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Go is not a common object-oriented language: the language currently only supports composition, not extension. On the other hand, the jsii type system includes classes and interfaces, which are typically associated with extension-based programming models.

In rare circumstances, Go developers may find themselves in a situation where they must implement an abstract base class, extend some class in order to override a method or property, or implement a jsii interface.

Implementing jsii interfaces

Implementing jsii interfaces leverages the idiomatic go way to implement interfaces: define all the necessary methods on the implementing go struct, and the value can be used naturally.

There is a single restriction: all such implementation methods must be defined using a pointer receiver, or a runtime error may occur:

Assuming you are consuming a jsii module that defines the following:

package jsiimodule

import (

type IGreeter interface {
  Greet(greetee string)

// ...
func NewMajestyGreeter(greeter IGreeter) MajestyGreeter {
  // Omitted for brevity

// Does something with the IGreeter that was provided at construction time
func (m MajestyGreeter) Announce(who string) {
  m.greeter.Greet(fmt.Sprintf("Your Royal Highness %s", who))

You can implement this interface natively in go as:

package main

import (


type greeter struct {
  _ byte // padding

// IMPORTANT - this function has a pointer receiver!
func (g *greeter) Greet(greetee string) {
  fmt.Printf("Hello, %s!\n", greetee)

func main() {
  g := &greeter{}

  // Simply pass the instance though, it "just works".
  mg := jsiimodule.NewMajestyGreeter(g)

  mg.Announce("Elizabeth II")

Extending and overriding classes


Leveraging extension and override goes against the design principles of the go programming language. We advise you avoid using this mechanism unless you have determined that there is no way to achieve the desired result with composition.

In particular, if the only element you need to override on a class is it's constructor, you should simply decorate this constructor instead of using the extension and overrides mechanism. For example you can declare an AWS CDK construct (that does not declare new properties or methods) in the following way:

package cdkapp

import (

// Optional: alias the type for clarity
type CustomBucket s3.Bucket

// Imagine this builds an S3 bucket with "special" defaults. It does not
// accept s3.BucketProps, instead those are hard-coded in the constructor
// itself. It could also accept a different properties object, to allow for
// user settings?
func NewCustomBucket(scope core.Construct, id string) CustomBucket {
  return s3.NewBucket(scope, id, s3.BucketProps{
    // ... customized properties

Classes that are open for extension (including abstract base classes) have a special overriding constructor that can be used when building sub-classes. This override constructor is expected to be called from within the child class constructor that you are writing. This constructor is named using the following convention: New<ClassName>_Override, and receives the overriding struct instance as the first parameter.

The go struct that extends the base jsii class must anonymously embed the jsii class' go interface. All overridden method must be defined using a pointer receiver.

Assuming the following abstract base class:

package jsiimodule

type AbstractBaseClass interface {
  // Those members have implementations provided, you *may* override them
  ConcreteMethod() bool
  ConcreteProperty() string
  SetConcreteProperty(v string)

  // Those members do not have implementations, you *must* implement them
  AbstractMethod() string
  AbstractReadonlyProperty() float64

// NewAbstractBaseClass_Override initializes an overridden AbstractBaseClass
// instance. The inst parameter receives the go struct that declares the
// overrides, while the someString and someNumber are parameters to the abstract
// base class' constructor.
func NewAbstractBaseClass_Override(inst AbstractBaseClass, someString string, someNumber float64) {
  // Omitted for brevity

You can implement that abstract base class in go in the following way:

package main

import (


type childClass struct {
  // Anonymous embed of the "base class".

  // Our own storage
  stringValue string

// Provide your own constructor, which delegates to the base class' overriding
// constructor.
func NewChildClass(stringValue string, someString string, someNumber float64) jsiimodule.AbstractBaseClass {
  c := &childClass{stringValue: stringValue}

  // This will take care of setting childClass.AbstractBaseClass!
  jsiimodule.NewAbstractBaseClass_Override(c, someString, someNumber)

  return c

// Then implement the necessary members
func (c *childClass) AbstractMethod() string {
  fmt.Println("childClass.AbstractMethod invoked!")
  return c.stringValue

func (c *childClass) AbstractReadonlyProperty() float64 {
  fmt.Println("childClass.ConcreteProperty read!")
  return 1337

// And overrides those we decided to replace
func (c *childClass) SetConcreteProperty(v string) {
  // We'll just up-case before delegating to the "super" implementation.

Unchecked conversions using UnsafeCast

Developers may occasionally need to down-cast a value in order to leverage some other interface it implements. This happens in cases where the runtime is unable to determine the complete dynamic type of a value returned by a function, which happens for example when the TypeScript version of that function returns any, unknown, or a union of several types (which cannot be represented in go).

In such cases, traditional go type assertions may not always produce the expected result. Instead, the library that exposes these functions should also expose type-checking utilities (e.g: Stack.isStack(thing: any): boolean) that developers can use to guard an unchecked conversion, which in Go is performed using UnsafeCast.

The UnsafeCast function expects two arguments the original value, and a pointer to a variable of the desired interface type.


The UnsafeCast function may panic if:

  • the provided original value was not obtained through a function exported from a jsii package.
  • the provided pointer is not to a value typed as an interface exported from a jsii package.

If the original value does, in fact, not implement the target interface type, undefined behavior will occur as a result of using functions of that interface.

An example use of the UnsafeCast feature is when using AWS CDK escape hatches:

package main

import (

func main() {
    app := awscdk.NewApp(nil)
    stack := awscdk.NewStack(app, jsii.String("TestStack"), nil)

    topic := awssns.NewTopic(stack, jsii.String("MyTopic"), nil)

    // We know that topic.Node().DefaultChild() is a awssns.CfnTopic
    var cfn_topic awssns.CfnTopic
    // We perform the conversion into cfn_topic
    jsii.UnsafeCast(topic.Node().DefaultChild(), &cfn_topic)
    // Then we use the conversion result
    cfn_topic.SetDisplayName(jsii.String("Overridden Display Name"))
