Timing SDK operations

How to perform basic instrumentation in the AWS SDK for Go V2 to time SDK operations

When debugging timeout / latency issues in the SDK, it is critical to identify the components of the operation lifecycle which are taking more time to execute than expected. As a starting point, you will generally need to inspect the timing breakdown between the overall operation call and the HTTP call itself.

The following sample program implements a basic instrumentation probe in terms of smithy-go middleware for SQS clients and demonstrates how it is used. The probe emits the following information for each operation call:

  • AWS request ID
  • service ID
  • operation name
  • operation invocation time
  • http call time

Each emitted message is prefixed with a unique (to a single operation) “invocation ID” which is set at the beginning of the handler stack.

The entry point for instrumentation is exposed as WithOperationTiming, which is parameterized to accept a message handling function which will receive instrumentation “events” as formatted strings. PrintfMSGHandler is provided as a convenience which will simply dump messages to stdout.

The service used here is interchangeable - ALL service client options accept APIOptions and an HTTPClient as configuration. For example, WithOperationTiming could instead be declared as:

func WithOperationTiming(msgHandler func(string)) func(*s3.Options)
func WithOperationTiming(msgHandler func(string)) func(*dynamodb.Options)
// etc.

If you change it, be sure to change the signature of the function it returns as well.

import (

    awsmiddleware "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/middleware"
    awshttp "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/transport/http"
    smithyrand "github.com/aws/smithy-go/rand"

// WithOperationTiming instruments an SQS client to dump timing information for
// the following spans:
//   - overall operation time
//   - HTTPClient call time
// This instrumentation will also emit the request ID, service name, and
// operation name for each invocation.
// Accepts a message "handler" which is invoked with formatted messages to be
// handled externally, you can use the declared PrintfMSGHandler to simply dump
// these values to stdout.
func WithOperationTiming(msgHandler func(string)) func(*sqs.Options) {
    return func(o *sqs.Options) {
        o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, addTimingMiddlewares(msgHandler))
        o.HTTPClient = &timedHTTPClient{
            client:     awshttp.NewBuildableClient(),
            msgHandler: msgHandler,

// PrintfMSGHandler writes messages to stdout.
func PrintfMSGHandler(msg string) {
    fmt.Printf("%s\n", msg)

type invokeIDKey struct{}

func setInvokeID(ctx context.Context, id string) context.Context {
    return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, invokeIDKey{}, id)

func getInvokeID(ctx context.Context) string {
    id, _ := middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, invokeIDKey{}).(string)
    return id

// Records the current time, and returns a function to be called when the
// target span of events is completed. The return function will emit the given
// span name and time elapsed to the given message consumer.
func timeSpan(ctx context.Context, name string, consumer func(string)) func() {
    start := time.Now()
    return func() {
        elapsed := time.Now().Sub(start)
        consumer(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s: %s", getInvokeID(ctx), name, elapsed))

type timedHTTPClient struct {
    client     *awshttp.BuildableClient
    msgHandler func(string)

func (c *timedHTTPClient) Do(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
    defer timeSpan(r.Context(), "http", c.msgHandler)()

    resp, err := c.client.Do(r)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("inner client do: %v", err)

    return resp, nil

type addInvokeIDMiddleware struct {
    msgHandler func(string)

func (*addInvokeIDMiddleware) ID() string { return "addInvokeID" }

func (*addInvokeIDMiddleware) HandleInitialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler) (
    out middleware.InitializeOutput, md middleware.Metadata, err error,
) {
    id, err := smithyrand.NewUUID(smithyrand.Reader).GetUUID()
    if err != nil {
        return out, md, fmt.Errorf("new uuid: %v", err)

    return next.HandleInitialize(setInvokeID(ctx, id), in)

type timeOperationMiddleware struct {
    msgHandler func(string)

func (*timeOperationMiddleware) ID() string { return "timeOperation" }

func (m *timeOperationMiddleware) HandleInitialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler) (
    middleware.InitializeOutput, middleware.Metadata, error,
) {
    defer timeSpan(ctx, "operation", m.msgHandler)()
    return next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in)

type emitMetadataMiddleware struct {
    msgHandler func(string)

func (*emitMetadataMiddleware) ID() string { return "emitMetadata" }

func (m *emitMetadataMiddleware) HandleInitialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler) (
    middleware.InitializeOutput, middleware.Metadata, error,
) {
    out, md, err := next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in)

