Source code for greengrasssdk.stream_manager.utilinternal

Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import asyncio
import json
import re
import uuid
from typing import Sequence

from .data import ResponseStatusCode
from .exceptions import (

[docs]class UtilInternal: __ENDIAN = "big" _MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 1 << 30
[docs] @staticmethod def sync(coro, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop): if asyncio.iscoroutine(coro): # Run async function in the loop and return the value or raise the exception return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, loop=loop).result() return coro
""" Delete keys with the value ``None`` in a dictionary, recursively. This alters the input so you may wish to ``copy`` the dict first. """
[docs] @staticmethod def del_empty_arrays(d): for key, value in list(d.items()): if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 0: del d[key] elif isinstance(value, dict): UtilInternal.del_empty_arrays(value) return d
[docs] @staticmethod def serialize_to_json_with_empty_array_as_null(data): s = json.dumps(UtilInternal.del_empty_arrays(data.as_dict())) return s.encode()
[docs] @staticmethod def int_to_bytes(i, length=4): return int.to_bytes(i, length=length, byteorder=UtilInternal.__ENDIAN, signed=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def int_from_bytes(b): return int.from_bytes(b, byteorder=UtilInternal.__ENDIAN, signed=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def encode_frame(frame) -> Sequence[bytes]: if len(frame.payload) + 1 > UtilInternal._MAX_PACKET_SIZE: raise RequestPayloadTooLargeException() return [ bytes( [ *UtilInternal.int_to_bytes(len(frame.payload) + 1), *UtilInternal.int_to_bytes(frame.operation.value, length=1), ] ), frame.payload, ]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_request_id(): return str(uuid.uuid4())
[docs] @staticmethod def is_invalid(o): if not hasattr(o, "_validations_map"): return False if not hasattr(o, "_types_map"): return False for prop_name, validations in o._validations_map.items(): if not hasattr(o, prop_name): return "Object is malformed, missing property: {}".format(prop_name) # Validate all properties on lists if type(getattr(o, prop_name)) == list: for i, v in enumerate(getattr(o, prop_name)): result = UtilInternal.is_invalid(v) if result: return "Property {}[{}] is invalid because {}".format(prop_name, i, result) # Recurse down to check validity of objects within objects result = UtilInternal.is_invalid(getattr(o, prop_name)) if result: return "Property {} is invalid because {}".format(prop_name, result) # Validate the property if "required" in validations and validations["required"] and getattr(o, prop_name) is None: return "Property {} is required, but was None".format(prop_name) if ( "minLength" in validations and getattr(o, prop_name) is not None and len(getattr(o, prop_name)) < validations["minLength"] ): return "Property {} must have a minimum length of {}, but found length of {}".format( prop_name, validations["minLength"], len(getattr(o, prop_name)) ) if ( "maxLength" in validations and getattr(o, prop_name) is not None and len(getattr(o, prop_name)) > validations["maxLength"] ): return "Property {} must have a maximum length of {}, but found length of {}".format( prop_name, validations["maxLength"], len(getattr(o, prop_name)) ) if ( "minItems" in validations and getattr(o, prop_name) is not None and len(getattr(o, prop_name)) < validations["minItems"] ): return "Property {} must have at least {} items, but found {}".format( prop_name, validations["minItems"], len(getattr(o, prop_name)) ) if ( "maxItems" in validations and getattr(o, prop_name) is not None and len(getattr(o, prop_name)) > validations["maxItems"] ): return "Property {} must have at most {} items, but found {}".format( prop_name, validations["maxItems"], len(getattr(o, prop_name)) ) if ( "maximum" in validations and getattr(o, prop_name) is not None and getattr(o, prop_name) > validations["maximum"] ): return "Property {} must be at most {}".format(prop_name, validations["maximum"]) if ( "minimum" in validations and getattr(o, prop_name) is not None and getattr(o, prop_name) < validations["minimum"] ): return "Property {} must be at least {}".format(prop_name, validations["minimum"]) if ( "pattern" in validations and getattr(o, prop_name) is not None and re.fullmatch(validations["pattern"], getattr(o, prop_name)) is None ): return "Property {} must match regex {}".format(prop_name, validations["pattern"]) for prop_name, types in o._types_map.items(): # Validate all properties with their respective types if "type" in types and getattr(o, prop_name) is not None: result = isinstance(getattr(o, prop_name), types["type"]) if not result: return "Property {} is invalid because it must be of type {}".format( prop_name, types["type"].__name__ ) if types["type"] == list and "subtype" in types: for i, v in enumerate(getattr(o, prop_name)): result = isinstance(v, types["subtype"]) if not result: return "Property {}[{}] is invalid because it must be of type {}".format( prop_name, i, types["subtype"].__name__ ) return False
[docs] @staticmethod def raise_on_error_response(response): if response.status == ResponseStatusCode.Success: return elif response.status == ResponseStatusCode.InvalidRequest: raise InvalidRequestException(response.error_message, response.status, response.request_id) elif response.status == ResponseStatusCode.RequestPayloadTooLarge: raise RequestPayloadTooLargeException(response.error_message, response.status, response.request_id) elif response.status == ResponseStatusCode.ResourceNotFound: raise ResourceNotFoundException(response.error_message, response.status, response.request_id) elif response.status == ResponseStatusCode.ResponsePayloadTooLarge: raise ResponsePayloadTooLargeException(response.error_message, response.status, response.request_id) elif response.status == ResponseStatusCode.ServerTimeout: raise ServerTimeoutException(response.error_message, response.status, response.request_id) elif response.status == ResponseStatusCode.Unauthorized: raise UnauthorizedException(response.error_message, response.status, response.request_id) elif response.status == ResponseStatusCode.UnknownFailure: raise UnknownFailureException(response.error_message, response.status, response.request_id) elif response.status == ResponseStatusCode.NotEnoughMessages: raise NotEnoughMessagesException(response.error_message, response.status, response.request_id) elif response.status == ResponseStatusCode.MessageStoreReadError: raise MessageStoreReadErrorException(response.error_message, response.status, response.request_id) elif response.status == ResponseStatusCode.OutOfMemoryError: raise ServerOutOfMemoryException(response.error_message, response.status, response.request_id) elif response.status == ResponseStatusCode.UpdateFailed: raise UpdateFailedException(response.error_message, response.status, response.request_id) elif response.status == ResponseStatusCode.UpdateNotAllowed: raise UpdateNotAllowedException(response.error_message, response.status, response.request_id) elif response.status == ResponseStatusCode.UnknownOperation: raise UnknownOperationException(response.error_message, response.status, response.request_id) else: raise StreamManagerException( "Client is not able to understand this server response status code", "Unrecognized", response.request_id )