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env package

$ copilot env package [flags]

What does it do?

copilot env package prints the CloudFormation stack template and configuration used to deploy an environment.

What are the flags?

      --allow-downgrade     Optional. Allow using an older version of Copilot to update Copilot components
                            updated by a newer version of Copilot.
  -a, --app string          Name of the application.
      --diff                Compares the generated CloudFormation template to the deployed stack.
      --force               Optional. Force update the environment stack template.
  -h, --help                help for package
  -n, --name string         Name of the environment.
      --output-dir string   Optional. Writes the stack template and template configuration to a directory.
      --upload-assets       Optional. Whether to upload assets (container images, Lambda functions, etc.).
                            Uploaded asset locations are filled in the template configuration.


Print the CloudFormation template for the "prod" environment and upload custom resources.

$ copilot env package -n prod --upload-assets
Write the CloudFormation template and configuration to a "infrastructure/" sub-directory instead of stdout.
$ copilot env package -n test --output-dir ./infrastructure --upload-assets
$ ls ./infrastructure
test.env.yml      test.env.params.json

Use --diff to print the diff and exit.

$ copilot env deploy --diff
~ Resources:
    ~ Cluster:
        ~ Properties:
            ~ ClusterSettings:
                ~ - (changed item)
                  ~ Value: enabled -> disabled

The exit codes when using copilot [noun] package --diff

0 = no diffs found
1 = diffs found
2 = error producing diffs