AWS IoT Device Shadow  v1.1.1
AWS IoT Device Shadow client library
Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
[detail level 12]
 ConfigurationsConfigurations of the Shadow Library
 FunctionsPrimary functions of the Shadow library:

 Shadow_MatchTopicStringGiven the topic string of an incoming message, determine whether it is related to a device shadow; if it is, return information about the type of device shadow message, and pointers to the Thing Name and Shadow Name inside of the topic string. See ShadowMessageType_t for the list of message types. Those types correspond to Device Shadow Topics.
 Shadow_AssembleTopicStringAssemble shadow topic string when Thing Name or Shadow Name is only known at run time. If both the Thing Name and Shadow Name are known at compile time, use SHADOW_TOPIC_STR_* macros instead.
 Porting GuideGuide for porting Shadow to a new platform
 Deprecated List