AWS Encryption SDK for C v2.4
No Matches
Caching APIs


#define AWS_CRYPTOSDK_CACHE_MAX_LIMIT_MESSAGES   ((uint64_t)1 << 32)


struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache * aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_local_new (struct aws_allocator *alloc, size_t capacity)
size_t aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_entry_count (const struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache *cache)
void aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_clear (struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache *cache)
struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache * aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_retain (struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache *materials_cache)
void aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_release (struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache *materials_cache)
struct aws_cryptosdk_cmmaws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_new_from_cmm (struct aws_allocator *alloc, struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache *materials_cache, struct aws_cryptosdk_cmm *upstream, const struct aws_byte_buf *partition_id, uint64_t cache_limit_ttl, enum aws_timestamp_unit cache_limit_ttl_units)
struct aws_cryptosdk_cmmaws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_new_from_keyring (struct aws_allocator *alloc, struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache *materials_cache, struct aws_cryptosdk_keyring *keyring, const struct aws_byte_buf *partition_id, uint64_t cache_limit_ttl, enum aws_timestamp_unit cache_limit_ttl_units)
int aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_set_ttl (struct aws_cryptosdk_cmm *cmm, uint64_t ttl, enum aws_timestamp_unit ttl_units)
int aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_set_limit_bytes (struct aws_cryptosdk_cmm *cmm, uint64_t limit_bytes)
int aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_set_limit_messages (struct aws_cryptosdk_cmm *cmm, uint64_t limit_messages)

Detailed Description

The caching CMM caches the results of encryption and decryption operations to reduce the number of calls made to backing keyrings (e.g. KMS).

To use the caching API, construct a local cache (using aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_local_new) and pass it to the constructor of a caching cmm (aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_new), along with a delegate CMM that generates the encryption and decryption materials that are cached.

When constructing a caching CMM, you are required to set a time-to-live (TTL) for data keys in the cache. We also recommend setting one of the two additional security thresholds using aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_set_limit_bytes or aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_set_limit_messages to ensure that data keys expire and are refreshed periodically.

As with CMMs and keyrings, the local cache is reference-counted. In simple use cases where there is only one local cache and one CMM, you can immediately call aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_release on the local cache after constructing the CMM.

Multiple caching CMMs can share the same local cache, but by default will not use each other's entries. (They share the entry count limit, but otherwise are partitioned from each other.) This is to avoid unexpected behavior in case the cache-miss delegate CMMs are different. If you want two caching CMMs to share their entries, pass the same partition ID to both calls to aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_new .

Macro Definition Documentation


#define AWS_CRYPTOSDK_CACHE_MAX_LIMIT_MESSAGES   ((uint64_t)1 << 32)

Definition at line 58 of file cache.h.

Function Documentation

◆ aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_new_from_cmm()

struct aws_cryptosdk_cmm * aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_new_from_cmm ( struct aws_allocator * alloc,
struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache * materials_cache,
struct aws_cryptosdk_cmm * upstream,
const struct aws_byte_buf * partition_id,
uint64_t cache_limit_ttl,
enum aws_timestamp_unit cache_limit_ttl_units )

Creates a new instance of the caching crypto materials manager. This CMM will intercept requests for encrypt and decrypt materials, and forward them to the provided materials cache.

If multiple caching CMMs are attached to the same materials_cache, they will share entries if and only if the partition_id parameter is set to the same string. Unless you need to use this feature, we recommend passing NULL, in which case the caching CMM will internally generate a random partition ID to ensure it does not collide with any other CMM.


allocThe allocator to use for the caching CMM itself (not for cache entries, however)
materials_cacheThe backing cache
upstreamThe upstream CMM to query on a cache miss
partition_idThe partition ID to use to avoid collisions with other CMMs. This string need not remain valid once this function returns. If NULL, a random partition ID will be generated and used.
cache_limit_ttlThe amount of time that a data key can be used for.
cache_limit_ttl_unitsThe units of cache_limit_ttl. Allowable values are defined in aws/common/clock.h

◆ aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_new_from_keyring()

struct aws_cryptosdk_cmm * aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_new_from_keyring ( struct aws_allocator * alloc,
struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache * materials_cache,
struct aws_cryptosdk_keyring * keyring,
const struct aws_byte_buf * partition_id,
uint64_t cache_limit_ttl,
enum aws_timestamp_unit cache_limit_ttl_units )

Creates a new instance of the caching crypto materials manager. This CMM will intercept requests for encrypt and decrypt materials, and forward them to the provided materials cache.

If multiple caching CMMs are attached to the same materials_cache, they will share entries if and only if the partition_id parameter is set to the same string. Unless you need to use this feature, we recommend passing NULL, in which case the caching CMM will internally generate a random partition ID to ensure it does not collide with any other CMM.


allocThe allocator to use for the caching CMM itself (not for cache entries, however)
materials_cacheThe backing cache
keyringThe keyring that will encrypt or decrypt data keys on a cache miss. This function uses a default CMM that is configured with the provided keyring as the upstream CMM.
partition_idThe partition ID to use to avoid collisions with other CMMs. This string need not remain valid once this function returns. If NULL, a random partition ID will be generated and used.
cache_limit_ttlThe amount of time that a data key can be used for.
cache_limit_ttl_unitsThe units of cache_limit_ttl. Allowable values are defined in aws/common/clock.h

◆ aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_set_limit_bytes()

int aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_set_limit_bytes ( struct aws_cryptosdk_cmm * cmm,
uint64_t limit_bytes )

Configures the maximum number of bytes that may be encrypted by a single data key. This value has a maximum of 2^63 - 1 (i.e., INT64_MAX, not UINT64_MAX)

◆ aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_set_limit_messages()

int aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_set_limit_messages ( struct aws_cryptosdk_cmm * cmm,
uint64_t limit_messages )

Configures the maximum number of messages that may be encrypted by a single data key. This value cannot be zero and has a maximum of 2^32 (i.e., AWS_CRYPTOSDK_CACHE_MAX_LIMIT_MESSAGES)

◆ aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_set_ttl()

int aws_cryptosdk_caching_cmm_set_ttl ( struct aws_cryptosdk_cmm * cmm,
uint64_t ttl,
enum aws_timestamp_unit ttl_units )

Configures the amount of time that a data key can be used for. This value must be greater than zero.

◆ aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_clear()

void aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_clear ( struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache * cache)

Attempts to clear all entries in the cache. This method is threadsafe, though any entries being inserted in parallel with the clear operation may not end up being cleared.

Definition at line 481 of file cache.h.

◆ aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_entry_count()

size_t aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_entry_count ( const struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache * cache)

Returns an estimate of the number of entries in the cache. If a size estimate is not available, returns SIZE_MAX.

Definition at line 465 of file cache.h.

◆ aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_local_new()

struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache * aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_local_new ( struct aws_allocator * alloc,
size_t capacity )

Creates a new instance of the built-in local materials cache. This cache is thread safe, and uses a simple LRU policy (with capacity shared between encrypt and decrypt) to evict entries.

◆ aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_release()

void aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_release ( struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache * materials_cache)

Decrements the reference count on the cache; if the new reference count is zero, the cache is destroyed.

Definition at line 501 of file cache.h.

◆ aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_retain()

struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache * aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache_retain ( struct aws_cryptosdk_materials_cache * materials_cache)

Increments the reference count on the materials cache

Definition at line 492 of file cache.h.