Custom Congestion Controller

This folder contains an example of implementing and configuring a custom congestion controller in s2n-quic. s2n-quic includes CUBIC and BBRv2 congestion controller implementations, but you may implement the CongestionController trait, found in, to provide your own.


The CongestionController trait is considered unstable and may be subject to change in a future release. In order to build it you must add this line to your Cargo.toml file:

s2n-quic = { version = "1", features = ["unstable-congestion-controller"]}


async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    // Build an `s2n_quic::Server`
    let mut server = Server::builder()
        .with_tls((CERT_PEM, KEY_PEM))?
        // Specify the custom congestion controller endpoint defined in `custom-congestion-controller/src/`

    while let Some(mut connection) = server.accept().await {
        // spawn a new task for the connection
        tokio::spawn(async move {
            eprintln!("Connection accepted from {:?}", connection.remote_addr());

            while let Ok(Some(mut stream)) = connection.accept_bidirectional_stream().await {
                // spawn a new task for the stream
                tokio::spawn(async move {
                    eprintln!("Stream opened from {:?}", stream.connection().remote_addr());

                    // echo any data back to the stream
                    while let Ok(Some(data)) = stream.receive().await {
                        stream.send(data).await.expect("stream should be open");
