
  1import itertools
  2import logging
  3from dataclasses import dataclass
  4from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
  6from fmeval.constants import (
  7    DatasetColumns,
  8    MEAN,
 10from fmeval.data_loaders.data_config import DataConfig
 11from fmeval.data_loaders.util import get_dataset
 12from fmeval.eval_algorithms import (
 13    EvalAlgorithm,
 14    EvalScore,
 15    EvalOutput,
 17    get_default_prompt_template,
 19from fmeval.eval_algorithms.common import evaluate_dataset
 20from fmeval.eval_algorithms.eval_algorithm import EvalAlgorithmInterface
 21from fmeval.eval_algorithms.save_strategy import SaveStrategy
 22from fmeval.eval_algorithms.semantic_robustness_utils import (
 23    SemanticRobustnessConfig,
 24    get_perturbation_transform,
 25    get_model_outputs_from_perturbed_inputs,
 27from fmeval.eval_algorithms.helper_models.helper_model import BertscoreHelperModelTypes, BertscoreHelperModel
 28from fmeval.transforms.common import GeneratePrompt, GetModelOutputs
 29from fmeval.eval_algorithms.util import (
 30    validate_dataset,
 31    verify_model_determinism,
 32    get_dataset_configs,
 34from fmeval.model_runners.composers.composers import PromptComposer
 35from fmeval.model_runners.model_runner import ModelRunner
 36from fmeval.constants import BERTSCORE_DEFAULT_MODEL
 37from fmeval.transforms.summarization_accuracy_metrics import BertScore
 38from fmeval.transforms.semantic_robustness_metrics import BertScoreDissimilarity, WER
 39from fmeval.transforms.transform import Transform
 40from fmeval.transforms.transform_pipeline import TransformPipeline
 41from fmeval.transforms.util import create_output_key
 42from fmeval.util import create_shared_resource, require, get_eval_results_path, cleanup_shared_resource
 44logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 47WER_SCORE = "word_error_rate"
 48BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY = "bertscore_dissimilarity"
 49BASELINE_SUFFIX = "baseline"
 55class GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig(SemanticRobustnessConfig):
 56    """Configures the general semantic robustness evaluation algorithm.
 58    :param num_baseline_samples: Only used for non-deterministic models. Number of times we generate
 59        the model output with the same input to compute the "baseline" change in model output. We
 60        compute differences between all pairs of outputs, i.e. between comb(num_baseline_samples, 2) pairs.
 62    :param model_type_for_bertscore: Model type to use for BERT score.
 63    """
 65    num_baseline_samples: int = 4
 66    model_type_for_bertscore: str = BERTSCORE_DEFAULT_MODEL
 68    def __post_init__(self):
 69        super().__post_init__()
 70        require(
 71            BertscoreHelperModelTypes.model_is_allowed(self.model_type_for_bertscore),
 72            f"Invalid model_type_for_bertscore: {self.model_type_for_bertscore} requested in "
 73            f"GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig, please choose from acceptable values: {BertscoreHelperModelTypes.model_list()}.",
 74        )
 75        require(
 76            self.num_baseline_samples >= 2,
 77            f"Invalid num_baseline_samples: {self.num_baseline_samples} in GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig. "
 78            f"The value should be at least 2.",
 79        )
 82class GeneralSemanticRobustness(EvalAlgorithmInterface):
 83    """Semantic Robustness evaluation algorithm for general task LLMs.
 85    This evaluation measures how much the model output changes as a result of semantic preserving
 86    perturbations. Given the input, e.g., "A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", the
 87    evaluation creates a perturbation that preserves the semantic meaning of the input e.g.,
 88    whitespace perturbation that changes the input text to "A q uick bro wn fox ju mps overthe lazy
 89    dog". The evaluation then measures how much the model output changes when prompted with the
 90    original vs. perturbed input.
 92    The output difference is measured using two metrics: the [Word Error Rate](
 93    and the BERTScore Dissimilarity, which is
 94    1 - [BERTScore](, between the original
 95    and the perturbed outputs. Word Error Rate measures syntactic differences, that is, changes in
 96    the words, whereas BERTScore Dissimilarity measures semantic differences. Semantic differences
 97    account of cases when the precise words in the output change but the meaning is the same, e.g.,
 98    consider the outputs "it is pouring down today" vs. "it is very rainy today".
100    Note: When the model generation strategy is non-deterministic (e.g., with non-zero temperature),
101    the output can change even if the input is the same. In such scenarios, reporting differences
102    (using Word Error Rate or BERTScore Dissimilarity) between the model output on the original input
103    and perturbed inputs might show artificially low robustness since the model output changes even
104    without a change in the input. So this evaluation normalizes the robustness score to account for
105    the baseline non-determinism. Specifically, if d is a score (Word Error Rate or BERTScore
106    Dissimilarity), then the evaluation reports max(0, d - d_base) where d_base measures the
107    differences between the model output on the same input.
108    """
110    eval_name = EvalAlgorithm.GENERAL_SEMANTIC_ROBUSTNESS.value
112    def __init__(
113        self,
114        eval_algorithm_config: GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig = GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig(),
115    ):
116        """GeneralSemanticRobustness initializer.
118        :param eval_algorithm_config: General semantic robustness evaluation algorithm config.
119        """
120        super().__init__(eval_algorithm_config)
121        self.num_perturbations = eval_algorithm_config.num_perturbations
122        self.num_baseline_samples = eval_algorithm_config.num_baseline_samples
123        self.perturbation_transform = get_perturbation_transform(eval_algorithm_config)
124        self.bertscore_model = BertscoreHelperModel(eval_algorithm_config.model_type_for_bertscore)
126    def _build_pipeline(
127        self,
128        model: ModelRunner,
129        prompt_template: str,
130        is_deterministic: bool,
131    ) -> TransformPipeline:
132        """Build the TransformPipeline to be used by `evaluate` and `evaluate_sample`.
134        While other evaluation algorithms (e.g. Summarization Accuracy) can configure
135        their TransformPipeline at algorithm initialization, because the General
136        Semantic Robustness algorithm's evaluation logic depends on the ModelRunner
137        and prompt template that are evaluation-specific (i.e. these parameters aren't
138        configured at the algorithm level), the pipeline used by the GSR algorithm is built
139        when `evaluate` or `evaluate_sample` is called.
141        :param model: The ModelRunner representing the model under evaluation.
