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jsii consists of multiple single-purposed programs which can be used to compose various workflows.


We are considering creating an "umbrella entrypoint" to make it easier to consume.

Name Release Stability Description
jsii1 1.x Maintenance Compiles TypeScript to jsii module (TypeScript 3.9 Syntax)
jsii 5.x GA Compiles TypeScript to jsii module (TypeScript 5.x Syntax)
jsii-pacmak 1.x GA Creates ready-to-publish language-specific packages from jsii modules
jsii-reflect 1.x GA Strong-typed reflection library for jsii type systems
jsii-diff 1.x GA API backwards compatibility checker
jsii-rosetta1 1.x Maintenance Transpile code snippets (in docs) from TypeScript to jsii languages
jsii-rosetta 5.x GA Transpile code snippets (in docs) from TypeScript to jsii languages
jsii-config 1.x Experimental Interactive tool for generating jsii configuration
jsii-srcmak 1.x Community Generates relocatable source code in jsii languages from typescript
jsii-docgen any Community Generates markdown API documentation for jsii modules
Stability Definitions
  • GA: Projects that are deemed Generally Available and for which customers can expect full support, including new features, bug fixes, and security updates.
  • Experimental: Projects that are under active development and may change behavior or receive other breaking changes across minor releases.
  • Community: a community-maintained project, not officially supported by the jsii core team.
  • Maintenance: Project releases under Maintenance continue to receive full support, including new features, bug fixes, and security updates for a limited time before moving to Support.
  • Support: Deprecated projects no longer receive new features, and are only updated with severe bug fixes and security updates; until they are declared End-of-Support.