coreHTTP  v1.0.0
HTTP/1.1 Client Library

Add the byte range request header to the request headers store in HTTPRequestHeaders_t.pBuffer.

int32_t rangeStartOrlastNbytes,
int32_t rangeEnd );

For example, if requesting for the first 1kB of a file the following would be written: Range: bytes=0-1023\r\n\r\n.

The trailing \r\n that denotes the end of the header lines is overwritten, if it already exists in the buffer.

There are 3 different forms of range specification, determined by the combination of rangeStartOrLastNBytes and rangeEnd parameter values:

  1. Request containing both parameters for the byte range [rangeStart, rangeEnd] where rangeStartOrLastNBytes <= rangeEnd. Example request header line: Range: bytes=0-1023\r\n for requesting bytes in the range [0, 1023].
    HTTPStatus_t httpLibraryStatus = HTTPSuccess;
    // Assume that requestHeaders has already been initialized with
    // HTTPClient_InitializeRequestHeaders().
    HTTPRequestHeaders_t requestHeaders;
    // Request for bytes 0 to 1023.
    httpLibraryStatus = HTTPClient_AddRangeHeader( &requestHeaders, 0, 1023 );
  2. Request for the last N bytes, represented by rangeStartOrlastNbytes. rangeStartOrlastNbytes should be negative and rangeEnd should be HTTP_RANGE_REQUEST_END_OF_FILE. Example request header line: Range: bytes=-512\r\n for requesting the last 512 bytes (or bytes in the range [512, 1023] for a 1KB sized file).
    HTTPStatus_t httpLibraryStatus = HTTPSuccess;
    // Assume that requestHeaders has already been initialized with
    // HTTPClient_InitializeRequestHeaders().
    HTTPRequestHeaders_t requestHeaders;
    // Request for the last 512 bytes.
    httpLibraryStatus = HTTPClient_AddRangeHeader( &requestHeaders, -512, HTTP_RANGE_REQUEST_END_OF_FILE)
  3. Request for all bytes (till the end of byte sequence) from byte N, represented by rangeStartOrlastNbytes. rangeStartOrlastNbytes should be >= 0 and rangeEnd should be HTTP_RANGE_REQUEST_END_OF_FILE.
    Example request header line: Range: bytes=256-\r\n for requesting all bytes after and including byte 256 (or bytes in the range [256,1023] for a 1kB sized file).
    HTTPStatus_t httpLibraryStatus = HTTPSuccess;
    // Assume that requestHeaders has already been initialized with
    // HTTPClient_InitializeRequestHeaders().
    HTTPRequestHeaders_t requestHeaders;
    // Request for all bytes from byte 256 onward.
    httpLibraryStatus = HTTPClient_AddRangeHeader( &requestHeaders, 256, HTTP_RANGE_REQUEST_END_OF_FILE)
[in]pRequestHeadersRequest header buffer information.
[in]rangeStartOrlastNbytesRepresents either the starting byte for a range OR the last N number of bytes in the requested file.
[in]rangeEndThe ending range for the requested file. For end of file byte in Range Specifications 2. and 3., HTTP_RANGE_REQUEST_END_OF_FILE should be passed.
Returns the following status codes: HTTPSuccess, if successful. HTTPInvalidParameter, if input parameters are invalid, including when the rangeStartOrlastNbytes and rangeEnd parameter combination is invalid. HTTPInsufficientMemory, if the passed HTTPRequestHeaders_t.pBuffer contains insufficient remaining memory for storing the range request.
@ HTTPSuccess
The HTTP Client library function completed successfully.
Definition: core_http_client.h:167
Represents header data that will be sent in an HTTP request.
Definition: core_http_client.h:323
Flag that represents End of File byte in the range specification of a Range Request....
Definition: core_http_client.h:149
The HTTP Client library return status.
Definition: core_http_client.h:156
HTTPStatus_t HTTPClient_AddRangeHeader(HTTPRequestHeaders_t *pRequestHeaders, int32_t rangeStartOrlastNbytes, int32_t rangeEnd)
Add the byte range request header to the request headers store in HTTPRequestHeaders_t....
Definition: core_http_client.c:1643