142        :param prompt_template: A template that is used to construct the prompt fed to the model.
143        :param is_deterministic: Whether `model` produces deterministic results.
144            In `evaluate_sample`, this is computed by invoking the model with the
145            same input twice, and checking if the model output is the same.
146            In `evaluate`, similar logic is used, but instead of using just a single input,
147            multiple inputs from the dataset are used.
148        :returns: A TransformPipeline that can be used by either `evaluate_sample` or `evaluate`.
149        """
150        (
151            get_perturbed_inputs,
152            gen_perturbed_prompts,
153            get_perturbed_responses,
154        ) = get_model_outputs_from_perturbed_inputs(
155            self.perturbation_transform,
156            prompt_template,
157            model,
158        )
160        original_model_output_key =
161        # Compute BERTScores with target_output = the original model output
162        # and model_output = the output from invoking the model with the perturbed prompt.
163        get_bert_scores = BertScore(
164            target_output_keys=[original_model_output_key],
165            model_output_keys=get_perturbed_responses.output_keys,
166            output_keys=[create_output_key(BertScore.__name__, i) for i in range(self.num_perturbations)],
167            allow_duplicate_input_keys=True,
168            bertscore_model=self.bertscore_model,
169        )
171        compute_bertscore_dissimilarity = BertScoreDissimilarity(
172            bert_score_keys=get_bert_scores.output_keys,
173            output_key=BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY,
174        )
176        compute_wer_metric = WER(
177            prediction_keys=get_perturbed_responses.output_keys,
178            reference_keys=[original_model_output_key for _ in range(self.num_perturbations)],
179            output_key=WER_SCORE,
180        )
182        transforms = [
183            get_perturbed_inputs,
184            gen_perturbed_prompts,
185            get_perturbed_responses,
186            get_bert_scores,
187            compute_bertscore_dissimilarity,
188            compute_wer_metric,
189        ]
191        pipeline = TransformPipeline(transforms)
193        # If the model is not deterministic, we execute additional steps
194        # to compute baseline scores for both BERTScore and WER.
195        if not is_deterministic:
196            # Invoke the model with the original (i.e. unperturbed) prompt
197            # self.num_baseline_samples - 1 times.
198            baseline_response_keys = [
199                create_output_key(GeneratePrompt.__name__, BASELINE_SUFFIX, i)
200                for i in range(self.num_baseline_samples - 1)
201            ]
202            get_baseline_outputs = GetModelOutputs(
203                input_to_output_keys={ baseline_response_keys},
204                model_runner=model,
205            )
207            # Get every possible pair of model outputs.
208            # The first output in the pair is treated as the target output
209            # and the second output is treated as the model output
210            # when computing the BERTScore.
211            baseline_keys = baseline_response_keys + []
212            all_pairs = itertools.combinations(baseline_keys, 2)
213            first_output_keys, second_output_keys = zip(*all_pairs)
215            # Compute baseline BERTScores and then compute BERTScore Dissimilarity using these BERTScores.
216            get_baseline_bert_scores = BertScore(
217                target_output_keys=list(first_output_keys),
218                model_output_keys=list(second_output_keys),
219                output_keys=[
220                    create_output_key(BertScore.__name__, BASELINE_SUFFIX, i) for i in range(len(first_output_keys))
221                ],
222                allow_duplicate_input_keys=True,
223                bertscore_model=self.bertscore_model,
224            )
225            compute_baseline_bertscore_dissimilarity = BertScoreDissimilarity(
226                bert_score_keys=get_baseline_bert_scores.output_keys,
227                output_key=BASELINE_BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY,
228            )
230            # Compute WER metric using the baseline model outputs.
231            compute_baseline_wer_metric = WER(
232                prediction_keys=list(first_output_keys),
233                reference_keys=list(second_output_keys),
234                output_key=BASELINE_WER_SCORE,
235            )
236            # Update BERTScore Dissimilarity and WER metrics
237            # given the new baseline scores that have been computed.
238            update_scores = UpdateRobustnessScores()
240            # Extend the pipeline with these additional steps.
241            additional_steps = TransformPipeline(
242                [
243                    get_baseline_outputs,
244                    get_baseline_bert_scores,
245                    compute_baseline_bertscore_dissimilarity,
246                    compute_baseline_wer_metric,
247                    update_scores,
248                ]
249            )
250            pipeline = TransformPipeline([pipeline, additional_steps])
252        return pipeline
254    def evaluate_sample(
255        self,
256        model_input: str,
257        model: ModelRunner,
258        prompt_template: str = DEFAULT_PROMPT_TEMPLATE,
259    ) -> List[EvalScore]:  # type: ignore[override]
260        """Compute general semantic robustness metrics for a single sample.
262        :param model_input: Text input for model.
263        :param model: An instance of ModelRunner representing the model under evaluation.
264        :param prompt_template: A template that is used in conjunction with `model_input`
265            to construct the prompt that is fed to the model.
266        :returns: A list of EvalScore objects, one for each of the robustness metrics.
267        """
268        # Determine whether model produces deterministic outputs, as this affects
269        # what steps will be included in the TransformPipeline.
270        prompt_composer = PromptComposer(prompt_template)
271        prompt = prompt_composer.compose(model_input)
272        model_output = model.predict(prompt)[0]
273        is_deterministic = model_output == model.predict(prompt)[0]
275        sample = {
276   model_input,
277   prompt,
278   model_output,
279        }
280        pipeline = self._build_pipeline(model, prompt_template, is_deterministic=is_deterministic)
281        output_record = pipeline.execute_record(sample)
283        bert_score_dissimilarity_value = output_record[BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY]
284        wer_value = output_record[WER_SCORE]
285        return [
286            EvalScore(name=BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY, value=bert_score_dissimilarity_value),
287            EvalScore(name=WER_SCORE, value=wer_value),
288        ]
290    def evaluate(
291        self,
