Class DescribeJobExecutionRequest

  • public class DescribeJobExecutionRequest
    extends Object
    Data needed to make a DescribeJobExecution request.
    • Field Detail

      • thingName

        public String thingName
        The name of the thing associated with the device.
      • jobId

        public String jobId
        The unique identifier assigned to this job when it was created. Or use $next to return the next pending job execution for a thing (status IN_PROGRESS or QUEUED). In this case, any job executions with status IN_PROGRESS are returned first. Job executions are returned in the order in which they were created.
      • clientToken

        public String clientToken
        An opaque string used to correlate requests and responses. Enter an arbitrary value here and it is reflected in the response.
      • executionNumber

        public Long executionNumber
        Optional. A number that identifies a job execution on a device. If not specified, the latest job execution is returned.
      • includeJobDocument

        public Boolean includeJobDocument
        Optional. Unless set to false, the response contains the job document. The default is true.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DescribeJobExecutionRequest

        public DescribeJobExecutionRequest()