AWS IoT Over-the-air Update v3.4.0
Client library for AWS IoT OTA
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OtaErr_t OTA_Init( const OtaAppBuffer_t * pOtaBuffer,
const OtaInterfaces_t * pOtaInterfaces,
const uint8_t * pThingName,
OtaAppCallback_t OtaAppCallback );
void(* OtaAppCallback_t)(OtaJobEvent_t eEvent, void *pData)
OTA update complete callback function typedef.
Definition: ota.h:288
The OTA API return status. OTA agent error codes are in the upper 8 bits of the 32 bit OTA error word...
Definition: ota.h:80
OtaErr_t OTA_Init(const OtaAppBuffer_t *pOtaBuffer, const OtaInterfaces_t *pOtaInterfaces, const uint8_t *pThingName, OtaAppCallback_t OtaAppCallback)
OTA Agent initialization function.
Definition: ota.c:3252
OTA Application Buffer size information.
Definition: ota.h:316
OTA Interface for referencing different components.
Definition: ota.h:302

OTA Agent initialization function.

Initialize the OTA engine by starting the OTA Agent ("OTA Task") in the system. This function must be called with the connection client context before calling OTA_CheckForUpdate. Only one OTA Agent may exist.

[in]pOtaBufferBuffers used by the agent to store different params.
[in]pOtaInterfacesA pointer to the OS context.
[in]pThingNameA pointer to a C string holding the Thing name.
[in]OtaAppCallbackStatic callback function for when an OTA job is complete. This function will have input of the state of the OTA image after download and during self-test.
OtaErr_t The state of the OTA Agent upon return from the OtaState_t enum. If the agent was successfully initialized and ready to operate, the state will be OtaAgentStateReady. Otherwise, it will be one of the other OtaState_t enum values.


// Application callback when the OTA agent has completed the job
// or is in self test mode. For example see [demos](
void otaAppCallback( OtaJobEvent_t event,
const void * pData );
// Optional: User buffer to pass down to the OTA Agent. These
// buffers are assumed to be initialized previously, example:
// uint8_t updateFilePath[ OTA_MAX_FILE_PATH_SIZE ];
OtaAppBuffer_t otaBuffer =
.pUpdateFilePath = updateFilePath,
.updateFilePathsize = OTA_MAX_FILE_PATH_SIZE,
.pCertFilePath = certFilePath,
.certFilePathSize = OTA_MAX_FILE_PATH_SIZE,
.pDecodeMemory = decodeMem,
.decodeMemorySize = otaconfigFILE_BLOCK_SIZE,
.pFileBitmap = bitmap,
.pUrl = updateUrl,
.urlSize = OTA_MAX_URL_SIZE,
.pAuthScheme = authScheme,
// OTA interface context required for library interface functions
// The functions set by these interfaces are assumed to be defined
// For more information see [demos](
OtaInterfaces_t pOtaInterfaces =
// Initialize OTA library OS Interface.
.os.event.init = Posix_OtaInitEvent;
.os.event.send = Posix_OtaSendEvent;
// Initialize the OTA library MQTT Interface.
.mqtt.subscribe = mqttSubscribe;
.mqtt.publish = mqttPublish;
.mqtt.unsubscribe = mqttUnsubscribe;
// Initialize the OTA library HTTP Interface.
.http.init = httpInit;
.http.request = httpRequest;
.http.deinit = httpDeinit;
// Initialize the OTA library PAL Interface.
.pal.getPlatformImageState = otaPal_GetPlatformImageState;
.pal.setPlatformImageState = otaPal_SetPlatformImageState;
// OTA library error status.
// Unique client identifier
char * pClientIdentifier = "uniqueClientID";
otaErr = OTA_Init( &otaBuffer,
( const uint8_t * ) pClientIdentifier,
otaAppCallback ) ) != OtaErrNone )
if( otaErr == OtaErrNone )
// Do something with the OTA agent.
Max allowed number of bytes to track all blocks of an OTA file. Adjust block size if more range is ne...
Definition: ota_private.h:66
OTA Job callback events.
Definition: ota.h:167
@ OtaErrNone
No error occurred during the operation.
Definition: ota.h:81
uint8_t * pUpdateFilePath
Path to store the files.
Definition: ota.h:317
OtaInitEvent_t init
Initialization event.
Definition: ota_os_interface.h:265
OtaOSInterface_t os
OS interface to store event, timers and memory operations.
Definition: ota.h:303
OtaEventInterface_t event
OTA Event interface.
Definition: ota_os_interface.h:309