AWS IoT Over-the-air Update v2.0.0 (Release Candidate)
Client library for AWS IoT OTA

Get the statistics of OTA message packets.

The OTA API return status. OTA agent error codes are in the upper 8 bits of the 32 bit OTA error word...
Definition: ota.h:73
OtaErr_t OTA_GetStatistics(OtaAgentStatistics_t *pStatistics)
Get the statistics of OTA message packets.
Definition: ota.c:3164
This is the OTA statistics structure to hold useful info.
Definition: ota_private.h:299

Packet statistics are:

  • Received: The number of OTA packets that have been received but not necessarily queued for processing by the OTA agent.
  • Queued: The number of OTA packets that have been queued for processing. This implies there was a free message queue entry so it can be passed to the agent for processing.
  • Processed: The number of OTA packets that have actually been processed.
  • Dropped: The number of OTA packets that have been dropped because of either no queue or at shutdown cleanup.
Calling OTA_Init will reset this statistic.
OtaErrNone if the statistics can be received successfully.