AWS Encryption SDK for C v2.4
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Low-level cryptographic APIs

Data Structures

struct  aws_cryptosdk_alg_properties


const struct aws_cryptosdk_alg_propertiesaws_cryptosdk_alg_props (enum aws_cryptosdk_alg_id alg_id)
bool aws_cryptosdk_alg_properties_is_valid (const struct aws_cryptosdk_alg_properties *const alg_props)
bool aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx_is_valid (const struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx *sig_ctx)
int aws_cryptosdk_sig_get_privkey (const struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx *ctx, struct aws_allocator *alloc, struct aws_string **priv_key_buf)
int aws_cryptosdk_sig_get_pubkey (const struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx *ctx, struct aws_allocator *alloc, struct aws_string **pub_key_buf)
int aws_cryptosdk_sig_sign_start_keygen (struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx **ctx, struct aws_allocator *alloc, struct aws_string **pub_key_buf, const struct aws_cryptosdk_alg_properties *props)
int aws_cryptosdk_sig_sign_start (struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx **ctx, struct aws_allocator *alloc, struct aws_string **pub_key_buf, const struct aws_cryptosdk_alg_properties *props, const struct aws_string *priv_key)
int aws_cryptosdk_sig_verify_start (struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx **ctx, struct aws_allocator *alloc, const struct aws_string *pub_key, const struct aws_cryptosdk_alg_properties *props)
int aws_cryptosdk_sig_update (struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx *ctx, const struct aws_byte_cursor buf)
int aws_cryptosdk_sig_verify_finish (struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx *ctx, const struct aws_string *signature)
int aws_cryptosdk_sig_sign_finish (struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx *ctx, struct aws_allocator *alloc, struct aws_string **signature)
void aws_cryptosdk_sig_abort (struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx *ctx)

Detailed Description

These low-level cryptographic APIs should normally only be used by developers of keyrings or CMMs.

Function Documentation

◆ aws_cryptosdk_alg_properties_is_valid()

bool aws_cryptosdk_alg_properties_is_valid ( const struct aws_cryptosdk_alg_properties *const alg_props)

Checks whether an aws_cryptosdk_alg_properties is valid and supported by the SDK.

◆ aws_cryptosdk_alg_props()

const struct aws_cryptosdk_alg_properties * aws_cryptosdk_alg_props ( enum aws_cryptosdk_alg_id alg_id)

Looks up and returns the algorithm properties for a particular algorithm ID.

the algorithm properties, or NULL if alg_id is unknown

◆ aws_cryptosdk_sig_abort()

void aws_cryptosdk_sig_abort ( struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx * ctx)

Aborts an ongoing sign or verify operation, and destroys the signature context. If ctx is null, this operation is a no-op.

◆ aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx_is_valid()

bool aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx_is_valid ( const struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx * sig_ctx)

Performs basic validity checks for the signing context (e.g. that member pointers are not NULL).

◆ aws_cryptosdk_sig_get_privkey()

int aws_cryptosdk_sig_get_privkey ( const struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx * ctx,
struct aws_allocator * alloc,
struct aws_string ** priv_key_buf )

Obtains the private key from a signing context, and serializes it to a byte buffer. The serialization format is not currently guaranteed to remain unchanged.

This method is intended to be used with caching mechanisms to clone the signing context.

◆ aws_cryptosdk_sig_get_pubkey()

int aws_cryptosdk_sig_get_pubkey ( const struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx * ctx,
struct aws_allocator * alloc,
struct aws_string ** pub_key_buf )

Obtains the public key from a signing context, which may be in either sign or verify mode, and serializes it to a byte buffer.

This method is intended to be used with caching mechanisms to clone a verification context.

◆ aws_cryptosdk_sig_sign_finish()

int aws_cryptosdk_sig_sign_finish ( struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx * ctx,
struct aws_allocator * alloc,
struct aws_string ** signature )

Generates the final signature based on data previously passed to aws_cryptosdk_sig_update. The signature buffer will be allocated using 'alloc'.

The context must have been created in verify mode, using aws_cryptosdk_sig_sign_start[_keygen]; failing to do so results in undefined behavior.

The context is always freed, regardless of success or failure.

◆ aws_cryptosdk_sig_sign_start()

int aws_cryptosdk_sig_sign_start ( struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx ** ctx,
struct aws_allocator * alloc,
struct aws_string ** pub_key_buf,
const struct aws_cryptosdk_alg_properties * props,
const struct aws_string * priv_key )

Initializes a new signature context based on a private key serialized using aws_cryptosdk_sig_get_privkey.

ctxa pointer to a variable to receive the signing context
allocthe allocator to use
pub_key_bufa pointer to a buffer that will receive the base-64 public key, or NULL if not required
propsalgorithm properties for the algorithm suite in use
priv_keythe previously serialized private key

◆ aws_cryptosdk_sig_sign_start_keygen()

int aws_cryptosdk_sig_sign_start_keygen ( struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx ** ctx,
struct aws_allocator * alloc,
struct aws_string ** pub_key_buf,
const struct aws_cryptosdk_alg_properties * props )

Generates a new signature keypair, initializes a signing context, and serializes the public key. If a non-signing algorithm is used, this function returns successfully, sets *ctx to NULL, and zeroes pub_key_buf.

ctx- a pointer to a variable to receive the context pointer
alloc- the allocator to use
pub_key_buf- A buffer that will receive the public key (in base64 format). This buffer will be allocated as part of this call, and does not need to be pre-initialized.
props- The algorithm properties for the algorithm to use

◆ aws_cryptosdk_sig_update()

int aws_cryptosdk_sig_update ( struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx * ctx,
const struct aws_byte_cursor buf )

Supplies some data to an ongoing sign or verify operation.

◆ aws_cryptosdk_sig_verify_finish()

int aws_cryptosdk_sig_verify_finish ( struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx * ctx,
const struct aws_string * signature )

Verifies a signature against the data previously passed to aws_cryptosdk_sig_update. If successful, this function returns AWS_OP_SUCCESS; if the signature was invalid, raises AWS_CRYPTOSDK_ERR_BAD_CIPHERTEXT and returns AWS_OP_ERR.

The context must have been created in verify mode, using aws_cryptosdk_sig_verify_start; failing to do so results in undefined behavior.

The context is always freed, regardless of success or failure.

◆ aws_cryptosdk_sig_verify_start()

int aws_cryptosdk_sig_verify_start ( struct aws_cryptosdk_sig_ctx ** ctx,
struct aws_allocator * alloc,
const struct aws_string * pub_key,
const struct aws_cryptosdk_alg_properties * props )

Prepares to validate a signature. If a non-signing algorithm is used, this function returns successfully, and sets *ctx to NULL.

ctxa pointer to a variable to receive the context pointer
allocthe allocator to use
pub_keyA buffer containing the (base64) public key
propsThe algorithm properties for the algorithm to use