292        model: ModelRunner,
293        dataset_config: Optional[Union[DataConfig, List[DataConfig]]] = None,
294        prompt_template: Optional[str] = None,
295        num_records: int = 100,
296        save: bool = False,
297        save_strategy: Optional[SaveStrategy] = None,
298    ) -> List[EvalOutput]:
299        """Compute general semantic robustness metrics on one or more datasets.
301        :param model: An instance of ModelRunner representing the model under evaluation.
302            This is a required argument, as even if the dataset contains model outputs,
303            semantic robustness algorithms rely on invoking a model on perturbed inputs
304            to see how the model outputs from the perturbed inputs differ from the original
305            model outputs.
306        :param dataset_config: Configures a single dataset or list of datasets used for the
307            evaluation. If not provided, this method will run evaluations using all of its
308            supported built-in datasets.
309        :param prompt_template: A template used to generate prompts that are fed to the model.
310            If not provided, defaults will be used.
311        :param num_records: The number of records to be sampled randomly from the input dataset
312            used to perform the evaluation.
313        :param save: If set to true, prompt responses and scores will be saved to a file.
314        :param save_strategy: Specifies the strategy to use the save the localized outputs of the evaluations. If not
315            specified, it will save it to the path that can be configured by the EVAL_RESULTS_PATH environment variable.
316            If that environment variable is also not configured, it will be saved to the default path `/tmp/eval_results/`.
318        :return: A list of EvalOutput objects.
319        """
320        # Create a shared resource to be used during the evaluation.
321        bertscore_shared_resource = create_shared_resource(self.bertscore_model)
322        dataset_configs = get_dataset_configs(dataset_config, self.eval_name)
323        eval_outputs = []
324        for dataset_config in dataset_configs:
325            dataset = get_dataset(dataset_config, num_records)
326            validate_dataset(dataset, [])
327            dataset_prompt_template = (
328                get_default_prompt_template(dataset_config.dataset_name) if not prompt_template else prompt_template
329            )
330            is_deterministic = verify_model_determinism(model, dataset, dataset_prompt_template)
331            eval_output = evaluate_dataset(
332                dataset=dataset,
333                pipeline=self._build_pipeline(model, dataset_prompt_template, is_deterministic=is_deterministic),
334                dataset_name=dataset_config.dataset_name,
335                eval_name=self.eval_name,
336                metric_names=[BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY, WER_SCORE],
337                eval_results_path=get_eval_results_path(),
338                model=model,
339                prompt_template=dataset_prompt_template,
340                agg_method=MEAN,
341                save=save,
342                save_strategy=save_strategy,
343            )
344            eval_outputs.append(eval_output)
346        cleanup_shared_resource(bertscore_shared_resource)
347        return eval_outputs
350class UpdateRobustnessScores(Transform):
351    """Used by General Semantic Robustness when the model under evaluation is not deterministic.
353    See the class documentation for GeneralSemanticRobustness for details on how baseline scores
354    are computed and used. This transform simply updates the data corresponding to the
355    WER_SCORE and BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY keys after baseline scores have been computed.
356    """
358    def __init__(self):
359        super().__init__()
360        self.register_input_output_keys(
362            output_keys=[WER_SCORE, BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY],
363        )
365    def __call__(self, record: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
366        """Update the values corresponding to the keys WER_SCORE and BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY.
368        This method does not add new keys, but rather mutates the data corresponding to existing
369        keys (WER_SCORE and BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY) in the input record.
371        :param record: The input record.
372        :returns: The input record with updated WER_SCORE and BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY values.
373        """
374        bert_score_dissimilarity_value = record[BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY]
375        wer_value = record[WER_SCORE]
376        baseline_bert_score_dissimilarity_value = record[BASELINE_BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY]
377        baseline_wer_value = record[BASELINE_WER_SCORE]
379        record[BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY] = max(
380            0, bert_score_dissimilarity_value - baseline_bert_score_dissimilarity_value
381        )
382        record[WER_SCORE] = max(0, wer_value - baseline_wer_value)
383        return record
WER_SCORE = 'word_error_rate'
BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY = 'bertscore_dissimilarity'
BASELINE_SUFFIX = 'baseline'
BASELINE_WER_SCORE = 'word_error_rate_baseline'
BASELINE_BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY = 'bertscore_dissimilarity_baseline'
class GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig(fmeval.eval_algorithms.semantic_robustness_utils.SemanticRobustnessConfig):
56class GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig(SemanticRobustnessConfig):
57    """Configures the general semantic robustness evaluation algorithm.
59    :param num_baseline_samples: Only used for non-deterministic models. Number of times we generate
60        the model output with the same input to compute the "baseline" change in model output. We
61        compute differences between all pairs of outputs, i.e. between comb(num_baseline_samples, 2) pairs.
63    :param model_type_for_bertscore: Model type to use for BERT score.
64    """
66    num_baseline_samples: int = 4
67    model_type_for_bertscore: str = BERTSCORE_DEFAULT_MODEL
69    def __post_init__(self):
70        super().__post_init__()
71        require(
72            BertscoreHelperModelTypes.model_is_allowed(self.model_type_for_bertscore),
73            f"Invalid model_type_for_bertscore: {self.model_type_for_bertscore} requested in "
74            f"GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig, please choose from acceptable values: {BertscoreHelperModelTypes.model_list()}.",
75        )
76        require(
77            self.num_baseline_samples >= 2,
78            f"Invalid num_baseline_samples: {self.num_baseline_samples} in GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig. "
79            f"The value should be at least 2.",
80        )