    invokeID := getInvokeID(ctx)
    requestID, _ := awsmiddleware.GetRequestIDMetadata(md)
    service := awsmiddleware.GetServiceID(ctx)
    operation := awsmiddleware.GetOperationName(ctx)
    m.msgHandler(fmt.Sprintf(`[%s] requestID = "%s"`, invokeID, requestID))
    m.msgHandler(fmt.Sprintf(`[%s] service   = "%s"`, invokeID, service))
    m.msgHandler(fmt.Sprintf(`[%s] operation = "%s"`, invokeID, operation))

    return out, md, err

func addTimingMiddlewares(mh func(string)) func(*middleware.Stack) error {
    return func(s *middleware.Stack) error {
        if err := s.Initialize.Add(&timeOperationMiddleware{msgHandler: mh}, middleware.Before); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("add time operation middleware: %v", err)
        if err := s.Initialize.Add(&addInvokeIDMiddleware{msgHandler: mh}, middleware.Before); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("add invoke id middleware: %v", err)
        if err := s.Initialize.Insert(&emitMetadataMiddleware{msgHandler: mh}, "RegisterServiceMetadata", middleware.After); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("add emit metadata middleware: %v", err)
        return nil

func main() {
    cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.Background())
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("load default config: %v", err))

    svc := sqs.NewFromConfig(cfg, WithOperationTiming(PrintfMSGHandler))

    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
        go func() {
            defer wg.Done()

            _, err = svc.ListQueues(context.Background(), nil)
            if err != nil {
                fmt.Println(fmt.Errorf("list queues: %v", err))

A sample output of this program:

[e9a801bb-c51d-45c8-8e9f-a202e263fde8] http: 192.24067ms
[e9a801bb-c51d-45c8-8e9f-a202e263fde8] requestID = "dbee3082-96a3-5b23-adca-6d005696fa94"
[e9a801bb-c51d-45c8-8e9f-a202e263fde8] service   = "SQS"
[e9a801bb-c51d-45c8-8e9f-a202e263fde8] operation = "ListQueues"
[e9a801bb-c51d-45c8-8e9f-a202e263fde8] operation: 193.098393ms
[0740f0e0-953e-4328-94fc-830a5052e763] http: 195.185732ms
[0740f0e0-953e-4328-94fc-830a5052e763] requestID = "48b301fa-fc9f-5f1f-9007-5c783caa9322"
[0740f0e0-953e-4328-94fc-830a5052e763] service   = "SQS"
[0740f0e0-953e-4328-94fc-830a5052e763] operation = "ListQueues"
[0740f0e0-953e-4328-94fc-830a5052e763] operation: 195.725491ms
[c0589832-f351-4cc7-84f1-c656eb79dbd7] http: 200.52383ms
[444030d0-6743-4de5-bd91-bc40b2b94c55] http: 200.525919ms
[c0589832-f351-4cc7-84f1-c656eb79dbd7] requestID = "4a73cc82-b47b-56e1-b327-9100744e1b1f"
[c0589832-f351-4cc7-84f1-c656eb79dbd7] service   = "SQS"
[c0589832-f351-4cc7-84f1-c656eb79dbd7] operation = "ListQueues"
[c0589832-f351-4cc7-84f1-c656eb79dbd7] operation: 201.214365ms
[444030d0-6743-4de5-bd91-bc40b2b94c55] requestID = "ca1523ed-1879-5610-bf5d-7e6fd84cabee"
[444030d0-6743-4de5-bd91-bc40b2b94c55] service   = "SQS"
[444030d0-6743-4de5-bd91-bc40b2b94c55] operation = "ListQueues"
[444030d0-6743-4de5-bd91-bc40b2b94c55] operation: 201.197071ms
[079e8dbd-bb93-43ab-89e5-a7bb392b86a5] http: 206.449568ms
[12b2b39d-df86-4648-a436-ff0482d13340] http: 206.526603ms
[079e8dbd-bb93-43ab-89e5-a7bb392b86a5] requestID = "64229710-b552-56ed-8f96-ca927567ec7b"
[079e8dbd-bb93-43ab-89e5-a7bb392b86a5] service   = "SQS"
[079e8dbd-bb93-43ab-89e5-a7bb392b86a5] operation = "ListQueues"
[079e8dbd-bb93-43ab-89e5-a7bb392b86a5] operation: 207.252357ms
[12b2b39d-df86-4648-a436-ff0482d13340] requestID = "76d9cbc0-07aa-58aa-98b7-9642c79f9851"
[12b2b39d-df86-4648-a436-ff0482d13340] service   = "SQS"
[12b2b39d-df86-4648-a436-ff0482d13340] operation = "ListQueues"
[12b2b39d-df86-4648-a436-ff0482d13340] operation: 207.360621ms