AwsIotMqtt5ClientBuilder |
Builders for making MQTT5 clients with different connection methods for AWS IoT Core.
AwsIotMqtt5ClientBuilder.MqttConnectCustomAuthConfig |
AwsIotMqtt5ClientBuilder.WebsocketSigv4Config |
Websocket-specific MQTT5 connection AWS IoT configuration options
AwsIotMqttConnectionBuilder |
A central class for building Mqtt connections without manually managing a large variety of native objects (some
still need to be created though).
AwsMqtt5Sigv4HandshakeTransformer |
A websocket handshake transformer that adds a sigv4 signature for the handshake to the request.
AwsSigv4HandshakeTransformer |
A websocket handshake transformer that adds a sigv4 signature for the handshake to the request.
EnumSerializer<E> |
Custom JSON serializer for enumerated types within IoT service models
ShadowStateFactory |
Factory class for converting ShadowStates to and from packet payloads
Timestamp |
Extension of Java date class to support Json serialization.
Timestamp.Deserializer |
Deserializer to convert JSON to Timestamp
Timestamp.Serializer |
Serializer to convert Timestamp to JSON