Configures the general semantic robustness evaluation algorithm.

  • num_baseline_samples: Only used for non-deterministic models. Number of times we generate the model output with the same input to compute the "baseline" change in model output. We compute differences between all pairs of outputs, i.e. between comb(num_baseline_samples, 2) pairs.

  • model_type_for_bertscore: Model type to use for BERT score.

GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig( perturbation_type: str = 'butter_finger', num_perturbations: int = 5, butter_finger_perturbation_prob: float = 0.1, random_uppercase_corrupt_proportion: float = 0.1, whitespace_add_prob: float = 0.05, whitespace_remove_prob: float = 0.1, num_baseline_samples: int = 4, model_type_for_bertscore: str = 'microsoft/deberta-xlarge-mnli')
num_baseline_samples: int = 4
model_type_for_bertscore: str = 'microsoft/deberta-xlarge-mnli'
class GeneralSemanticRobustness(fmeval.eval_algorithms.eval_algorithm.EvalAlgorithmInterface):
 83class GeneralSemanticRobustness(EvalAlgorithmInterface):
 84    """Semantic Robustness evaluation algorithm for general task LLMs.
 86    This evaluation measures how much the model output changes as a result of semantic preserving
 87    perturbations. Given the input, e.g., "A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", the
 88    evaluation creates a perturbation that preserves the semantic meaning of the input e.g.,
 89    whitespace perturbation that changes the input text to "A q uick bro wn fox ju mps overthe lazy
 90    dog". The evaluation then measures how much the model output changes when prompted with the
 91    original vs. perturbed input.
 93    The output difference is measured using two metrics: the [Word Error Rate](
 94    and the BERTScore Dissimilarity, which is
 95    1 - [BERTScore](, between the original
 96    and the perturbed outputs. Word Error Rate measures syntactic differences, that is, changes in
 97    the words, whereas BERTScore Dissimilarity measures semantic differences. Semantic differences
 98    account of cases when the precise words in the output change but the meaning is the same, e.g.,
 99    consider the outputs "it is pouring down today" vs. "it is very rainy today".
101    Note: When the model generation strategy is non-deterministic (e.g., with non-zero temperature),
102    the output can change even if the input is the same. In such scenarios, reporting differences
103    (using Word Error Rate or BERTScore Dissimilarity) between the model output on the original input
104    and perturbed inputs might show artificially low robustness since the model output changes even
105    without a change in the input. So this evaluation normalizes the robustness score to account for
106    the baseline non-determinism. Specifically, if d is a score (Word Error Rate or BERTScore
107    Dissimilarity), then the evaluation reports max(0, d - d_base) where d_base measures the
108    differences between the model output on the same input.
109    """
111    eval_name = EvalAlgorithm.GENERAL_SEMANTIC_ROBUSTNESS.value
113    def __init__(
114        self,
115        eval_algorithm_config: GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig = GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig(),
116    ):
117        """GeneralSemanticRobustness initializer.
119        :param eval_algorithm_config: General semantic robustness evaluation algorithm config.
120        """
121        super().__init__(eval_algorithm_config)
122        self.num_perturbations = eval_algorithm_config.num_perturbations
123        self.num_baseline_samples = eval_algorithm_config.num_baseline_samples
124        self.perturbation_transform = get_perturbation_transform(eval_algorithm_config)
125        self.bertscore_model = BertscoreHelperModel(eval_algorithm_config.model_type_for_bertscore)
127    def _build_pipeline(
128        self,
129        model: ModelRunner,
130        prompt_template: str,
131        is_deterministic: bool,
132    ) -> TransformPipeline:
133        """Build the TransformPipeline to be used by `evaluate` and `evaluate_sample`.
135        While other evaluation algorithms (e.g. Summarization Accuracy) can configure
136        their TransformPipeline at algorithm initialization, because the General
137        Semantic Robustness algorithm's evaluation logic depends on the ModelRunner
138        and prompt template that are evaluation-specific (i.e. these parameters aren't
139        configured at the algorithm level), the pipeline used by the GSR algorithm is built
140        when `evaluate` or `evaluate_sample` is called.
142        :param model: The ModelRunner representing the model under evaluation.
143        :param prompt_template: A template that is used to construct the prompt fed to the model.
144        :param is_deterministic: Whether `model` produces deterministic results.
145            In `evaluate_sample`, this is computed by invoking the model with the
146            same input twice, and checking if the model output is the same.
147            In `evaluate`, similar logic is used, but instead of using just a single input,
148            multiple inputs from the dataset are used.
149        :returns: A TransformPipeline that can be used by either `evaluate_sample` or `evaluate`.
150        """
151        (
152            get_perturbed_inputs,
153            gen_perturbed_prompts,
154            get_perturbed_responses,
155        ) = get_model_outputs_from_perturbed_inputs(
156            self.perturbation_transform,
157            prompt_template,
158            model,
159        )
161        original_model_output_key =
162        # Compute BERTScores with target_output = the original model output
163        # and model_output = the output from invoking the model with the perturbed prompt.
164        get_bert_scores = BertScore(
165            target_output_keys=[original_model_output_key],
166            model_output_keys=get_perturbed_responses.output_keys,
167            output_keys=[create_output_key(BertScore.__name__, i) for i in range(self.num_perturbations)],
168            allow_duplicate_input_keys=True,
169            bertscore_model=self.bertscore_model,
170        )
172        compute_bertscore_dissimilarity = BertScoreDissimilarity(
173            bert_score_keys=get_bert_scores.output_keys,
174            output_key=BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY,
175        )
177        compute_wer_metric = WER(
178            prediction_keys=get_perturbed_responses.output_keys,
179            reference_keys=[original_model_output_key for _ in range(self.num_perturbations)],
180            output_key=WER_SCORE,
181        )
183        transforms = [
184            get_perturbed_inputs,
185            gen_perturbed_prompts,
186            get_perturbed_responses,
187            get_bert_scores,
188            compute_bertscore_dissimilarity,
189            compute_wer_metric,
190        ]
192        pipeline = TransformPipeline(transforms)
194        # If the model is not deterministic, we execute additional steps
195        # to compute baseline scores for both BERTScore and WER.
196        if not is_deterministic:
197            # Invoke the model with the original (i.e. unperturbed) prompt
198            # self.num_baseline_samples - 1 times.
199            baseline_response_keys = [
200                create_output_key(GeneratePrompt.__name__, BASELINE_SUFFIX, i)
201                for i in range(self.num_baseline_samples - 1)
202            ]
203            get_baseline_outputs = GetModelOutputs(
