Extracts a label column and features column from a Row and serializes as a LibSVM record.
A RequestRowSerializer for converting labeled rows to SageMaker Protobuf-in-recordio request data.
Serializes according to the current implementation of the scoring service:
Extracts a features column from a Row and serializes as a LibSVM record.
Extracts a features column from a Row and serializes as a LibSVM record. Each serialized LibSVM record has a label of 0.
Each Row must contain a Vector column with name featuresColumnName.
Extracts a label column and features column from a Row and serializes as a LibSVM record. Each Row must contain a Double column and a Vector column containing the label and features respectively. Row field indexes for the label and features are obtained by looking up the index of labelColumnName and featuresColumnName respectively in the specified schema.
A schema must be specified before RequestRowSerializer#serializeRow is invoked by a client of this RequestRowSerializer. The schema is set either on instantiation of this RequestRowSerializer or by RequestRowSerializer#setSchema.