The content on this site is maintained by Solution Architects, AWS Security service team members and other volunteers from across the organization. Our goal is to improve the discovery of relevant best practices on how to set up and use AWS security services.
Recipes and content contributions in general so far are from the following people:
Authors | Authors | Authors | Authors |
Marshall Jones | Ray Elkins | Mutaz Hajeer | Jason Schamp |
Scott Ward | Chris Simmons | Uday Chandrasen | Kashish Wadhwa |
Priyank Ghedia | Brent Maynard | Shachar Hirshberg | Rick Anthony |
Lee Messier | Bryan Van Hook | Jesse Lepich | Michael Leighty |
Justin Criswell | Joe Wagner | Lawton Pittenger |
Note that all recipes published on this site are available via the MIT-0 license, a modification to the usual MIT license that removes the requirement for attribution.