204                input_to_output_keys={ baseline_response_keys},
205                model_runner=model,
206            )
208            # Get every possible pair of model outputs.
209            # The first output in the pair is treated as the target output
210            # and the second output is treated as the model output
211            # when computing the BERTScore.
212            baseline_keys = baseline_response_keys + []
213            all_pairs = itertools.combinations(baseline_keys, 2)
214            first_output_keys, second_output_keys = zip(*all_pairs)
216            # Compute baseline BERTScores and then compute BERTScore Dissimilarity using these BERTScores.
217            get_baseline_bert_scores = BertScore(
218                target_output_keys=list(first_output_keys),
219                model_output_keys=list(second_output_keys),
220                output_keys=[
221                    create_output_key(BertScore.__name__, BASELINE_SUFFIX, i) for i in range(len(first_output_keys))
222                ],
223                allow_duplicate_input_keys=True,
224                bertscore_model=self.bertscore_model,
225            )
226            compute_baseline_bertscore_dissimilarity = BertScoreDissimilarity(
227                bert_score_keys=get_baseline_bert_scores.output_keys,
228                output_key=BASELINE_BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY,
229            )
231            # Compute WER metric using the baseline model outputs.
232            compute_baseline_wer_metric = WER(
233                prediction_keys=list(first_output_keys),
234                reference_keys=list(second_output_keys),
235                output_key=BASELINE_WER_SCORE,
236            )
237            # Update BERTScore Dissimilarity and WER metrics
238            # given the new baseline scores that have been computed.
239            update_scores = UpdateRobustnessScores()
241            # Extend the pipeline with these additional steps.
242            additional_steps = TransformPipeline(
243                [
244                    get_baseline_outputs,
245                    get_baseline_bert_scores,
246                    compute_baseline_bertscore_dissimilarity,
247                    compute_baseline_wer_metric,
248                    update_scores,
249                ]
250            )
251            pipeline = TransformPipeline([pipeline, additional_steps])
253        return pipeline
255    def evaluate_sample(
256        self,
257        model_input: str,
258        model: ModelRunner,
259        prompt_template: str = DEFAULT_PROMPT_TEMPLATE,
260    ) -> List[EvalScore]:  # type: ignore[override]
261        """Compute general semantic robustness metrics for a single sample.
263        :param model_input: Text input for model.
264        :param model: An instance of ModelRunner representing the model under evaluation.
265        :param prompt_template: A template that is used in conjunction with `model_input`
266            to construct the prompt that is fed to the model.
267        :returns: A list of EvalScore objects, one for each of the robustness metrics.
268        """
269        # Determine whether model produces deterministic outputs, as this affects
270        # what steps will be included in the TransformPipeline.
271        prompt_composer = PromptComposer(prompt_template)
272        prompt = prompt_composer.compose(model_input)
273        model_output = model.predict(prompt)[0]
274        is_deterministic = model_output == model.predict(prompt)[0]
276        sample = {
277   model_input,
278   prompt,
279   model_output,
280        }
281        pipeline = self._build_pipeline(model, prompt_template, is_deterministic=is_deterministic)
282        output_record = pipeline.execute_record(sample)
284        bert_score_dissimilarity_value = output_record[BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY]
285        wer_value = output_record[WER_SCORE]
286        return [
287            EvalScore(name=BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY, value=bert_score_dissimilarity_value),
288            EvalScore(name=WER_SCORE, value=wer_value),
289        ]
291    def evaluate(
292        self,
293        model: ModelRunner,
294        dataset_config: Optional[Union[DataConfig, List[DataConfig]]] = None,
295        prompt_template: Optional[str] = None,
296        num_records: int = 100,
297        save: bool = False,
298        save_strategy: Optional[SaveStrategy] = None,
299    ) -> List[EvalOutput]:
300        """Compute general semantic robustness metrics on one or more datasets.
302        :param model: An instance of ModelRunner representing the model under evaluation.
303            This is a required argument, as even if the dataset contains model outputs,
304            semantic robustness algorithms rely on invoking a model on perturbed inputs
305            to see how the model outputs from the perturbed inputs differ from the original
306            model outputs.
307        :param dataset_config: Configures a single dataset or list of datasets used for the
308            evaluation. If not provided, this method will run evaluations using all of its
309            supported built-in datasets.
310        :param prompt_template: A template used to generate prompts that are fed to the model.
311            If not provided, defaults will be used.
312        :param num_records: The number of records to be sampled randomly from the input dataset
313            used to perform the evaluation.
314        :param save: If set to true, prompt responses and scores will be saved to a file.
315        :param save_strategy: Specifies the strategy to use the save the localized outputs of the evaluations. If not
316            specified, it will save it to the path that can be configured by the EVAL_RESULTS_PATH environment variable.
317            If that environment variable is also not configured, it will be saved to the default path `/tmp/eval_results/`.
319        :return: A list of EvalOutput objects.
320        """
321        # Create a shared resource to be used during the evaluation.
322        bertscore_shared_resource = create_shared_resource(self.bertscore_model)
323        dataset_configs = get_dataset_configs(dataset_config, self.eval_name)
324        eval_outputs = []
325        for dataset_config in dataset_configs:
326            dataset = get_dataset(dataset_config, num_records)
327            validate_dataset(dataset, [])
328            dataset_prompt_template = (
329                get_default_prompt_template(dataset_config.dataset_name) if not prompt_template else prompt_template
330            )
331            is_deterministic = verify_model_determinism(model, dataset, dataset_prompt_template)
332            eval_output = evaluate_dataset(
333                dataset=dataset,
334                pipeline=self._build_pipeline(model, dataset_prompt_template, is_deterministic=is_deterministic),
335                dataset_name=dataset_config.dataset_name,
336                eval_name=self.eval_name,
337                metric_names=[BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY, WER_SCORE],
338                eval_results_path=get_eval_results_path(),
339                model=model,
340                prompt_template=dataset_prompt_template,
341                agg_method=MEAN,
342                save=save,
343                save_strategy=save_strategy,
344            )
345            eval_outputs.append(eval_output)
347        cleanup_shared_resource(bertscore_shared_resource)
348        return eval_outputs

