prevents the associated item (class or attribute) from being encrypted.
Prevents the associated item from being encrypted or signed.
The low-level API used by AttributeEncryptor to perform crypto operations on the record attributes.
This class serves to provide additional useful data to EncryptionMaterialsProviders so they can more intelligently select the proper EncryptionMaterials or DecryptionMaterials for use.
Builder class for EncryptionContext.
Implementations of common operators for overriding the EncryptionContext
Interface for providing encryption materials.
Marker annotation that indicates that attributes found during unmarshalling that are in the DynamoDB item but not modeled in the mapper model class should be included in for decryption/signature verification.
Provides a simple collection of EncryptionMaterialProviders backed by an encrypted DynamoDB table.
Provides extra data that should be persisted along with the standard material data.
Provides a standard way to retrieve and optionally create EncryptionMaterialsProviders backed by some form of persistent storage.
A provider which always returns the same provided symmetric encryption/decryption key and the same signing/verification key(s).
Overrides the default tablename used as part of the data signature with tableName instead.
This provider will use create a unique (random) symmetric key upon each call to WrappedMaterialsProvider.getEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionContext).
Represents cryptographic materials used to manage unique record-level keys.