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$ copilot completion [shell] [flags]

What does it do?

copilot completion prints shell completion code for bash, zsh or fish. The code must be evaluated to provide interactive completion of commands.

See the help menu for instructions on how to setup auto-completion for your respective shell.

What are the flags?

-h, --help   help for completion


Install zsh completion.

$ source <(copilot completion zsh)
$ copilot completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_copilot" # to autoload on startup
Install bash completion on macOS using homebrew.
$ brew install bash-completion   # if running 3.2
$ brew install bash-completion@2 # if running Bash 4.1+
$ copilot completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d
Install bash completion on linux
$ source <(copilot completion bash)
$ copilot completion bash >
$ sudo mv /etc/bash_completion.d/copilot
Install fish completion on linux
$ source <(copilot completion fish)
$ copilot completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/