Semantic Robustness evaluation algorithm for general task LLMs.

This evaluation measures how much the model output changes as a result of semantic preserving perturbations. Given the input, e.g., "A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", the evaluation creates a perturbation that preserves the semantic meaning of the input e.g., whitespace perturbation that changes the input text to "A q uick bro wn fox ju mps overthe lazy dog". The evaluation then measures how much the model output changes when prompted with the original vs. perturbed input.

The output difference is measured using two metrics: the Word Error Rate and the BERTScore Dissimilarity, which is 1 - BERTScore, between the original and the perturbed outputs. Word Error Rate measures syntactic differences, that is, changes in the words, whereas BERTScore Dissimilarity measures semantic differences. Semantic differences account of cases when the precise words in the output change but the meaning is the same, e.g., consider the outputs "it is pouring down today" vs. "it is very rainy today".

Note: When the model generation strategy is non-deterministic (e.g., with non-zero temperature), the output can change even if the input is the same. In such scenarios, reporting differences (using Word Error Rate or BERTScore Dissimilarity) between the model output on the original input and perturbed inputs might show artificially low robustness since the model output changes even without a change in the input. So this evaluation normalizes the robustness score to account for the baseline non-determinism. Specifically, if d is a score (Word Error Rate or BERTScore Dissimilarity), then the evaluation reports max(0, d - d_base) where d_base measures the differences between the model output on the same input.

GeneralSemanticRobustness( eval_algorithm_config: GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig = GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig(perturbation_type='butter_finger', num_perturbations=5, butter_finger_perturbation_prob=0.1, random_uppercase_corrupt_proportion=0.1, whitespace_add_prob=0.05, whitespace_remove_prob=0.1, num_baseline_samples=4, model_type_for_bertscore='microsoft/deberta-xlarge-mnli'))
113    def __init__(
114        self,
115        eval_algorithm_config: GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig = GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig(),
116    ):
117        """GeneralSemanticRobustness initializer.
119        :param eval_algorithm_config: General semantic robustness evaluation algorithm config.
120        """
121        super().__init__(eval_algorithm_config)
122        self.num_perturbations = eval_algorithm_config.num_perturbations
123        self.num_baseline_samples = eval_algorithm_config.num_baseline_samples
124        self.perturbation_transform = get_perturbation_transform(eval_algorithm_config)
125        self.bertscore_model = BertscoreHelperModel(eval_algorithm_config.model_type_for_bertscore)

GeneralSemanticRobustness initializer.

  • eval_algorithm_config: General semantic robustness evaluation algorithm config.
eval_name = 'general_semantic_robustness'
def evaluate_sample( self, model_input: str, model: fmeval.model_runners.model_runner.ModelRunner, prompt_template: str = '$model_input') -> List[fmeval.eval_algorithms.EvalScore]:
255    def evaluate_sample(
256        self,
257        model_input: str,
258        model: ModelRunner,
259        prompt_template: str = DEFAULT_PROMPT_TEMPLATE,
260    ) -> List[EvalScore]:  # type: ignore[override]
261        """Compute general semantic robustness metrics for a single sample.
263        :param model_input: Text input for model.
264        :param model: An instance of ModelRunner representing the model under evaluation.
265        :param prompt_template: A template that is used in conjunction with `model_input`
266            to construct the prompt that is fed to the model.
267        :returns: A list of EvalScore objects, one for each of the robustness metrics.
268        """
269        # Determine whether model produces deterministic outputs, as this affects
270        # what steps will be included in the TransformPipeline.
271        prompt_composer = PromptComposer(prompt_template)
272        prompt = prompt_composer.compose(model_input)
273        model_output = model.predict(prompt)[0]
274        is_deterministic = model_output == model.predict(prompt)[0]
276        sample = {
277   model_input,
278   prompt,
279   model_output,
280        }
281        pipeline = self._build_pipeline(model, prompt_template, is_deterministic=is_deterministic)
