AWS IoT Over-the-air Update v3.4.1
Client library for AWS IoT OTA

Get the statistics of OTA message packets.

The OTA API return status. OTA agent error codes are in the upper 8 bits of the 32 bit OTA error word...
Definition: ota.h:80
OtaErr_t OTA_GetStatistics(OtaAgentStatistics_t *pStatistics)
Get the statistics of OTA message packets.
Definition: ota.c:3400
This is the OTA statistics structure to hold useful info.
Definition: ota_private.h:293

Packet statistics are:

  • Received: The number of OTA packets that have been received but not necessarily queued for processing by the OTA agent.
  • Queued: The number of OTA packets that have been queued for processing. This implies there was a free message queue entry so it can be passed to the agent for processing.
  • Processed: The number of OTA packets that have actually been processed.
  • Dropped: The number of OTA packets that have been dropped because of either no queue or at shutdown cleanup.
Calling OTA_Init will reset this statistic.
OtaErrNone if the statistics can be received successfully.


// OTA library packet statistics per job.
OtaAgentStatistics_t otaStatistics = { 0 };
// Get the current statistics from the agent.
otaErr = OTA_GetStatistics( &otaStatistics );
if( otaErr != OtaErrNone )
printf( " Received: %u Queued: %u Processed: %u Dropped: %u",
otaStatistics.otaPacketsDropped );
@ OtaErrNone
No error occurred during the operation.
Definition: ota.h:81
uint32_t otaPacketsReceived
Definition: ota_private.h:294
uint32_t otaPacketsQueued
Definition: ota_private.h:295
uint32_t otaPacketsProcessed
Definition: ota_private.h:296
uint32_t otaPacketsDropped
Definition: ota_private.h:297