Source: lambda.js

 * Copyright 2010-2017, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

const IPCClient = require('aws-greengrass-ipc-sdk-js');
const GreengrassCommon = require('aws-greengrass-common-js');
const { logging } = require('aws-greengrass-common-js');
const Util = require('./util');

const { AUTH_TOKEN } = GreengrassCommon.envVars;

const logger = new logging.LocalWatchLogger();

 * Constructs a service interface object. Each API operation is exposed as a function on service.
 * @class
 * @memberOf aws-greengrass-core-sdk
class Lambda {
     * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
     * @example <caption>Constructing a Lambda object</caption>
     * var lambda = new GG.Lambda();
    constructor() {
        this.ipc = new IPCClient(AUTH_TOKEN);

     * Called when a response from the service is returned.
     * @callback lambdaCallback
     * @param err {Error} The error object returned from the request. Set to <tt>null</tt> if the request is successful.
     * @param data {Object} The de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to <tt>null</tt> if a request error occurs.
     * @param data.StatusCode {Integer} The HTTP status code will be in the 200 range for successful request. For the <tt>RequestResponse</tt> invocation type this status code will be 200.
     * For the <tt>Event</tt> invocation type this status code will be 202.
     * @param data.FunctionError {String} Indicates whether an error occurred while executing the Lambda function. If an error occurred this field will have one of two values; <tt>Handled</tt> or <tt>Unhandled</tt>.
     * <tt>Handled</tt> errors are errors that are reported by the function while the Unhandled errors are those detected and reported by AWS Lambda.
     * <tt>Unhandled</tt> errors include out of memory errors and function timeouts. For information about how to report an <tt>Handled</tt> error,
     * see <a href="">Programming Model</a>.
     * @param data.Payload {Buffer|TypedArray|Blob|String} It is the result returned by the Lambda function. This is present only if the invocation type is <tt>RequestResponse</tt>.
     * <br/>In the event of a function error this field contains a message describing the error. For the <tt>Handled</tt> errors the Lambda function will report this message. For <tt>Unhandled</tt> errors AWS Lambda reports the message.

     * Invokes a specific Lambda function.<br/>
     * In Greengrass, version of the Lambda which you would like to invoke needs to be provided.
     * @param params {Object}
     * @param params.FunctionName {String} The Lambda function name. You can specify Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the function (for example, <tt>arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-id:function:ThumbNail</tt>).
     * @param params.InvocationType {String?} By default, the <tt>Invoke</tt> API assumes <tt>RequestResponse</tt> invocation type.
     * You can optionally request asynchronous execution by specifying <tt>Event</tt> as the <tt>InvocationType</tt>. Possible values include:
     * <ul><li>"Event"</li><li>"RequestResponse"</li></ul>
     * @param params.ClientContext {String?} Using the <tt>ClientContext</tt> you can pass client-specific information to the Lambda function you are invoking.
     * You can then process the client information in your Lambda function as you choose through the context variable.
     * For an example of a <tt>ClientContext</tt> JSON, see the main page or an example folder for an example.
     * <br/>The <tt>ClientContext</tt> JSON must be base64-encoded.
     * @param params.Payload {Buffer|TypedArray|Blob|String} Payload that you want to provide to your Lambda function as input.
     * @param params.Qualifier {String?} You can use this optional parameter to specify a Lambda function version if it was not included in the FunctionName field.
     * If you specify a function version, the API uses the qualified function ARN to invoke a specific Lambda function.
     * <br/>If you don't provide this parameter, then the API uses the FunctionName field only. If it does not have a version number of the target lambda, the call will fail.
     * @param callback {lambdaCallback} The callback.
     * @example <caption>To invoke a Lambda function</caption>
     * //This operation invokes a Lambda function
     * var params = {
     *   ClientContext: "MyApp",
     *   FunctionName: "MyFunction",
     *   InvocationType: "Event",
     *   Payload: <json | binary>,
     *   Qualifier: "1"
     * };
     * lambda.invoke(params, function(err, data) {
     *   if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
     *   else     console.log(data);           // successful response
     * });
     * @example <caption>Calling the invoke operation</caption>
     * var params = {
     *   FunctionName: 'STRING_VALUE', // required
     *   ClientContext: 'STRING_VALUE',
     *   InvocationType: Event | RequestResponse,
     *   Payload: <json | binary>,
     *   Qualifier: 'STRING_VALUE'
     * };
     * lambda.invoke(params, function(err, data) {
     *   if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
     *   else     console.log(data);           // successful response
     * });
    invoke(params, callback) {
        const functionName = Util.getParameter(params, 'FunctionName');
        if (functionName === undefined) {
            callback(new Error('"FunctionName" is a required parameter'), null);

        let arnFields;
        try {
            arnFields = new GreengrassCommon.FunctionArnFields(functionName);
        } catch (e) {
            callback(new Error(`FunctionName is malformed: ${e}`), null);

        let invocationType;
        if (params.InvocationType === undefined || params.InvocationType === null) {
            invocationType = 'RequestResponse';
        } else {
            invocationType = params.InvocationType;

        if (invocationType !== 'Event' && invocationType !== 'RequestResponse') {
            callback(new Error(`InvocationType '${invocationType}' is incorrect, should be 'Event' or 'RequestResponse'`), null);

        const clientContext = params.ClientContext ? params.ClientContext : '';
        const payload = params.Payload;
        const qualifier = params.Qualifier;

        if (!Util.isValidQualifier(qualifier)) {
            callback(new Error(`Qualifier '${qualifier}' is incorrect`), null);

        const qualifierInternal = arnFields.qualifier;

        // generate the right full function arn with qualifier
        if (qualifierInternal && qualifier && qualifierInternal !== qualifier) {
            callback(new Error(`Qualifier '${qualifier}' does not match the version in FunctionName`), null);

        const finalQualifier = qualifierInternal === undefined || qualifierInternal == null ? qualifier : qualifierInternal;

        let functionArn;
        if (typeof GreengrassCommon.buildFunctionArn === 'function') {
            // GGC v1.9.0 or newer
            functionArn = GreengrassCommon.buildFunctionArn(
        } else {
            // older version of GGC
            throw new Error('Function buildFunctionArn not found. buildFunctionArn is introduced in GGC v1.9.0. '
                    + 'Please check your GGC version.');

        // verify client context is base64 encoded
        if (, 'ClientContext')) {
            const cxt = params.ClientContext;
            if (!Util.isValidContext(cxt)) {
                callback(new Error('Client Context is invalid'), null);

        logger.debug(`Invoking local lambda ${functionArn} with payload ${payload} and client context ${clientContext}`);

        this.ipc.postWork(functionArn, payload, clientContext, invocationType, (postWorkErr, invocationId) => {
            if (postWorkErr) {
                logger.error(`Failed to invoke function due to ${postWorkErr}`);
                callback(postWorkErr, null);

            if (invocationType === 'RequestResponse') {
                this.ipc.getWorkResult(functionArn, invocationId, (getWorkResultErr, body, functionErr, statusCode) => {
                    if (getWorkResultErr) {
                        logger.error(`Failed to get work result due to ${getWorkResultErr}`);
                        callback(getWorkResultErr, null);
                    const data = {
                        FunctionError: functionErr,
                        StatusCode: statusCode,
                        Payload: body,
                    callback(null, data);
            } else {
                callback(null, invocationId);

module.exports = Lambda;