282        output_record = pipeline.execute_record(sample)
284        bert_score_dissimilarity_value = output_record[BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY]
285        wer_value = output_record[WER_SCORE]
286        return [
287            EvalScore(name=BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY, value=bert_score_dissimilarity_value),
288            EvalScore(name=WER_SCORE, value=wer_value),
289        ]

Compute general semantic robustness metrics for a single sample.

  • model_input: Text input for model.
  • model: An instance of ModelRunner representing the model under evaluation.
  • prompt_template: A template that is used in conjunction with model_input to construct the prompt that is fed to the model. :returns: A list of EvalScore objects, one for each of the robustness metrics.
def evaluate( self, model: fmeval.model_runners.model_runner.ModelRunner, dataset_config: Union[fmeval.data_loaders.data_config.DataConfig, List[fmeval.data_loaders.data_config.DataConfig], NoneType] = None, prompt_template: Optional[str] = None, num_records: int = 100, save: bool = False, save_strategy: Optional[fmeval.eval_algorithms.save_strategy.SaveStrategy] = None) -> List[fmeval.eval_algorithms.EvalOutput]:
291    def evaluate(
292        self,
293        model: ModelRunner,
294        dataset_config: Optional[Union[DataConfig, List[DataConfig]]] = None,
295        prompt_template: Optional[str] = None,
296        num_records: int = 100,
297        save: bool = False,
298        save_strategy: Optional[SaveStrategy] = None,
299    ) -> List[EvalOutput]:
300        """Compute general semantic robustness metrics on one or more datasets.
302        :param model: An instance of ModelRunner representing the model under evaluation.
303            This is a required argument, as even if the dataset contains model outputs,
304            semantic robustness algorithms rely on invoking a model on perturbed inputs
305            to see how the model outputs from the perturbed inputs differ from the original
306            model outputs.
307        :param dataset_config: Configures a single dataset or list of datasets used for the
308            evaluation. If not provided, this method will run evaluations using all of its
309            supported built-in datasets.
310        :param prompt_template: A template used to generate prompts that are fed to the model.
311            If not provided, defaults will be used.
312        :param num_records: The number of records to be sampled randomly from the input dataset
313            used to perform the evaluation.
314        :param save: If set to true, prompt responses and scores will be saved to a file.
315        :param save_strategy: Specifies the strategy to use the save the localized outputs of the evaluations. If not
316            specified, it will save it to the path that can be configured by the EVAL_RESULTS_PATH environment variable.
317            If that environment variable is also not configured, it will be saved to the default path `/tmp/eval_results/`.
319        :return: A list of EvalOutput objects.
320        """
321        # Create a shared resource to be used during the evaluation.
322        bertscore_shared_resource = create_shared_resource(self.bertscore_model)
323        dataset_configs = get_dataset_configs(dataset_config, self.eval_name)
324        eval_outputs = []
325        for dataset_config in dataset_configs:
326            dataset = get_dataset(dataset_config, num_records)
327            validate_dataset(dataset, [])
328            dataset_prompt_template = (
329                get_default_prompt_template(dataset_config.dataset_name) if not prompt_template else prompt_template
330            )
331            is_deterministic = verify_model_determinism(model, dataset, dataset_prompt_template)
332            eval_output = evaluate_dataset(
333                dataset=dataset,
334                pipeline=self._build_pipeline(model, dataset_prompt_template, is_deterministic=is_deterministic),
335                dataset_name=dataset_config.dataset_name,
336                eval_name=self.eval_name,
337                metric_names=[BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY, WER_SCORE],
338                eval_results_path=get_eval_results_path(),
339                model=model,
340                prompt_template=dataset_prompt_template,
341                agg_method=MEAN,
342                save=save,
343                save_strategy=save_strategy,
344            )
345            eval_outputs.append(eval_output)
347        cleanup_shared_resource(bertscore_shared_resource)
348        return eval_outputs

