Source: secretsmanager.js

 * Copyright 2010-2017, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
const { Buffer } = require('buffer');

const GreengrassCommon = require('aws-greengrass-common-js');
const Lambda = require('./lambda');
const Util = require('./util');

const KEY_SECRET_ID = 'SecretId';
const KEY_VERSION_ID = 'VersionId';
const KEY_VERSION_STAGE = 'VersionStage';
const KEY_SECRET_NAME = 'Name';
const KEY_CREATED_DATE = 'CreatedDate';
const KEY_JSON_RESULT_FLAG = 'DeStringifyResultFlag';

const { envVars } = GreengrassCommon;

 * Constructs a service interface object. Each API operation is exposed as a function on service.
 * @class
 * @memberOf aws-greengrass-core-sdk
class SecretsManager {
     * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
     * @example <caption>Constructing a SecretsManager object</caption>
     * var secretsmanager = new GG.SecretsManager();
    constructor() {
        this.lambda = new Lambda();

     * Called when a response from the service is returned.
     * @callback secretsManagerCallback
     * @param err {Error} The error object returned from the request. Set to <tt>null</tt> if the request is successful.
     * @param data {Object|String} data returned from the request. Return type is decided on DeStringifyResultFlag flag in request. Set to <tt>null</tt> if a request error occurs.
     * @param data.ARN {String} The ARN of the secret.
     * @param data.Name {String} The friendly name of the secret.
     * @param data.VersionId {String} The unique identifier of this version of the secret.
     * @param data.SecretBinary {Buffer|TypedArray|Blob|String} The decrypted part of the protected secret information that was originally provided as binary data in the form of a byte array.
     * The response parameter represents the binary data as a base64-encoded string.
     * @param data.SecretString {String} The decrypted part of the protected secret information that was originally provided as a string.
     * @param data.VersionStages {String[]} Specifies the secret version that you want to retrieve by the staging label attached to the version.
     * <br/>Staging labels are used to keep track of different versions during the rotation process.

     * Retrieves a specific local secret value.
     * @param params {Object}
     * @param params.SecretId {String} Specifies the secret containing the version that you want to retrieve. You can specify either the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or the friendly name of the secret.
     * @param params.VersionStage {String} Specifies the secret version that you want to retrieve by the staging label attached to the version.
     * <br/>Staging labels are used to keep track of different versions during the rotation process.
     * @param params.DeStringifyResultFlag {boolean} Optional Flag to decide the return type from getSecretValue. If set, it returns de-serialized data object, otherwise it returns stringified response.
     * @param callback {secretsManagerCallback} The callback.
     * @example <caption>Retrieving a local secret value</caption>
     * // This operation retrieves a local secret value
     * var params = {
     *   SecretId: "STRING_VALUE",
     *   VersionStage: "STRING_VALUE"
     * };
     * secretsmanager.getSecretValue(params, function(err, data) {
     *   if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
     *   else     console.log(data);           // successful response
     * });
    getSecretValue(params, callback) {
        const secretId = Util.getParameter(params, KEY_SECRET_ID);
        const versionId = Util.getParameter(params, KEY_VERSION_ID);
        const versionStage = Util.getParameter(params, KEY_VERSION_STAGE);
        const isJSONResultFlagSet = Util.getParameter(params, KEY_JSON_RESULT_FLAG);

        if (secretId === undefined) {
            callback(new Error(`"${KEY_SECRET_ID}" is a required parameter`), null);
        // TODO: Remove this once we support query by VersionId
        if (versionId !== undefined) {
            callback(new Error('Query by VersionId is not yet supported'), null);
        if (versionId !== undefined && versionStage !== undefined) {
            callback(new Error('VersionId and VersionStage cannot both be specified at the same time'), null);

        const getSecretValueRequestBytes = SecretsManager._generateGetSecretValueRequestBytes(secretId, versionId, versionStage);

        const invokeParams = {
            FunctionName: SECRETS_MANAGER_FUNCTION_ARN,
            Payload: getSecretValueRequestBytes,

        console.log(`Getting secret value from secrets manager: ${getSecretValueRequestBytes}`);

        this.lambda.invoke(invokeParams, (err, data) => {
            if (err) {
                callback(err, null); // an error occurred
            } else if (SecretsManager._is200Response(data.Payload)) {
                // successful response
                if (isJSONResultFlagSet) {
                    callback(null, JSON.parse(data.Payload));
                callback(null, data.Payload);
            } else {
                callback(new Error(JSON.stringify(data.Payload)), null); // error response

    static _generateGetSecretValueRequestBytes(secretId, versionId, versionStage) {
        const request = {
            SecretId: secretId,

        if (versionStage !== undefined) {
            request.VersionStage = versionStage;

        if (versionId !== undefined) {
            request.VersionId = versionId;

        return Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(request));

    static _is200Response(payload) {
        const hasSecretArn = this._stringContains(payload, KEY_SECRET_ARN);
        const hasSecretName = this._stringContains(payload, KEY_SECRET_NAME);
        const hasVersionId = this._stringContains(payload, KEY_VERSION_ID);
        const hasCreatedDate = this._stringContains(payload, KEY_CREATED_DATE);

        return hasSecretArn && hasSecretName && hasVersionId && hasCreatedDate;

    static _stringContains(src, target) {
        return src.indexOf(target) > -1;

module.exports = SecretsManager;