AWS IoT Device SDK C  202011.00
SDK for connecting to AWS IoT from a device using embedded C.
Retry Utilities

An abstraction of utilities for retrying with exponential back off and jitter.


The retry utilities are a set of APIs that aid in retrying with exponential backoff and jitter. Exponential backoff with jitter is strongly recommended for retrying failed actions over the network with servers. Please see for more information about the benefits with AWS.

Exponential backoff with jitter is typically used when retrying a failed connection to the server. In an environment with poor connectivity, a client can get disconnected at any time. A backoff strategy helps the client to conserve battery by not repeatedly attempting reconnections when they are unlikely to succeed.

Before retrying the failed communication to the server, there is a delay period. In this delay period, the task that is retrying must sleep for some random amount of seconds between 0 and the lesser of the backoff window (related to the retry attempt) and a predefined maximum delay value. The backoff window is doubled with each retry attempt until the maximum delay value is reached.

sleep_seconds = random_between( 0, min( 2attempts_count * base_seconds, maximum_seconds ) )

Implementing Retry Utils

The functions that must be implemented are:

The functions are used as shown in the diagram below. This is the exponential backoff with jitter loop:

The following steps give guidance on implementing the Retry Utils. An example implementation of the Retry Utils for a POSIX platform can be found in file retry_utils_posix.c.

  1. Implementing RetryUtils_ParamsReset
    This function initializes RetryUtilsParams_t. It is expected to set RetryUtilsParams_t::attemptsDone to zero. It is also expected to set RetryUtilsParams_t::nextJitterMax to INITIAL_RETRY_BACKOFF_SECONDS plus some random amount of seconds, jitter. This jitter is a random number between 0 and MAX_JITTER_VALUE_SECONDS. This function must be called before entering the exponential backoff with jitter loop using RetryUtils_BackoffAndSleep.

    Please follow the example below to implement your own RetryUtils_ParamsReset. The lines with FIXME comments should be updated.
    uint32_t jitter = 0;
    // Reset attempts done to zero so that the next retry cycle can start.
    pRetryParams->attemptsDone = 0;
    // Seed pseudo random number generator with the current time. FIXME: Your
    // system may have another method to retrieve the current time to seed the
    // pseudo random number generator.
    srand( time( NULL ) );
    // Calculate jitter value using picking a random number.
    jitter = ( rand() % MAX_JITTER_VALUE_SECONDS );
    // Reset the backoff value to the initial time out value plus jitter.
    pRetryParams->nextJitterMax = INITIAL_RETRY_BACKOFF_SECONDS + jitter;

  2. Implementing RetryUtils_BackoffAndSleep
    When this function is invoked, the calling task is expected to sleep a random number of seconds between 0 and RetryUtilsParams_t::nextJitterMax. After sleeping this function must double RetryUtilsParams_t::nextJitterMax, but not exceeding MAX_RETRY_BACKOFF_SECONDS. When MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS are reached, this function should return RetryUtilsRetriesExhausted, unless MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS is set to zero. When RetryUtilsRetriesExhausted is returned, the calling application can stop trying with a failure, or it can call RetryUtils_ParamsReset again, and restart the exponential back off with jitter loop.

    Please follow the example below to implement your own RetryUtils_BackoffAndSleep. The lines with FIXME comments should be updated.
    // The quiet period delay in seconds.
    int backOffDelay = 0;
    // If MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS is set to 0, try forever.
    if( ( pRetryParams->attemptsDone < MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS ) ||
    ( 0 == MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS ) )
    // Choose a random value for back-off time between 0 and the max jitter value.
    backOffDelay = rand() % pRetryParams->nextJitterMax;
    // Wait for backoff time to expire for the next retry.
    ( void ) myThreadSleepFunction( backOffDelay ); // FIXME: Replace with your system's thread sleep function.
    // Increment backoff counts.
    // Double the max jitter value for the next retry attempt, only
    // if the new value will be less than the max backoff time value.
    if( pRetryParams->nextJitterMax < ( MAX_RETRY_BACKOFF_SECONDS / 2U ) )
    pRetryParams->nextJitterMax += pRetryParams->nextJitterMax;
    // When max retry attempts are exhausted, let application know by
    // returning RetryUtilsRetriesExhausted. Application may choose to
    // restart the retry process after calling RetryUtils_ParamsReset().
    RetryUtils_ParamsReset( pRetryParams );
    return status;
@ RetryUtilsRetriesExhausted
The function exhausted all retry attempts.
Definition: retry_utils.h:198
Max number of retry attempts. Set this value to 0 if the client must retry forever.
Definition: retry_utils.h:174
Status for RetryUtils_BackoffAndSleep.
Definition: retry_utils.h:196
Initial fixed backoff value in seconds between two successive retries. A random jitter value is added...
Definition: retry_utils.h:180
Max backoff value in seconds.
Definition: retry_utils.h:185
@ RetryUtilsSuccess
The function returned successfully after sleeping.
Definition: retry_utils.h:197
RetryUtilsStatus_t RetryUtils_BackoffAndSleep(RetryUtilsParams_t *pRetryParams)
Simple platform specific exponential backoff function. The application must use this function between...
Definition: retry_utils_posix.c:37
uint32_t nextJitterMax
The max jitter value for backoff time in retry attempt.
Definition: retry_utils.h:215
Represents parameters required for retry logic.
Definition: retry_utils.h:205
void RetryUtils_ParamsReset(RetryUtilsParams_t *pRetryParams)
Resets the retry timeout value and number of attempts. This function must be called by the applicatio...
Definition: retry_utils_posix.c:82
uint32_t attemptsDone
The cumulative count of backoff delay cycles completed for retries.
Definition: retry_utils.h:210
Max jitter value in seconds.
Definition: retry_utils.h:190