Compute general semantic robustness metrics on one or more datasets.

  • model: An instance of ModelRunner representing the model under evaluation. This is a required argument, as even if the dataset contains model outputs, semantic robustness algorithms rely on invoking a model on perturbed inputs to see how the model outputs from the perturbed inputs differ from the original model outputs.
  • dataset_config: Configures a single dataset or list of datasets used for the evaluation. If not provided, this method will run evaluations using all of its supported built-in datasets.
  • prompt_template: A template used to generate prompts that are fed to the model. If not provided, defaults will be used.
  • num_records: The number of records to be sampled randomly from the input dataset used to perform the evaluation.
  • save: If set to true, prompt responses and scores will be saved to a file.
  • save_strategy: Specifies the strategy to use the save the localized outputs of the evaluations. If not specified, it will save it to the path that can be configured by the EVAL_RESULTS_PATH environment variable. If that environment variable is also not configured, it will be saved to the default path /tmp/eval_results/.

A list of EvalOutput objects.

class UpdateRobustnessScores(fmeval.transforms.transform.Transform):
351class UpdateRobustnessScores(Transform):
352    """Used by General Semantic Robustness when the model under evaluation is not deterministic.
354    See the class documentation for GeneralSemanticRobustness for details on how baseline scores
355    are computed and used. This transform simply updates the data corresponding to the
356    WER_SCORE and BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY keys after baseline scores have been computed.
357    """
359    def __init__(self):
360        super().__init__()
361        self.register_input_output_keys(
363            output_keys=[WER_SCORE, BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY],
364        )
366    def __call__(self, record: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
367        """Update the values corresponding to the keys WER_SCORE and BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY.
369        This method does not add new keys, but rather mutates the data corresponding to existing
370        keys (WER_SCORE and BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY) in the input record.
372        :param record: The input record.
373        :returns: The input record with updated WER_SCORE and BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY values.
374        """
375        bert_score_dissimilarity_value = record[BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY]
376        wer_value = record[WER_SCORE]
377        baseline_bert_score_dissimilarity_value = record[BASELINE_BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY]
378        baseline_wer_value = record[BASELINE_WER_SCORE]
380        record[BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY] = max(
381            0, bert_score_dissimilarity_value - baseline_bert_score_dissimilarity_value
382        )
383        record[WER_SCORE] = max(0, wer_value - baseline_wer_value)
384        return record

Used by General Semantic Robustness when the model under evaluation is not deterministic.

See the class documentation for GeneralSemanticRobustness for details on how baseline scores are computed and used. This transform simply updates the data corresponding to the WER_SCORE and BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY keys after baseline scores have been computed.

359    def __init__(self):
360        super().__init__()
361        self.register_input_output_keys(
363            output_keys=[WER_SCORE, BERT_SCORE_DISSIMILARITY],
364        )

Transform initializer.

Concrete subclasses of Transform should always call super().__init__ with every argument passed to their own __init__ method. Transform.__init__ stores all positional arguments in the args instance attribute and all keyword arguments in the kwargs instance attribute. This data is passed to Ray when Ray creates copies of this Transform instance to perform parallel execution.

Note: The input_keys and output_keys attributes are initialized to None and only assigned a meaningful value if the register_input_output_keys method is called. This method is used in conjunction with the validate_call decorator to perform validations of the __call__ inputs and outputs at runtime. While it is not strictly necessary to utilize register_input_output_keys and validate_call when implementing your own transforms, these methods are used in all built-in transforms.

  • *args: Variable length argument list.
  • **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments.