corePKCS11  v3.2.0
PKCS #11 Cryptoki Library
PKCS #11 Configuration Macros

These are the configuration macros used by the corePKCS11 Library.


Definitions mapping deprecated configuration macro names to their current equivalent configurations for backwards compatibility of API. Malloc API used by iot_pkcs11.h

Possible values: Any platform-specific function for allocating memory.
Default value: The standard C "malloc" function


Free API used by iot_pkcs11.h.
Possible values: Any platform-specific function for freeing memory.
Default value: The standard C "free" function


PKCS #11 default user PIN. The PKCS #11 standard specifies the presence of a user PIN. That feature is sensible for applications that have an interactive user interface and memory protections. However, since typical microcontroller applications lack one or both of those, the user PIN is assumed to be used herein for interoperability purposes only, and not as a security feature.

Do not cast this to a pointer! The library calls sizeof to get the length of this string.

Possible values: Any four digit code
Default value: "0000"


Maximum length (in characters) for a PKCS #11 CKA_LABEL attribute.
Possible values: Any positive integer.
Default value: 32


Maximum number of token objects that can be stored by the PKCS #11 module.
Possible values: Any positive integer.
Default value: 6


Maximum number of sessions that can be stored by the PKCS #11 module.

The windows test port has an abnormally large value in order to have enough sessions to successfully run all the model based PKCS #11 tests.

Possible values: Any positive integer.
Default value: 10


Set to 1 if a PAL destroy object is implemented. If set to 0, no PAL destroy object is implemented, and this functionality is implemented in the common PKCS #11 layer.

Possible values: 0 or 1
Default value: 0


Set to 1 if OTA image verification via PKCS #11 module is supported. If set to 0, OTA code signing certificate is built in via aws_ota_codesigner_certificate.h.

Possible values: 0 or 1
Default value: 0


Set to 1 if PAL supports storage for JITP certificate, code verify certificate, and trusted server root certificate. If set to 0, PAL does not support storage mechanism for these, and they are accessed via headers compiled into the code.

Possible values: 0 or 1
Default value: 0


The PKCS #11 label for device private key. Private key for connection to AWS IoT endpoint. The corresponding public key should be registered with the AWS IoT endpoint.

Possible values: Any String smaller then pkcs11configMAX_LABEL_LENGTH.
Default value: Device Priv TLS Key


The PKCS #11 label for device public key. The public key corresponding to pkcs11configLABEL_DEVICE_PRIVATE_KEY_FOR_TLS.

Possible values: Any String smaller then pkcs11configMAX_LABEL_LENGTH.
Default value: Device Pub TLS Key


The PKCS #11 label for the device certificate. Device certificate corresponding to pkcs11configLABEL_DEVICE_PRIVATE_KEY_FOR_TLS.

Possible values: Any String smaller then pkcs11configMAX_LABEL_LENGTH.
Default value: Device Cert


The PKCS #11 label for the AWS Trusted Root Certificate.

See also

Possible values: Any String smaller then pkcs11configMAX_LABEL_LENGTH.
Default value: Root Cert


The PKCS #11 label for the object to be used for HMAC operations.
Possible values: Any String smaller then pkcs11configMAX_LABEL_LENGTH.
Default value: HMAC Key


The PKCS #11 label for the object to be used for CMAC operations.
Possible values: Any String smaller then pkcs11configMAX_LABEL_LENGTH.
Default value: CMAC Key


The PKCS #11 label for the object to be used for code verification. Used by AWS IoT Over-the-Air Update (OTA) code to verify an incoming signed image.

Possible values: Any String smaller then pkcs11configMAX_LABEL_LENGTH.
Default value: Code Verify Key


The PKCS #11 label for AWS IoT Just-In-Time-Provisioning. The certificate corresponding to the issuer of the device certificate (pkcs11configLABEL_DEVICE_CERTIFICATE_FOR_TLS) when using the JITR or JITP flow.

Possible values: Any String smaller then pkcs11configMAX_LABEL_LENGTH.
Default value: Code Verify Key


Macro that is called in the corePKCS11 library for logging "Error" level messages. To enable error level logging in the corePKCS11 library, this macro should be mapped to the application-specific logging implementation that supports error logging.

This logging macro is called in the corePKCS11 library with parameters wrapped in double parentheses to be ISO C89/C90 standard compliant. For a reference implementation of the logging macros in POSIX environment, refer to core_pkcs11_config.h files, and the logging-stack in demos folder of the AWS IoT Embedded C SDK repository.

Default value: Error logging is turned off, and no code is generated for calls to the macro in the corePKCS11 library on compilation.


Macro that is called in the corePKCS11 library for logging "Warning" level messages. To enable warning level logging in the corePKCS11 library, this macro should be mapped to the application-specific logging implementation that supports warning logging.

This logging macro is called in the corePKCS11 library with parameters wrapped in double parentheses to be ISO C89/C90 standard compliant. For a reference implementation of the logging macros in POSIX environment, refer to core_pkcs11_config.h files, and the logging-stack in demos folder of the AWS IoT Embedded C SDK repository.

Default value: Warning logs are turned off, and no code is generated for calls to the macro in the corePKCS11 library on compilation.


Macro that is called in the corePKCS11 library for logging "Info" level messages. To enable info level logging in the corePKCS11 library, this macro should be mapped to the application-specific logging implementation that supports info logging.

This logging macro is called in the corePKCS11 library with parameters wrapped in double parentheses to be ISO C89/C90 standard compliant. For a reference implementation of the logging macros in POSIX environment, refer to core_pkcs11_config.h files, and the logging-stack in demos folder of the AWS IoT Embedded C SDK repository.

Default value: Info logging is turned off, and no code is generated for calls to the macro in the corePKCS11 library on compilation.


Macro that is called in the corePKCS11 library for logging "Debug" level messages. To enable debug level logging from corePKCS11 library, this macro should be mapped to the application-specific logging implementation that supports debug logging.

This logging macro is called in the corePKCS11 library with parameters wrapped in double parentheses to be ISO C89/C90 standard compliant. For a reference implementation of the logging macros in POSIX environment, refer to core_pkcs11_config.h files, and the logging-stack in demos folder of the AWS IoT Embedded C SDK repository.

Default value: Debug logging is turned off, and no code is generated for calls to the macro in the corePKCS11 library on compilation.